Howlingstar stands by the riverbank, green eyes alight with the sun's golden reflection off the water. She should feel at ease, shouldn't she? Her clanmates are safe under Leafhusk's care, no one else will get hurt until their investigate can finally come up with something. Her loyal lead warriors and deputy see all - surely they will catch onto something soon. Still, the dream she had a quarter-moon ago continues to haunt her thoughts. Drowning in the rain, her lungs filling with the storm's water...she doesn't know why she's here, but perhaps she thought that laying eyes on her dream-killer could bring her some clarity. But no, it remains the same as it always has, a rushing current that has witnessed countless seasons of change in the forest. It's almost like it holds the answers she cannot seem to grasp.

As the waves splash against the rocks, the tabby leader allows herself a moment of relaxation. At least her dreams since have been...nice. It's been nothing but warm sunsets and clear skies, the trees green and the flowers blooming. She shouldn't be worried. She must have faith. Just as she closes her eyes to take a deep breath, she hears rustling in the undergrowth behind her. When she turns, she spots familiar faces and naturally relaxes - it's just her clanmates. "I didn't realize a patrol would be going along this border right now," She mews, smiling softly at them. "Any luck on your hunt?"
We have to kill Howlingstar.

The words echo, kin saying to kill kin, warriors and apprentices ordered to kill a leader. She was not clanborn, no, predating the clans by cycles of seasons, but nor was she a kittypet and so Sproutpaw had been surprised.

We have to kill Howlingstar.

She was a sympathizer, allowing the kittypets in and thinking that they could train to be proper ThunderClanners. There was a reason SkyClan was deemed weak by all and it was their promise of allowing kittypets and loners in freely, letting those with twolegs go to their boxes at the end of the night to grow soft and forget their training. StarClan would have to pry Sproutpaw off the earth before he would sit idly by and allow ThunderClan to become soft, to become scum of the clans.

We need to kill Howlingstar.

The words were his own now, acceptance for the path that he must take in order to do what was right. ThunderClan was StarClan's favored, the clan closest to the Fourtrees, the only clan that bordered all four other clans. They were meant to be strong enough to protect the four borders, strong enough to be in the middle of everything, deciding who got to fight who if they wanted to cross into territories. How could they be that strong clan with soft cats within it? Soft cats that had to be sent away into the unclaimed lands because they couldn't protect themselves from cats younger than themselves... cats smaller than themselves. StarClan had not yet intruded so it was right, this was the right thing to do.

Sproutpaw looks to the others around him, grin on his maw before they broke through the underbrush to see Howlingstar just where they knew she'd be, sitting along the riverbank before looking back towards the small group of cats. She asks if there was any luck on their hunt and for a moment there's faux sadness within his face, tail flicking behind the older apprentice's back before he shook his head. "No, haven't seen much of anything really." He gets close as he said it, just as a clanmate would, hopes the others would do the same. "Maybe it's because Bigfang isn't here to help teach me?" It feels like ash, speaking his name out in this way, "Maybe one day you could help me? I know my assessment is coming up."

By now the others should be in place, they would all be near Howlingstar just as though they were all on a patrol together along the side of the river. He'd glance to the others in that moment, smile back on his maw as he reached out in practiced movement and hoped the other two would do the same, and with all his might he'd push for Howlingstar's inability to swim was a well-known fact, and making it seem like an accident was the quickest way to make sure the job was done.

  • --
  • 79619874_hcUKvDlxKSRuDI7.png
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

So let's pretend we like each other

Howlingstar had to go. Skyclaw decreed so, that they had to kill her, and yet not that long ago Yewflame had sworn his loyalty to Howlingstar, but he supposed he could twist that and say he was also loyal to her kin. This was necessary, for the clan. The weak mustn't be able to come back, and Howlingstar only sending them away temporarily sealed her fate.

Walking amongst Sproutpaw he lifted his chin slightly while looking at their leader, seeing the warm smile on her lips, and oh how she never suspected a thing. How she trusted them all so, unsuspecting of anything... weak, soft. Just as those kitty petted warriors she had allowed in, to muddy their camp grounds, making greenleaf much harder for them, lazing about while they did all the hard work.

