camp ‧₊˚✧[ ´´A strong shell most certainly has whiskers.´´ - OPEN SHELLWHISKER ROLEPLAY ]✧˚₊‧


I have lost more than you will ever know.
Mar 10, 2024
‎‧₊˚✧[ Shellwhisker slunk into the camp clearing from the gloominess of the warriors´ den, ice-blue eyes narrowed. The warrior stretched, her tail curling towards her back. Cats padded around her, their sleek fur glistening in the sunlight that dappled the camp, as well as the territory.

The she-cat whisked her tail, head tipping over to the side. Not many of her Clanmates seemed to be in camp. Patrolling, maybe? Hunting? Perhaps. Shellwhisker flicked an ear. Maybe she should ask a fellow warrior to go hunting - or fishing in the stream just outside camp - with her.

The RiverClanner spotted a Clanmate sitting alone. Maybe they´d like to go hunting with her. Shellwhisker padded over to her Clanmate.

´´Hi, { insert name here }! Would you like to go hunting with me?´´ ]✧˚₊‧‎
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。 ⋆🕷⋆ 。 Pawsteps herald an approaching clanmate, and by the slightly increasing volume, they likely seek to speak with Bogspider. Even so, he does not yet open his eyes until he hears Shellwhisker's voice, and it is only after another passing heartbeat that dark eyes flick open to focus on her paler silhouette. Though Bogspider has torn fish from the river not long ago, he will not pass up the opportunity for another fishing trip— if that is where she intends to go, of course.

"Lead on, Shellwhisker," they say lowly, rising to broad paws.
⸻  a tall torbie with perpetually disheveled, thick fur and mire-gold eyes. while slightly taller than average, he lacks a noticeable presence. they are a peripheral creature, and one that is quite rangy in build, as though a slim yet sturdy mangrove root has taken feline form. not unlike his namesake, he is capable of an eerie stillness waiting for just the right stimulus to strike.

。 ⋆🕷⋆ 。 Pawsteps herald an approaching clanmate, and by the slightly increasing volume, they likely seek to speak with Bogspider. Even so, he does not yet open his eyes until he hears Shellwhisker's voice, and it is only after another passing heartbeat that dark eyes flick open to focus on her paler silhouette. Though Bogspider has torn fish from the river not long ago, he will not pass up the opportunity for another fishing trip— if that is where she intends to go, of course.

"Lead on, Shellwhisker," they say lowly, rising to broad paws.

⸻  a tall torbie with perpetually disheveled, thick fur and mire-gold eyes. while slightly taller than average, he lacks a noticeable presence. they are a peripheral creature, and one that is quite rangy in build, as though a slim yet sturdy mangrove root has taken feline form. not unlike his namesake, he is capable of an eerie stillness waiting for just the right stimulus to strike.

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Shellwhisker felt a purr well up in her throat as Bogspider told her to lead on. Ear tips twitching, the golden-brown and white tabby started off towards the camp exit.

´´Are you alright with fishing?´´ The RiverClanner called back to her Clanmate. ´´I know that you came back from fishing a few moments ago.´´
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
Going on multiple fishing trips in a day didn't seem terribly far out of the ordinary... and it wasn't like most of RiverClan had the same fondness for bird-hunting as she did. It did make her something of an outlier... but... what else was to be expected for those that had lived their formative years without a clan's influence?

Padding after the two warriors as they veered off to go hunting, the deputy flicks a broken tail in greeting to them both, opting to spare her voice some where physical gesture could accomplish the same thing. She had some free time... she might as well make some use of her idle paws. "I'll join you."

Besides... if she were planning to keep up with her routines, she'd need to bring another fish home for the kittens to grade her on. Maybe this time she'd put an extra bite in it to make it look like a 'messier' catch... see how much they were picking up on as they got to eat fish more often. She'd catch them a bird to try soon, now that spring was in full-swing.

Shellwhisker's ears perked up, and she turned her head to see RiverClan's Deputy, Lichentail. A warm-hearted purr welled up in her throat. She couldn't deny the Deputy. She'd be mouse-brained! ''Of course, Lichentail!'' She glanced at Bogspider.