- Sep 22, 2024
- 137
- 42
- 28
He had been lucky in the battle, he had told himself then, his wounds shallow and superficial, ones that were not worth the extra effort of whatever amateurish skills Marbleleaf possessed. To be able to escape the ravages of battle relatively unscathed was a blessing. But now, he found himself almost wishing that he had been worse off, stuck in the medicine cat's den like nearly everyone else who had fought alongside him...if only for the sake of avoiding what he had to do now. It was Sharpshadow's job to address the clan like this, dishing out jobs that were more or less useless- unless you could count bickering from across the border important- but he was not fit to do much of anything now, having returned bearing the burden of some of the worst injuries seen amidst those who had returned the day before. Glancing around at those who were still physically capable enough to carry themselves, he felt a lump quickly expanding in his throat as he realized just how much their numbers had dwindled. These were hard times for Shadowclan, make no mistake...but then again, when had it ever been much better?
Slinking into the center of the camp with all the grace of a cornered fox, the lead warrior would clear his throat and attempt to right his posture so that he seemed at least a little bit more confident than he felt. He couldn't let Ternstar down...couldn't let Sharpshadow down. "Um- Everyone still c-capable enough f-for tasks please j-join me here for- uh- f-for patrol assignments!" Despite his fumbling, the tone in which his voice carried was, admittedly, loud enough to be commanding. He could play the part to an extent, but whether or not his clanmates would actually respect him enough to listen...well, only time would tell.
The amount of eyes now bearing into him caused his flesh to grow hot, and he willed his fur to remain flattened against his neck. With a harsh swallow, he would attempt a smile- but as always, it was nothing softer than an uncomfortable grimace. "Uh...G-Good morning, everyone. I-I know this is probably t-the last thing you wanna have to w-worry about after- after yesterday, but...i-it has to be done. Just do your best, a-and keep the pleasantries w-with our neighbors to um- t-to a minimum, okay?" They didn't need everyone else who bordered them to figure out about their misfortune through admission...he was certain they'd be able to tell with only a glance anyways, starved frames all the more tattered after their heavy loss.
"First things first...Our h-herb stocks are n-now almost non-existent, to...n-nobodies surprise...With that being s-said I'd like a patrol t-to accompany Marbleleaf in her search f-for anything that could b-be of use. Anything you can find." He took a quick glance amongst those surrounding him, his ochre eyes like a hawk sizing up prey. "Ribbitleap, Swansong, Halfsun and Lavenderpaw...Y-You'll all ensure she returns here s-safely." With each name listed, he would extend a nod towards those chosen, and a wave of his tail would point for their departure.
"T-Ternstar will lead a patrol t-to Windclan's border. Lividsmoke, Screechstorm, Snowlark, Frostpaw, Houndcry and Cornflowerpaw w-will go with her." He wondered if he would be punished for this, the way he had basically ordered his own leader to take up a patrol...he knew it was just protocol, nothing more than a necessary routine that had been present since- well, since forever- but it still felt wrong. She was his superior, in more ways than one at times...he could only hold onto the feeble hope that perhaps she would take pride in his initiative. But besides this, his decision to send Screechstorm and Snowlark off to Windclan was not a coincidence...he had not been impressed with the behavior they had shown to their more stuck-up neighbors in the past, and he knew the recent war waged between their adversaries and his sister had opened a wound within him still gaping and seeping to the bone with a vengeful will.
Amberhaze purposefully saved what he deemed to be the worst assignment for last, his stress apparent in the way his paws shuffled beneath him alongside a furrowed brow. "As for Thunderclan... Uh-" The twitch of an eyelid, a clack of his teeth. "S-Stonestrike, Morelbeam, Shriketalon and Buzzardpaw w-will be w-with me." He purposefully picked those that he deemed to be the most level-headed from his options- they couldn't afford to further the already irreparable tensions between themselves and their warmongers. He would do well to hold his tongue himself- there would be no verbal exchange between him or their neighbors today- or anytime soon, for that matter.
"That's all. B-Be careful today, and d-don't do anything... that you m-might regret." His lungs would squeeze as the crowd dispersed, a heaving torrent of trapped air he hadn't even realized he had been holding inside of him escaping him with an audible wheeze. A quick shake of his pelt would clear the buzz of his nerves, and he would waste no time gathering his patrol and setting out into the unpredictable wilds.
