☀︎ summer nights | Sunfreckle

SUNFRECKLE warrior of thunderclan

A large red tabby tom missing his right foreleg, despite his imposing size he is a friendly and kind cat who is not the best at combat but not above throwing himself into the fray to defend his clan. He's honorable, upholds the code and is highly respectful to his leader.

    Sun - for his previous name and his burning red pelt.
    Freckle - for his many spots and speckles.

    Age: 38 Moons (ages 1st of each month)
    Gender: Trans Male | He/They
    Orientation: Pansexual Demiromantic

  • LH Red Tabby w/Low White (masks black tabby; carrying dilute)

    A large and fluffy red tabby tom with a white chin, chest, underbelly and paw tips. His eyes are forest green and he is missing his left foreleg. Sunfreckle is an extremely large cat, some Maine Coon heritage in his genetics most likely to make up for his considerable size, he's cloaked in thick red tabby fur that add an extra layer of size to his appearance and hides the fact that he's actually quite sturdy and not as soft as his personality would have one believe. The tom's lacking appendage does not seem to dissuade him and he moves with a heavy step and a cheerful limp. His tabby stripes are a mix of sweeping tiger-like markings adorned with a multitude of much smaller spots, giving him his suffix 'freckle' as they're much more prominent around his face.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Missing left foreleg (Birth defect)
    • Scars on muzzle and shoulder from being attacked by loners.


    A soft and friendly tom despite his large size. Sunfreckle is as warm and welcoming as his name, perhaps a bit too naively optimistic but with enough sensibility to balance out his mates lack of sense in general. He's somewhat skittish, not fond of fighting and does his best in all things even if he's failing miserably. The red tabby looks to the future with enthusiasm, tries to keep himself walking forward even if the world seems so heavy. He's terribly motherly, the first to take in lost and abandoned kits and fiercely protective of all of them even if they aren't from his own litter.
    While not fond of fighting as a whole, Sunfreckle is perfectly capable of taking up the mantle of defensive tank in combat and you would be hard pressed to move him without a lot of effort. He's extremely defensive over his clan, despite being kittypet born he has taken to ThunderClan's way of life with ease and after an initial rocky start learning all the rules has adapted the mentality that the clan's structure is one he would like to dearly uphold.


    Son of Unknown x Unknown

    Mate of @Rabbitnose
    (First Litter) @MOUSENOSE & @FRECKLEFLAME & @Sparkwing
    @dovekit! & @mossypaw (Both Deceased)

    (Second Litter) @emberpaw! & @sunshinepaw & @Pigeonpaw
    @& RAINBOWPAW (Missing)

    Previously mentored @SHALLOW (Missing)
    Currently mentoring @bravepaw : ̗̀➛

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  • ☀︎ HISTORY
    -Not every thread he's been in is listed here, only the ones that are relevant or impact him significantly.

    Born in a Shelter under the name of Sunny, Sunfreckle had two siblings adopted before him due to his missing limb; a birth defect that made him unappealing to most two-legs shopping for new pets. Even his mother was taken away before he was, leaving him to sit in his cage quietly and alone for most of his early years. Then one day a clumsy shelter worker left it unlatched and he took the opportunity to escape, quickly regretting his decision when he was chased and beaten by stray cats in the area and run off into the nearby woods where he was fortunate enough to be found cowering and crying under a log by a kind loner passing by named Rabbit.
    The two struck up an immediate friendship that quickly evolved into something more, admitting their feelings for one another and seeking a better life outside roaming aimlessly. It is then they came across the newly established ThunderClan and were welcomed in with open arms by Emberstar.

  • [x] Introduction - Recently joined the clan with his mate Rabbitnose.
    [x] Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose escape with ThunderClan during the fire.
    [x] After remaining in RiverClan for a moon, they return to the territory to help clean.
    [x] Sunfreckle, Rabbitnose and Berryheart pick flowers to help alleviate the burn smell from the camp.
    [x] Sunfreckle hides the fact he's carrying kits out of nervousness.
    [x] Eventually the kits are born, surprising Rabbitnose but the two are excited for them nonetheless.
    [x] Dovekit dies from an autoimmune disorder Sunfreckle carries.
    [x] His kits are made apprentices and he's eager to watch them grow in ThunderClan.
    [x] First snow.

    [x] Sunnyday and Stagstrike bring a stranger to camp, putting him on edge.
    [x] Teasing Flamewhisker for her crush on Flycatcher.

    [x] Sunfreckle remains in the nursery longer, going stir crazy, as more kits are brought into the clan.
    [x] Scolding Blackmoon for swearing in front of the kits.
    [x] Sunfreckle is finally able to leave the nursery after all the current kits are apprenticed.

    [x] Mossypaw is taken by two-legs.
    [x] Meets Shallowpaw, new to the clan and forms a bond with him.
    [x] Checking on Howling Wind after the Trufflepelt incident.

    [x] Flamewhisker returns from the border skirmish with news of Morningpaw's death.
    [x] Morningpaw's vigil.
    [x] Two of Little Wolf's kits go to live with their father in SkyClan and he says farewell.

    [x] Emberstar is killed by dogs after saving Ragwortpaw.

  • [x] Promoted to a Lead Warrior under Howlingstar along with her new deputy: Flycatcher.
    [x] Stands with Howlingstar during Sunningrocks.
    [x] Chases Sharpeye from Sunningrocks to SkyClan territory and questions why he was there.
    [x] Returns back to ThunderClan to report what he had been told.

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