Jun 6, 2022


  • -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- With her apprentice gone, Starlingheart is left without someone to take over healing the clan if something were to ever happen to her. Through her grief, she recognizes that ShadowClan is now without a very valuable asset, a nearly fully trained medicine cat apprentice and though it will still be a couple of moons before she actually takes anyone else under her wing, she will be on the lookout for someone who shows potential in the world of healing.

    I will be going more in depth about what I am looking for ICly and OOCly in the rules so please be sure to give them a thorough read! Before you apply it is also encouraged that you take a look at the Rank Guide to get a better understanding of what will be expected of you if you are to be accepted into this position.

    I look forward to reading everyone's applications! ♡ There is no set closing date but I don't expect this to be open for very long.










  • ONLY PRE-EXISTING ACTIVE CHARACTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Characters made after this interest check has been posted will not be taken into consideration when it comes time for me to choose. In the same bracket, I will also only be considering activity from prior to this interest check as well. Spamming the board will not boost your chances and may actually hinder them instead.
    YOUR CHARACTER MUST BE INTERESTED IN MEDICINE. Because of how Starlingheart was thrust into her position, she would never force a cat who was not interested in becoming a medicine cat into this role and thus I ask that this be a character who has shown interest in the medicine cat path prior to this interest check if possible. I would be open to her receiving a sign from StarClan dictating her choice, but again if your character does not want to become a medicine cat she would not force it, even with a sign.
    ANY CHARACTER CAN APPLY. There is not an age requirement for this position and as long as your character meets all the other above standards they are free to apply! This includes other staff members. Everyone will be given an equal opportunity as I will be looking only at the factors stated in these rules.
  • YOU CANNOT HAVE ANOTHER CHARACTER ON THE MEDICINE CAT TRACK. per TT rules, anyone who plays a character already on the medicine cat track will not be considered, but anyone on the leader track is free to apply!
    MAKE SURE YOURE WILLING TO STAY IN THIS POSITION LONG TERM. I would prefer to pick a character who is in it for the long haul and who will be around for quite a while. The training time for a medicine cat apprentice on TT is anywhere between 10 months to a year and I really would like for Starlingheart to train a character fully before I step down with her. She has been a main of mine for quite some time and I don't expect that to change for a while yet.
    PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE IN THE DISCORD. Picking the next MCA is already stressful as is and it is extremely noticeable to myself and others when people try to suck up to me or make their opinions known on who they think deserves the position more. Please try to avoid doing this as much as possible.
  • Code:
    [b]MAIN ACCOUNT[/b]:
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WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY: It would be interesting! Snowpaw mentally has everything all mapped out in life, but as Snowpaw has grown in the recent moons they have come to realize how much they care for the clan, and if Starlingheart were to ask Snowpaw they would take much consideration for it since they want nothing more to help their clan in any way possible even if it means their path changes from the one they thought of for themselves. Snow at times has shown to have a sense of empathy, putting others before them so it would definitely be interesting to see where this could lead them!
ANY EXTRA NOTES: Good luck to everyone!!
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY: The life of a warrior just doesn’t suit Opossumpaw; he doesn’t excel in strength like his peers and simply put becoming a warrior doesn’t appeal to him. However he’s extremely clever and a quick learner whenever his interest is peaked. He’s a problem solver and very adaptable - while he uses this skill of his to find ways to worm out of his duties his out of the box thinking and willingness to try things out will make him a very experimental and clever medicine cat.
ANY EXTRA NOTES: GL! I’m still adjusting ofc with activity coming back from a long break + being at the end of the semester but I’m gonna get very active soon!
MAIN ACCOUNT: @Antiigone
The experience would be fun, both ICly and OOCly! Bonepaw hasn’t had much of a plot besides a future struggle with authority/his moms when he discovers his cross-clan heritage, so adding a HP ranking mix into it would be interesting! Although I don’t see it affecting his duties past a bit of a sour temper here and there as Bonepaw is very efficient in his duties and would be taking the medicine cat apprentice role very seriously. I have never had him express interest in medicine before mostly because I never thought he’d get the chance but Bonepaw I think would fit very well into the role being typically calm and collected and having a cool head when surrounded by panic or gore. Growing up with Sprucepaw’s death as a bedtime story helps enforce Bonepaw’s determination to ensure no one dies on his watch and would motivate him to be as great of a medicine cat as one could be.
There would be a fun side plot too though of him struggling to not give preferential treatment to his family over his clanmates which could be a very fun path for him to explore especially if Starlingheart has the patience to help walk him through it, since she must know what it’s like to struggle balancing loyalty to the clan and loyalty to the family.