Skyclaw was right, they needed to kill Howlingstar, rid her of this clan for good. She'll understand... right? She had to, after all this was all for the clan. Sproutpaw took initiative of the situation, being the first to begin the push while Yewflame slipped next to him while she hummed ever so sweetly to their leader."Perhaps you could join us, hmm? The more the merrier, and the more chance we'll bring prey home for everyone. And I'm sure those we sent away would happy to come home and be able to fill their bellies full" he expressed coolly before joining into the same motion as Sproutpaw, aiming to push the leader as well.

Once she's gone... once shes gone, surely Thunderclan will thrive once more like they had several moons ago when Howlingstar had been much younger and ruled with an iron paw. Meanwhile all he could think to himself was, 'forgive me Howlingstar. Its for the best' surely when the time comes, and he reunites with their leader in starclan...she would finally see their vison, her kin's vision for Thunderclan.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw thought he understood the extent of how much hunger could hurt. After an endless day of hunting and training, his stomach had practically burned, especially when he was forced to sit back and watch as others ate before him. He couldn’t necessarily complain- queens and kits, even the elder’s of Thunderclan deserved every much needed bite. But what happens when a day’s - a week’s - worth of hunting only filled the endlessly hungry bellies of the clan’s vulnerable, leaving those who’d worked hard for every strike and sniff to be left with that hollowed emptiness in their gut?

That’s where all this had begun, hadn’t it? A hunger, and the desperation to ease that suffering. Wrathpaw wanted to eat, and watching cats like Roaringpaw and Stormywing eat before him, even if it was because of circumstance or timing, fueled him with rage. They, like the cats across the border that fateful day, with funny names and even funnier histories, were the cats he’d been told to steal from. So wasn’t it true that they were in turn stealing, or at least withholding, from Wrathpaw? It was them on their side and Wrathpaw on the other, and it was his job to defend his home. That’s the truth. That’s what he believed

But now that he knew what true hunger felt like…he suddenly wasn’t so sure what he believed.

Real hunger was so much more than the petty ache in his tummy when he had to go to bed with only a nibble or two. Real hunger felt like a yawning hole where his abdomen should be. It extends with fiery tendrils like embers shooting free from a charred hollow, although not hot enough to set flame it burned no less fiercely when it touched the edges of flesh and soul. He wished it would just kill him already. In the very least, he wishes he could throw up.

Instead, the boy sinks into the hollow that’s left of his belly, praying distantly that the choice he’s already made will somehow ease that endless burn within him. Praying is all that fills his head as he pads after his clan-mates, not another thought is allowed room, lest he forget his truth, Skyclaw’s promise for a better clan, Smokefur’s insistence that, if Howlingstar should remain, then Wrathpaw will lose his family.

When did this stop being about honor and bravery?

Probably when it stopped feeling honorable and brave.

Wrathpaw is silent as he pulls himself from the bushes. His presence here is all that needs to be said. He’s certain that Howlingstar can see right through him - the hollow in his eyes too heavy to not be visable. He wants to apologize. He wants to ask for her forgiveness, or at least ask if there’s any last words she wants to share. He wants to ask if she’d at least had a good breakfast.

The cruel words of his clanmates, faux replies, spin like a mealstrom around him, but he just stares at Howlingstar. Her question was sweet, her eyes no less kind. They’re her clanmates, that hasn’t changed. She’s their leader, neither has that. With them changing her rank through death mean that she wouldn’t see them as family anymore? were they even clanmates anymore, regardless of the outcome?
He wants to vomit.
He wants to apologize.
He wants to stop his clanmate, ease this hate, and do the right thing.

Instead, with tears the only thing filling his empty eyes, Wrathpaw chooses to push his leader into the water below. With three sets of paws, there can be no room for error.

His stomach hurts.

  • // a little rushed ahhh forgive me!

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell
Call it a sixth sense or whatever you will, but Howlingstar's fur along her spine stands up as the patrol draws closer. Something isn't right. Green eyes flick suspiciously between the three of them as Sproutpaw and Yewflame talk to her like they'd talk to any clanmate. But something in their body language, in their doesn't feel right. Trying to remain casual, she takes a single step back. "Where is your rmentor?" She tries her best to keep an innocent tone to her voice as she directs the question to Wrathpaw, who looks at her with hauntingly empty eyes. They surround her, with their fake smiles and words of camaraderie. Something is not right.

