
Feb 23, 2025

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    RUSSETKIT RUSSETPAW ; finds it fitting, is generally content with it
    russetpaw is a chocolate lynx point / lilac chimera. He has a compact but well-muscled build, a trait he shares with the majority of other windclan tunnelers.he has large tufted ears and a stocky tail, his hefty paws hiding formidably sized talons beneath them which aid in clearing away sediment.

    ⤷ named for the rich multitude of earthly-toned colors that adorn his pelt
    — male; he/him, confused by other terms; unlabeled, doesn't really care
    apprentice of windclan, loves his home and those he lives with, feels satisfied with the clan he was born into / doesn't concern himself with the other clans, but enjoys being a nuisance at the border; no former allegiances
    — created 10.19.2024 at 2 moons / ages every 1st
    — penned by sloane
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    Sporting a pelt painted with a multitude of thick chocolate hues, he blends in seamlessly with the terrain in which he resides. His base coat is a shade of light chestnut, which darkens into a deeper hue of taupe against legs, face, and some of his back. A hardwood mask highlights the center of his face, underbelly, paws, and the tip of his tail. Rich bistre stripes make up the centerpiece of his coat, the most prominent of which encase his limbs and face, while overtaking his ears and tail entirely. Dull flax eyes slice through the menagerie of earthly tones, while a ragged looking scar settles unnaturally against his maw. His long ivory whiskers are often dishevelled and twisted at various angles the further away they extend from their base. At times, a singular yellow-tinted snaggletooth will hook itself against his lips, and paired with his heavy-hanging ears, this may give him a slightly dog-like appearance.
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    Russetpaw is quite the character, for lack of a better term. He is not unkind, oftentimes seeking out companionship in his clanmates and even those from across the border, their ages- or intentions- not a deal breaker in his eyes by any means. He's a bit of a trickster, pulling pranks on unsuspecting victims and making jokes at their expense by extension. These range from harmless to potentially dangerous, though he never goes in with the intention of causing blatant harm to others. He is not the most observant when it comes to the feelings of those around him, and may become confused if someone expresses a negative reaction to something that he had viewed to be harmless fun. This paired with his generally unconventional behavior makes it difficult for him to connect with others, however he has yet to be entirely deterred. He is persistent, perhaps to an annoying degree, and when he has set his sights on something- or someone- he wont give up easily.

    Generally, hes quite erratic and hyperactive. He finds comfort in the unethical and bizzare, and has no qualms with showing it to the world. It is not uncommon to see him playing with and even ingesting things such as dirt, roots, rocks, and even worms, all of which he happily offers others in the form of gift giving. His personality is unpredictable and loud, an unfiltered mouth allowing for a level of outspokenness that may or may not be appropriate for any given situation. He has a habit of talking to himself, making odd noises, and jumping from one topic to another in the middle of a conversation. To an extent, he exists in his own world, those around him being another piece that went to a bigger puzzle that made up the backdrop of it. He enjoys getting reactions out of others, oftentimes prodding at individuals he has taken a liking to until they eventually provide him with some kind of response- whether negative or positive, it depends on the person- and the more intense it is, the better. Unfortunately for their neighboring clans, his favorite means of utilizing this method is through the other clans as they linger along the scentline or at gatherings. Easily distracted and difficult to hold an extended interaction with, he seems to thrive off constant stimulation, and needs something to be happening around him at all times in order to remain focused. Impulsive by means of curiosity, he may find himself facing dangers due to his first instinct over anything to simply go to it, his desire for the unpredictable and new too strong for him to resist. He is difficult to control, and unless he is under constant surveillance, it would be best to automatically assume hes getting himself into some kind of situation.

    Despite his many flaws, he is a loyal friend and clanmate, his desire to connect with others prominent despite being shown in unethical ways. He is not the best listener nor is he overly concerned with the concept of mental struggle, however he may provide his own strange means of comfort for those who may need it in his own way. He does not speak much about himself or his emotions, so it may be difficult for those to understand him on any level deeper than just the surface. Though, if you're as determined as he is when it comes to seeing your endeavors through to completion, perhaps he could be more than what meets the eye.

    Displays physical tics such as rapid blinking, head shaking or jerking, clicking his teeth, or tapping all four paws against the ground simultaneously.
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    doesn't care for the concept of trust, instead deciding whether or not he likes you based on your demeanor and reactions you display in response to the way he behaves towards you
    SOUNDS LIKE: gene wilder's willy wonka
    SMELLS LIKE: damp earth, sediment, wildflowers, and heather with a musty undertone
    speech is #858366

    GLADEFROST xx SLATEHEART sibling to moonpaw, stormpaw, ryepaw | nibling to gravelsnap, ashpaw, mourningpaw, weepingpaw, vulturepaw | mentoring none , mentored by brackenscar
    Mate to none | Parent to none
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    ► APPREHENSION - rinse & repeat
    SCROLL PATROL - rinse & repeat

    INTRASPORT - king gizzard and the lizard wizard
    THE MIND ELECTRIC - miracle musical

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    IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
  • Code:
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    [slide_header][box=100%;padding:5px; border:1px solid #2E261E; background:#2E261E][box=100%; <!---------- CHANGE COLOR HERE------------>; background:#858366; background-size:cover; color:transparent]accordion[/box][/box][/slide_header]
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    text-align:justify; line-height:1.1; scrollbar-width:none; <--- RESIZE IMAGE TO YOUR LIKING --->][fleft][img width=80px]https://i.postimg.cc/HnDSyTFc/gfdcghjk-1-1.png[/img][/fleft][b]Russetpaw[/b] is a chocolate lynx point / lilac chimera. He has a compact but well-muscled build, along with large, tufted ears and a stocky tail
    [s]gladefrost[/s] x [s]slateheart[/s] / sibling to moonpaw, stormpaw, ryepaw / nibling to mourningpaw, weepingpaw, vulturepaw
    mentored by brackenscar / mentoring none
    7 moons old as of 3/1/2025[fright]penned by sloane[/fright][/box][/box][/slide][/accordion]
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