Slinking into the center of the camp with all the grace of a cornered fox, the lead warrior would clear his throat and attempt to right his posture so that he seemed at least a little bit more confident than he felt. He couldn't let Ternstar down...couldn't let Sharpshadow down. "Um- Everyone still c-capable enough f-for tasks please j-join me here for- uh- f-for patrol assignments!" Despite his fumbling, the tone in which his voice carried was, admittedly, loud enough to be commanding. He could play the part to an extent, but whether or not his clanmates would actually respect him enough to listen...well, only time would tell.
The amount of eyes now bearing into him caused his flesh to grow hot, and he willed his fur to remain flattened against his neck. With a harsh swallow, he would attempt a smile- but as always, it was nothing softer than an uncomfortable grimace. "Uh...G-Good morning, everyone. I-I know this is probably t-the last thing you wanna have to w-worry about after- after yesterday, but...i-it has to be done. Just do your best, a-and keep the pleasantries w-with our neighbors to um- t-to a minimum, okay?" They didn't need everyone else who bordered them to figure out about their misfortune through admission...he was certain they'd be able to tell with only a glance anyways, starved frames all the more tattered after their heavy loss.
"First things first...Our h-herb stocks are n-now almost non-existent, to...n-nobodies surprise...With that being s-said I'd like a patrol t-to accompany Marbleleaf in her search f-for anything that could b-be of use. Anything you can find." He took a quick glance amongst those surrounding him, his ochre eyes like a hawk sizing up prey. "Ribbitleap, Swansong, Halfsun and Lavenderpaw...Y-You'll all ensure she returns here s-safely." With each name listed, he would extend a nod towards those chosen, and a wave of his tail would point for their departure.
"T-Ternstar will lead a patrol t-to Windclan's border. Lividsmoke, Screechstorm, Snowlark, Frostpaw, Houndcry and Cornflowerpaw w-will go with her." He wondered if he would be punished for this, the way he had basically ordered his own leader to take up a patrol...he knew it was just protocol, nothing more than a necessary routine that had been present since- well, since forever- but it still felt wrong. She was his superior, in more ways than one at times...he could only hold onto the feeble hope that perhaps she would take pride in his initiative. But besides this, his decision to send Screechstorm and Snowlark off to Windclan was not a coincidence...he had not been impressed with the behavior they had shown to their more stuck-up neighbors in the past, and he knew the recent war waged between their adversaries and his sister had opened a wound within him still gaping and seeping to the bone with a vengeful will.
Amberhaze purposefully saved what he deemed to be the worst assignment for last, his stress apparent in the way his paws shuffled beneath him alongside a furrowed brow. "As for Thunderclan... Uh-" The twitch of an eyelid, a clack of his teeth. "S-Stonestrike, Morelbeam, Shriketalon and Buzzardpaw w-will be w-with me." He purposefully picked those that he deemed to be the most level-headed from his options- they couldn't afford to further the already irreparable tensions between themselves and their warmongers. He would do well to hold his tongue himself- there would be no verbal exchange between him or their neighbors today- or anytime soon, for that matter.
"That's all. B-Be careful today, and d-don't do anything... that you m-might regret." His lungs would squeeze as the crowd dispersed, a heaving torrent of trapped air he hadn't even realized he had been holding inside of him escaping him with an audible wheeze. A quick shake of his pelt would clear the buzz of his nerves, and he would waste no time gathering his patrol and setting out into the unpredictable wilds.
February patrols brought to you by your (least) favorite Shadowclan rat! ☣ = Lead
Herb gathering: [☣] @MARBLELEAF — @Halfsun (with @LAVENDERPAW) — @RIBBITLEAP — @Swansong
Windclan: [☣] @Ternstar. — @LIVIDSMOKE — @SCREECHSTORM — @Snowlark. (with @FROZENPAW) — [NPC] Houndcry (with @CORNFLOWERPAW)
Thunderclan: [☣] @Amberhaze (with @lostkit) — @STONESTRIKE — @shriketalon (with @BUZZARDPAW.) — @MORELBEAM
Herb gathering: [☣] @MARBLELEAF — @Halfsun (with @LAVENDERPAW) — @RIBBITLEAP — @Swansong
Windclan: [☣] @Ternstar. — @LIVIDSMOKE — @SCREECHSTORM — @Snowlark. (with @FROZENPAW) — [NPC] Houndcry (with @CORNFLOWERPAW)
Thunderclan: [☣] @Amberhaze (with @lostkit) — @STONESTRIKE — @shriketalon (with @BUZZARDPAW.) — @MORELBEAM
npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025penned by sloane
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