One moves first, she thinks it's Sproutpaw. And then the rest follow. "What-" They lunge at her with such speech and power that it catches her off guard, their paws pummeling her and sending her riverward with their force. A gasp leaves her, eyes stretched wide as they gaze at the now-murderous faces of her clanmates. Confusion paints her expression, claws swipe desperately in their direction but find no purchase. The cool greenleaf water engulfs her swiftly and she disappears into the waves, a writhing mess of limbs and fur.

She yowls every chance she gets, every time she is able to clumsily force her muzzle above the water. Her paws kick out wildly in an effort to keep her afloat, but her legs are untrained for propelling through water. With panic gripping her, she does not bear a river-cat's knowledge to hold her breath. Water infiltrates her nose, her mouth, her eyes. Her lungs sting as they fight to get air, but in her desperate attempt to gasp for breath she only gulps more water. As the river carries her away and out of sight of her attacker, she can do nothing but thrash in a desperate attempt to reach the surface. Images flash through her mind, her children's pelts, her grandchildren's sweet faces. Will she ever see them again? Or is she destined now to lose her remaining lives here, under the surface of the water, never to be discovered.

She doesn't know when she stills - she just knows she has. Black begins to creep in the edges of her vision as Howlingstar stares up at the sunlight refracting into the water. Oh. This is what my dream had been about. It was a warning. Her eyes shut as she begins to lose consciousness. No, not a warning...a prophecy. I couldn't have stopped this. The last thing she hears is a low, sudden sound, like something entering the water; the last blinking sight captures a pair of sapphire eyes. A bubble flutters from her lips, the last bit of air her lungs had clung to, before the ThunderClan leader is no more than a corpse drifting underwater.

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. She’s brooding, Lakemoon knows she’s brooding. Her apprentices are tending to duties somewhere deeper in the territory, unable to accompany her on the river bank facing ThunderClans territory. Graypaw had been struggling since Streamkits accident, the silvery warrior can see how it wears down the young tom’s features. Splashpaw, a whole other headache to no fault of her own, but to the squabbling leader and deputy who seem more content playing strange games than letting Lakemoon fulfill her responsibility that is the girls education. Hunched over the churning water below, its darkness glares back a vivid reflection of Lakemoon’s bitter features, and she can almost hear Lilybloom’s faint, teasing giggle. What’s sitting here and frowning going to change, my moon?
Lakemoon’s ears flatten at the ghost of some broken memory, shutting out the ghostly echo of her dead mates comfort.
That’s when she hears it, the first gargled yowl from somewhere unseen, upstream. The tabby she-cat stands, eyes narrowing. Over the sound of river water crashing against jutted rocks, the second time Lakemoon hears the ragged sound, she is able to spot the flailing cat it comes from, the white forepaw and sodden tabby pelt that desperately reaches for the air above before being dragged down. That couldn’t be.
The moon-touched warrior knew that once a thrashing cat had begun to sink, any attempt at rescuing them was near futile. Either they were dead by the time she could reach them, or they’d drag her down with them in their panic. Yet, Lakemoon dives head-first and without a second thought. When sapphire connects to crinkled ivy, Lakemoon swims faster, legs burning under the strain of trying to get herself down further, quicker.
By the time teeth are sinking into the ThunderClan leaders scruff, her eyes have closed and it is dead weight that the silver warrior pulls towards her, closer to the surface. The teeth that could touch are gritted against each other as Lakemoon relies on her hindlegs to propel them upwards, breaking the waters surface with a sharp grunt. Heart hammering against a burning chest, Lakemoon is able to keep them both afloat until the current pushes them towards a rock she is able to push off, out of rush and towards the nearest forest bank. When an alabaster forepaw reaches land once more, the cry that already is ripping from her vocal cords is as loud as she can muster, a command. “HELP!” Their arrival to land is little less than graceful as the RiverClan warrior hastily hoists her grandmother back onto land, steps staggering as she drags Howlingstar from her watery grave and lays her down, heaving. “Howlingstar?” Lakemoon chokes, water sputtering from her throat and nostrils as she presses a forepaw to the stilled leader's shoulder. She pressed an ear to her grandmothers flank, her nose between a striped shoulder and the base of her neck, looking for anything, anything that told Lakemoon she was coming back to them. “Come on… come on…” the plea is little less than a splintered breath. She had seen the leaders throat ripped from her body and still make it back- but how long had it been since then? How many lives has Howlingstar lost? Lakemoon doesn’t get to know that. Lakemoon gets to sit, hunched over her grandmother with the matriarchs head in her paws and pray that Howlingstars clanmates arrive, or that her grandmothers eyes open again.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