ANY EXTRA NOTES: Good luck everyone!!! <333
CHARACTER NAME: @orchidbloom
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY: while orchidbloom had never shown interest ic (mainly cause its never really come up LOL), she does think medicine is a pretty cool path & would actually be excited about it if approached by starlingheart. I think she’d be extremely nervous with messing up at first, leaning on starlingheart for everything before she finds her footing in the job. They’re a nervous wreck by heart, so I think this would be a little therapeutical for them. They’ve been searching for the means to be “brave” so I think this is how they would find it
ANY EXTRA NOTES: good luck to everyone :3!!! i will miss magpiepaw severely </3
MAIN ACCOUNT: @Marquette

CHARACTER NAME: @marblekit

WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY: Primarily, I've not had a character on the medicine track since I was a baby in 2006, and I'd really like to give it a try now that I'm an adult roleplaying in trad! ShadowClan also has a unique IC and OOC environment that I've enjoyed being a part of. Marblekit as a character has a lot to prove to both her Clan and herself due to her parentage and the way she was brought into the Clan; having her follow in her aunt Starlingheart's pawprints would be an interesting way for her to have to test and prove her loyalty not only to ShadowClan, but to the warrior and medicine cat codes.

Potential plot ideas:
  • Starlingheart trained under her aunt, Bonejaw, before her mentor defected from ShadowClan. I would be interested in exploring these kinship ties, especially because of Starlingheart's estrangement from her own children and her grief after losing her long-term apprentice.
  • Marblekit is self-doubting and focused on self-preservation. How does that transition from caring about herself and her close kin to caring about her Clanmates as a whole?
  • Marblekit's mother, Siltcloud, and uncle, Granitepelt, committed violent crimes against ShadowClan and the rest of the forest. She sometimes wonders if she's inherited some of that monstrosity. How does that translate into using her paws to heal instead of injure others in battle or otherwise?

I would intend on this being a long-term position if chosen.

  • Marblekit has 15 posts as of this month (April 2024) and I intend for her to have more!
  • I have a good activity track record both ICly and OOCly! I successfully led SkyClan for a year and a half and have had multiple lead warriors.
  • Marblekit will not be apprentice-aged until July 1st! If you are looking for an apprentice to start sooner than her, she may not be the best fit. :)



IC REASONING: Swansong has had a fascination with StarClan for many moons, bordering on obsession. She believes that they have chosen her as a psychopomp meant to bridge the gap between life and death, and is convinced that the medicine cat path is the best way to grow closer with the stars and truly cement her status as a messiah prophet. In the past, she has also shown interest in medicine, as well as disinterest in warrior duties. She tends to hang around the medicine den whenever she can get away with it, and has a very comforting and tranquil presence that would be well-suited to healing. Whether chosen or not, she will remain obsessed with the role, so I think she fits the IC interest part very well!

OOC REASONING: I love the medicine cat role a lot; it has always been one of the most interesting parts of the books to me. I have played a medicine cat apprentice once before with Lichenpaw, though I had to drop it due to life getting in the way. While I still occasionally struggle with activity, I feel as though I am properly ready to take on the role again and would very much like to try again and do things right this time... Rather than applying on impulse, I have been planning to go for this path for months should the opportunity arise (while keeping my options open should I get rejected! I'm not making any assumptions here I prommy). I would really like to take the time to develop her apprenticeship & IC knowledge, as well as plotting with others to make Swansong as MCA feel like a true part of the clan.