CW: vomiting up water

For several long moments, the leader remains motionless. Fortunately, StarClan does not have much to repair during this death. It is only water. And so when she wakes up, it is the water that is ejected first, mouthfuls escaping her jaws and onto the dry earth. Howlingstar gasps for breath as green eyes flutter open, her vision blurred and her body feeling heavy with exhaustion. Above her sits a blurry gray figure, but those eyes - they had been the same ones she'd seen in the river. Her gaze widens as her coughing slows. "Lakemoon?" She raggedly whispers to the warrior hunched over her, a look of relief on the leader's face. She begins to shiver, the river's cold touch still lingering in her soaked pelt, as she manages to lift her head. "You saved me." Her voice is filled with affection, her eyes twinkling adoringly at the granddaughter she is always missing, always wondering about. The granddaughter she helped raise all those seasons ago.

She struggles to her paws, her legs trembling. "Thank you," She manages, barely audible. Clearing her throat, she tries again. "Thank you." The she-cat closes her eyes tight as she recalls the vivid memory of being swept underwater. The memory of who had done it. Struggling to push through the daze, she suddenly gasps as it all flows back to her. Her clanmates had tried to kill her. They...had killed her. And they could still be here. " need to leave, Lakemoon. It's not safe. I can explain it all later, but you need to leave, and I- I need to get back to camp, I-" I have to tell the clan. I have to warn them. The sound of approaching pawsteps grows louder and Howlingstar looks up with shock and fear. It could be them. "Lakemoon, go, now, please. I love you, go!"

As soon as she has reluctantly gone, Howlingstar watches her tail disappear into the undergrowth before she turns to see who greets her there. Her claws unsheathe, her pelt begins to bristle...Let this end, now.
  • Wow
Reactions: Thorny

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. When her grandmothers eyelids begin to flutter, Lakemoon has to choke back a gasp of relief, instead stepping back to give Howlingstar space to get up.
You saved me.
Storm toned ears flatten, her heart still hammering as emotions writhed behind azure hues, trying to rip themselves free against the warriors wishes. “Howlingstar-” Lakemoon begins, but before she can say anything, ask how her rational, intelligent grandmother let herself end up in the river she couldn’t swim in, the sound of thundering pawsteps instills a fear in her kin that Lakemoon cannot understand. “What’s happening?” Let me help. Lakemoon almost wants to say, but can’t bring herself to.
She doesn’t get the chance in the end, and she knew better than to disobey her grandmother, no matter the territory she housed in. “Okay, okay i’ll go.” It takes another heartbeat before the willowy warrior can get her paws to even shuffle backwards, azure hues skewed with concern, longing. “I love you, find me when you can.” Lakemoon doesn’t have anymore time to elaborate as the ground begins to stir from approaching paws. With a frown, the RiverClan warrior leaves her grandmother on the shore, disappearing into the undergrowth to find a further place to swim back across the river.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowbite treks through the forest. She's caught the scents: the leader, and the would-be murderers. All the cats who Skyclaw had ordered to draw blood. It cannot smell the metallic tang quite yet. It draws closer to the riverbed, emerges through the bushes to meet the leader.

"Howlingstar." The name tears itself from her maw, ragged and breathy. She looks half-drowned, fur falling in tangles. She looks winded, bristling with claws unsheathed. She can't have many lives left, a dead woman walking.

It thinks, I could kill her right now.

The thought makes it sick.