  • There are a few options for her choosing; Starlingheart could approach her, she could approach Staringheart and insist she is the right choice, or she could even send a fake "omen" (the swan feather gifted to her by Garlicheart), believing it is StarClan's will for her to do so
  • Swansong's delusional messianic beliefs could lead to some questionable decisions, thinking her own judgement to be StarClan's. I think it'd be very interesting to explore this kind of morally grey medicine cat character, who could very easily tip into doing bad things while thinking herself infallible - all the while having nothing but good intentions.
  • On a similar note, I do plan for Swan to have kits someday. She would likely keep this secret, but I think it could lead to an interesting conflict with Starlingheart.... Having been a victim to the code's formation (with Starl's choice causing the death of her mother & her own near-death), Swansong sees herself as above it, believing it a lapse in judgement & thinking that she would not make the same mistake. (This... also would make her a very questionable mother, insisting she would leave her kits to die rather than repeat her mentor's mistake)
  • Swansong's own chronic health issues will lead to a special level of care for her patients, especially those with lingering disabilities. She will take a special pride in working alongside them to ensure that the ill and injured can succeed in warriorhood, even as she takes on a different path.
  • I would very much like for her and Starling to have a positive relationship, even if problems may arise later down the line bc of Swan's decisions. I would 100% like to build up their mentor/apprentice dynamic before anything else. Also I love Starl mwah mwah smooching her on her little head.
  • I think exploring how an adult apprentice feels about already having her name and could be very interesting, seeing how she bonds with other MCs and MCAs, as well the contrast between her starting late but desperately wanting to VS Starl being thrust into the role way too early would be very fun to explore!!

  • Swan is currently at 15 posts for this month!! She is one of my longest term characters, having been played for almost a year, and I plan to keep up this activity. If chosen, she would be bumped to first priority on my roster with a minimum goal of 15 posts per month.
  • I loveeee ShadowClan so much they're my little band of weirdos.... I would fr be so honored to join the HP team i am smooching you all on the foreheads
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CHARACTER NAME: @sneezepaw
- IC REASONING: A sharp contrast to his rambunctious siblings, Sneezepaw is known for his soft-spoken and mellow personality. He cares for others strongly and has remarkable patience, as shown by the willingness to wait for his training when he was apprenticed young. Though he isn't quite a pacifist and may enjoy hunting, Sneezepaw hasn't shown much interest in fighting yet, more interested in the lifestyle of a warrior (following the code, passing on a legacy, feeding his Clan) rather than the conflict that comes with it.

As of now, Sneezepaw hasn't shown much IC interest in herbal knowledge, however I don't think he would be opposed to the idea at all. I believe if approached, he will be honored to be able to care for his Clan in a way that he deems important. With his never-ending patience and gentle compassion, I think he would take on the additional role of tending to mental needs as well, such as lending a shoulder for others and offering advice.

- OOC REASONING: As someone who has yet to experience an HP/sHP role in TT, I've been keeping my eye out for opportunities that I think would suit my characters well. Roleplaying as medicine cat is something I've enjoyed throughout my many years of WCRP, but unfortunately the very few opportunities I've had in recent years were cut extremely short due to their communities going into hiatus or ending the roleplay entirety. That being said, I'd love to experience the role of a medicine cat in a committed traditional setting in TT!

Though I admittedly haven't been super active in ShadowClan in the past month, I've been watching Starlingheart as a character for quite some time and I absolutely adore the development they've been through, from their start as a medicine cat to the loss of Granitepelt, and now with the loss of Magpiepaw. That is why I've chosen to fill out this interest check for her apprentice specifically; I would love the opportunity to be a part of Starlingheart's journey and to explore a potential mentor-apprentice bond between Sneezepaw and Starlingheart, as I feel their personalities would synergize so well.