That's what the others want, isn't it? Proof that it is one of them, that its outsider blood affords her no kindness to kittypets. If it killed her now, it would hold a power in the bloodshed. A phyrric victory. Look, it could scream. I am above all of you. No one can dare to hurt me now.

And yet - it has tasted death, and it finds no sweetness there. There is only the curdling of guilt in its stomach. It cannot kill Howlingstar. It cannot bring that pain to its sister's face; she loves her mentor in a way that it never has. It cannot rip away the tenuous safety that it has only just granted its siblings. Too much blood has already stained its paws. It cannot bear any more.

She wrenches her eye shut, and guilt pools in the words that pour from her mouth. "Skyclaw, he..." The confession tumbles out, hurried and tinged with frenzy. "He told me and - and everyone who's been following him... Told us t' kill you." Its eye flickers open, taking in her reaction. It backs away, tail lashing. Claws sink into the earth. "I can't, I -" It never should have gotten involved with any of this. "He's been stirrin' everyone up, talkin' 'bout how we gotta get rid of kittypets... All the exiles, and cats still here, too. I think... I think he ordered all those murders. Or encouraged 'em, at least. He's - " It cuts itself off with a shaky breath.

Its ears prick.

Voices, ones it recognizes well. Its eye widens, voice going quiet. "You gotta hide. They're comin'." It speaks with urgency, pacing closer to the leader. "Quickly," it hisses.

Howlingstar will not die again today, if it has anything to say about it.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Last edited:
As Lakemoon's pawsteps disappear from the forest sounds, the rustling before her grows. A golden eye is the first thing she sees, and the rest of the scarred and marred body follows. Fallowbite. Her name is growled from the brand new warrior's maw and Howlingstar tenses. It has been hanging out with cats like Wrathpaw. Is she here to finish the job for her friends? She stands there, rigid, eyes narrowed until she speaks again. "What are you doing here?" She demands with a hint of urgency and fear in her voice.

Skyclaw, he...

Her grandson's name is spoken and the tabby's ears prick. What about him? Is he alright? Has her kin been harmed, too?

He told us to kill you.

She has never felt her blood turn so cold. Ice shards splinter her veins as a pit forms in her stomach, swallowing her heart whole. "Wh.....what?" She breathes, her expression nothing but confused and lost for several long moments. She must have heard something wrong. Or Fallowbite is lying. This could all be another cruel trick. How many of her clanmates are set against her, dedicated to ruining her? She takes a shaking step back, her tail beginning to lash. "That can't be." Her grandson, her own kin, the tom she'd trained as her apprentice and watched grow up...he'd never try to hurt her. She'd nurtured him. Protected his secret. Loved him. But the more Fallowbite talks, the more real it all sounds. The kittypets, the exiles, the couldn't be all him...could it?

"I don't understand, why are you telling me this?" Aren't you with them? She shakes her head as tears begin to gather in her eyes but the voices approaching cause her to tense, her head swinging back around. No. They're here. She looks back to Fallowbite with wide eyes and hesitates for only a moment before she listens to her, scurrying into the undergrowth downwind. She huddles deep in a bramble bush as her heart pounds in her chest, trying her best to slow her quickening, terrified breaths. She's too overwhelmed to process everything that has happened. All she can do is watch with round, panicked eyes as her three murderers approach along the riverbank. Her claws instinctively unsheathe...just in case Fallowbite needs backup.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw's breath catches in his throat when his hind paw, unbalanced from pushing, almost slips beneath him. Oh no, I almost fell in he thinks, a burst of fear expected of one so close to a sheer drop. It's the most normal, innocent thought he's had in moons.

A laugh gurgles from his throat, putrid and tasting of bile. It rakes at his chest like claws extending from his mouth and deep past his chest cavity. The hole only grows wider. He must sound like a madman, giggling at his leader's demise like tears aren't filling his eyes with river water he swears he can taste. He wishes he could slip into madness - deny his place in all this blood-shed and hatred, claw out his ears, sob like a kitten he can no longer claim to be, kick and claw at trees until these useless claws of his tear off!