As a bonus, I have been struggling to find a meaningful direction for Sneezepaw which has led to the lack of motivation I've had for him. I feel that this change of path would give me a significant boost in muse and it's a plotline that I'd love to explore, and would 100% be willing to commit to for the time it takes to finish his training, and more.
I am aware that my chances of being considered are slim due to my low activity with Sneezepaw prior to this interest check, but I feel passionate about this opportunity and wanted to take the chance nonetheless. Thank you for your consideration, and good luck to everyone who applied!
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— I have quite a lot of experience with high ranks in other roleplaying communities, which has a lot of overlap with what is expected of a HP here on Tabby Tales. I know the ins and outs of what it means to create and uphold a welcoming and active environment, so I feel confident that I could strive towards the same for ShadowClan as well. I make sure to carry out any task given to me, do them well, and remain punctual and consistent.

— I could contribute in many different ways; I have experience in running events on my own, creating art and assets, brainstorming events and plots, keeping the Discord and forum posts updated, etc. I'm also not afraid of trying out something new and learning!

— Assisting the other HP's of the Clan (whether that's with something technical and behind the scenes or something plot-related) would be no issue. I can take the initiative in coming up with new ideas and fleshing them out to their fullest potential, but I can also act as more of a "follower" who works out the kinks before putting something down for the community to enjoy.

— Thanks to the kind of job I have, remaining active and keeping an eye out on the Discord and forum boards would be just as easy as doing it from the convenience of my home. I like to make sure everything is going well! Additionally, I also always make sure to check in about anything that might hinder my activity and prepare accordingly. I always say that communication is key when working in a team, so I'd take this to heart to ensure that everything is going swimmingly, taking everybody's point of views into consideration.

— I do not plan on leaving the site or falling inactive anytime soon, so the time required to finish the medicine cat training to then take the mantle from Jay/Startlingheart would not be a problem for me. I can uphold ~30 posts a month without having to resort to spamming the board within a week.

— I'm a very committed and determined person! I've been hoping to grab an opportunity to join the HP's of TT for a few months now, and the role of a medicine cat apprentice sounds super intriguing and fun. I'd hope to exceed all requirements needed for this position so that I can be a good addition to the ShadowClan team.
— IC
— Mirepurr is most unlike a regular ShadowClan warrior with their kind-hearted and battle-averse nature. They are much more interested in being someone helpful and affectionate, making them quite fit for a position that requires taking care of others. During their life here in the Clan, they've shown themself to be responsible and patient, willing to put the well-being of their Clanmates before anything else. They'd love nothing more than to put their paws to good use in the form of healing instead of harming.

— They've expressed vague interest in medicine via a certain willingness to enter the den when there are sick or injured cats in there, never turning down the opportunity to accompany Starlingheart or previously Magpiepaw on a herb retrieval patrol.

— Knowing that Starlingheart has gone through quite a lot within a relatively short amount of time, Mirepurr would hope to help with the amount of pressure that's resting on her shoulders again. Considering they are not only still rather young but also eager to learn, they would practice their medicine usage as well as test their memory with the herbs in order to improve rapidly - or so they'd hope.

— The opportunity to not only interpet StarClan's signs and messages but also conversing with them at the Moonpool would be viewed as a great honor to Mirepurr. They've been faithful from the start, having been just a couple of moons old at the time of the Great Battle and the subsequent rising of the deceased warriors.

— They are not a quitter and would stick to the medicine cat path for as long as they breathe. They'd remain committed, perhaps to a fault; I can imagine them neglecting themself because they deem healing others to be more important. One can expect them to take their job very seriously: having been forced to see their mother struggle with their sickness for moons on end means they'd be driven to try and treat illnesses as fast as possible.

— Relating to the previous point, they have witnessed Bonejaw refusing to treat patients, including their own mother. This bitter experience has not yet left them and probably won't, ever. If they become a medicine cat, the prospect of someone having the ability to help others but refusing to do so would be even more confusing to them. Not being able to treat patients and losing them would affect them greatly.

— Mirepurr's strong pacifistic tendencies could warrant some interesting plot points in the future. While this can be a good thing, I'd imagine their willingness to be open and helpful to the other Clans' medicine cats could easily be disagreed with during a harsher leaf-bare, for example.
— I've been taking the time to focus more on ShadowClan this April and bring Mirepurr up to par with my own personal posting requirements, making them qualified for an active character consideration. While I continue to bring them to the spotlight, I hope that my activity and eager involvement in roleplays, events and scheming across the board can prove that I can remain active with this character.
— I have yet to try my hand at playing a HP of any sort, so if I were to be chosen, Mirepurr would be my very first!
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— Since January 2023, Ferndance has been consistently active and a part of many different ShadowClan plots (as evidenced by her badges). This year, she is currently on 57 posts (3 posts away from hitting an average of 15 a month). OOCly, I have been active and friendly in ShadowClan (this month notwithstanding due to things outside of my control) and can sustain this level of engagement as a member of the HP team once more.

— As a roleplayer, I am very interested in ShadowClan's progression and future and would love the opportunity to put forth plots and engage OOCly with other members of the HP team. I am very keen on the opportunity of doing this with other clans as well (as IK meddies tend to do) and think with a character like Fern, it could lead to some interesting dynamics with the other clans.

— Fern's one of those characters where it would be pretty easy to presume a prophecy based on her name alone. Dancing ferns can be found almost anywhere with a gust of wind, and if one of them feels 'different', it could easily be assumed to be an omen to pick her despite any IC misgivings the HP team has (and it's great that they do because having that friction between a 'Star-chosen SHP' and 'Council Member hasn't been explored on-site afaik).

— I am very flexible with plots and can come up with adaptions on the fly most of the time. If Ferndance did get chosen, I would be pretty comfortable discussing how it could happen and what can be done to make the transition from Magpiepaw to Ferndance more reasonable.

IC —

— Ferndance is an older cat who already has kittens and won't have the same conflicts as a younger cat who might regret not being able to have kits. She's well-adjusted (weird, but well-adjusted) and very confident. She can make a strong-willed decision in a moment which, as a medicine cat, could save lives or prevent one from being drawn out. It's a confidence I feel like could bounce well off of Starlingheart's more timid nature and they could help keep each other in check during Fern's learning journey.

— Ferndance has a reputation for being a good tracker and hunter, with the right knowledge, it could reasonably be assumed that she could transfer that knowledge to finding herbs. Like her den, it can be assumed she would keep the herbs in organised chaos: it looks like a mess, but everything has a place and a purpose. Poison on the high shelf away from kittens though, of course.

— She has shown interest before (such as giving Starlingheart that plant in their private thread) and wouldn't be the type to say no to a new experience. She's not super intelligent (which could explain why it takes as long to train her as a younger apprentice) but behind her recreational whimsy she does retain practical knowledge well (it would be easier for her to bind limbs and extract poisons than memorise exact poultices to prevent infections).

— Ferndance's connection with StarClan would be... interesting. She sees rules as more of a guideline than strict things to follow and sees the 'afterlife' as a reflection of one's true self as opposed to the good/bad binary that StarClan decides. A Medicine Cat apprentice promoted based on a misinterpreted omen whose connection with StarClan is murky due to a moral difference (a blue-and-orange morality cat vs a group trying to decide whether her morality is black or white) could be an interesting conundrum for the future.

— Ferndance has just enough of that book-ShadowClan aggression to maintain the image of the group in wartime. Her experience as a warrior would make her a formidable opponent when defending the medicine cat den from trespassers and if need be, she could fight just as fiercely to take a life if something threatened the herbs and her patients.

ANY EXTRA NOTES: Best of luck to anyone that's applied! <3
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This is now closed! Thank you so much to everyone for applying, I have a lot of absolutely amazing choices to pick from and I am very grateful for the difficult decision that faces me ♡ I will be announcing ShadowClans next medicine cat apprentice one week from today on 05 May 2024

Edit: the choosing date has been pushed back to June!
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