But he cannot hide behind the blamelessness of insanity - he's here, after all. The earth beneath his paws, the roar of river water, the pounding of blood in his ears ground him so painfully to the scene. His breath, though, comes out in wheezing gasps. Surprise, befuddlement, confusion, the look in Howlingstar's kind green eyes, stretched wide with shock - but not hatred. No rage had coated those wise old hues of hers, just plain old "oh". Did the hatred come after she fell over the edge? Or did she di...drown still wondering what she did wrong, what had possessed her clanmates, what was even going on?

His paws move him forth without much thought behind him. He's too preoccupied with watching the river, noting every sliver of copper and wash of green within its depth as he follows the aquatic serpent along its tumultuous path. Did it hurt? Did she go quickly? Was Starclan watching them through the water, the clouds, glaring at them as fiercely as the sun's glare upon the shimmering surface?

His stomach ached and twisted, lurching like it had joined Howlingstar in the fall, crashing now against rocks, and eaten by pikes. "What did we do " he whimpers as he searches for brown fur among biting and hissing waters. His paws burn where water spray touches them, where his paw pads had shoved against soft maternal fur so similar to his mother's. "I can't, I don' could we..." More mewls escape him as he shoves past underbrush, imagining a world where he'll never see the woman climb atop the high rock again, never greet her clanmates with a warm smile, never nuzzle her kits or play with her grandkids -

"She had a family, th-they're waiting for her" he doesn't know who he's talking to anymore, but the reminder makes him want to hurl again. Throw away the contents in his belly, or leap into the water - both options sound equally useless. He did this so that he could see his family...but could could he ever look any of them in the eye again?

And then, all at once, his pity party came to an end.
Wrathpaw's eyes fall upon a trail. Dots of sodden earth confetti from the river, like a single raincloud, had been given life by the river's water and floated away into the forest, into the grass and bushes where its path couldn't be trailed. What are the chances that it was actually a cloud and not a leader desperate to live?

Breathe escapes him, rapid and hot against the roof of his mouth, deep blue eyes the color of a drowning man's permanent residence snap from the river to the mud and back again, he can see nothing else. She's alive. She's alive.
If he were a good person, he'd rejoice.
Instead, panic seizes him like nothing else.

My family is all he can think - as if Howlingstar hadn't thought the same when pushed over the edge...oh the irony.

Whirling around, Wrathpaw faces his clanmates, his co-murderers, and wails, "We failed! FUCK - Skyclaw said th-this was foolproof! Skyclaw said that we didn't need to even draw blood we- we-" he fumbles with his words as badly as the leader he chose to follow fumbled his truth. Was that why Skyclaw wasn't the one who offered to kill Howlingstar? Is that why he sent two stupid apprentices and an idiot of a warrior - because he knew that if they fucked it up, it'd be no loss to Thunderclan's great future?

Finally, a statement no one could argue with.

Wrathpaw clawed furiously at the sodden spot where an undeniable paw-print faded into the grass, the sunlight trapped in his stream of tears the only light left in wild dark eyes. "Skyclaw promised that if I did this, my family would never know, he promised! He promised me!" he rages to no one in particular, because there wasn't anyone to blame, not really. To realize only now that everything he'd done and said and believed was nonsense was no excuse. Pebblestep died. Wrathpaw killed. His place in his clan, with his siblings, was abandoned by Wrathpaw and wrathpaw alone.

Wrathpaw's fate was set in stone and Howlingstar would surely ensure he felt every pebble shoved down his gullet.
Maybe he deserved it. Maybe it was the least he could do. Maybe...just maybe...he'll finally feel full only after the weight of his sins have been returned to him...?

Fuck that,, Wrathpaw was petrified!

All of this had begun with a coward, it would surely end with one, too.

"S-surely Skyclaw c-can think of something" Wrathpaw stutters, lanky body wrecked with trembles as he finished his impulsive clawing of the dirt, perhaps an unconscious head-start to his own grave? Backing away from the small hole, the metaphor that yawns for him like slavering jaws, he turns back to his clanmates, desperate for answers.

That's when, finally, he notices Fallowbite.
"Tell me you saw her" Wrathpaw begs, taking a trembling step closer to his friend, raising a paw as if to grab her, as if Fallowbite could somehow be a piece of floating driftwood for him to latch onto. Instead, he stares at its cold, amber eyes, two shades brighter than copper, but it's enough. He yanks his paw back, as if fearing its mangy brown fur might set him ablaze. Might it? He searches her expression, longing for comfort, for punishment, for a confirmation that Howlingstar was dead - for confirmation that she was okay.
Pulled between one extreme and another, Wrathpaw can only weep between shallow intakes of air.

Then finally, smaller than a bug, he whispers the only question that truly matters, " it too late?"
Too late to stop Howlingstar, too late to fix things...too late for forgiveness...too late for Wrathpaw in every sense of the word.

He fears he already knows the answer.

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell
The trio walks along the riverside, moving in and out of underbrush when something small moved, when the thought of getting caught began to make their paws itch to run and their heart to threaten to explode from worry. Wrathpaw begins to speak, trembling and kit-like in the way he whimpers out the words and it causes Sproutpaw's tail to lash out behind him. "Shut up." The almost-warrior hissed out, mismatched eyes flicking over to the slightly younger apprentice as he cries about what they did, about how Howlingstar had a family that was waiting for her. "She's old, it was her time to go soon anyway besides when it's found out it was water that did her in they'd think she was stupid anyway, they'd finally realize she wasn't fit to be leader." What kind of cat would try swimming when they knew they couldn't? Why would Howlingstar be within the water without any battle wounds on her other than simply being stupid or senile and walking too close?

He catches sight of the trail of water, large puddle soaking into the earth beside the river before it begins to move out and towards the underbrush before it's gone completely and an annoying hiss leaves him just as Wrathpaw speaks out - words Sproutpaw thought he'd never hear from the coward - before Sproutpaw shakes his head. "He's gotta have a backup plan, there was no guarantee this would take all of her lives - if any - just like the deathberries... StarClan's throwing us challenges to make sure we're actually tough enough to follow through and not wimp out. Skyclaw will know what to do." A breath leaves him, calming down whatever nerves he would have had begin to bubble up before eyes land on Fallowbite, waiting for the answer to Wrathpaw's question before he began to turn.

"Come on, we have to let SkyClaw know that she didn't die. Hopefully she's at least injured so we get to him first." Hopefully she hit her head on the way in and didn't realize who it was who had pushed her in, hopefully if she did remember he'd be able to lie his way out of it and sink back into obscurity so that he could still work within the clan to make sure things went right.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    11 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Wow

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Relief and fear flood through Fallowbite in equal measure as Howlingstar flees. Each breath it takes is measured, shaky. It turns to face the would-be murderers with nothing but its usual glare.

(They could kill her right here, she realizes. She sets her jaw.)

They don't know. They can't know. It watches Wrathpaw impassively as he paws uselessly at the ground. They know that she is alive, and nothing more. She will keep it that way.

She does not offer a greeting to the three cats, only speaks when she is addressed. "Howlingstar?" she drawls, staring the apprentice down. Her voice is rumbling, languid and steeped in annoyance. "Mm, knew it was her scent. Haven't seen her." She flicks her ear dismissively, turns to face the others fully. A dappled paw gestures to the sodden pawprints that Wrathpaw had just tried to tear away. "Figured this was your work, so..."

She is well used to turning fear into rage by now, and so she bares her fangs in a snarling grimace. "Thought I'd take the chance t' finish the old bastard off." Is that convincing enough? She's been practicing this art for so long, this careful dance of cloaking her vulnerability. The lie comes surprisingly easy. She has always painted herself more violent than she felt. "No luck, though," she adds, letting frustration bubble up in the words.

Sproutpaw seems to be the leader of this little group, despite his age. She holds back a scoff at his authoritative tone, ordering them to go crawling back to their leader. It's a relief, at least, to get them away from Howlingstar...

But her paws do not move just yet. She does not check on the leader's hiding spot for fear of giving anything away, and instead her glinting golden eye settles on Wrathpaw. Somethinf about his fear, his talk of his family, makes her stomach twist with familiarity. The baritone of her voice softens to a low rumble. "Y'shouldn't give up hope yet. C'mon," she mumbles, something almost sympathetic in her tone. She gives him a quick shoulder check as she brushes past to get him moving, sets off after Sproutpaw in search of the cat she has just sabatoged.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
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