★this light sparkling in my DREAMS | Hazelbeam

HAZELBEAM daylight warrior of skyclan

Owned by a very odd two-leg who has a penchant for cute accessories, Hazel proudly struts around in her silly hat until it comes time to do her warrior duties in which case she hangs it in camp. A friendly cat and eager to please, she gets along well with most others but is strongly opionated and bold and never hesitates to speak her mind.

    Hazel - Her kittypet name.
    Beam - By Blazestar for her enthusiasm & initiative.

    Age: 17 Moons (Ages 1st of every month.)
    Gender: Trans Female | She/Her
    Orientation: Bisexual Demiromantic

  • SH Black/Blue Chimera

    A black and blue marked she-cat with a creamy colored coat otherwise, her eyes are a bright blue and she sports a ridiculously oversized witch hat most of the time. Her markings splash her atop her head and up her paws, catching her tail and hind in in a dip as though she merely stepped in ink in places. Her frame is slender and long-limbed, her fur short and well groomed; Hazel is a pretty cat by all definitons but is sometimes prone to forgetting to groom accordingly and looking disheveled. Despite her petite and slim figure she is a formidable and fiesty cat, strong-limbed and fit even though she lives quite the pampered kittypet life; she explains this as being an outdoor kittypet.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Scar on her right flank from rogues.


    An enigmatic but chipper and pleasant cat, Hazel very openly speaks her mind with little hesitation though most the time her words rarely lean into anything offensive; she simply has a lot to say at all times! Talkative but pragmatic, she's empathetic enough to know when a cat might not want her jovial company but stubborn enough to want to help brighten any day even if it is against their will. She dislikes conflict, but won't back down when forced to contront it - instead choosing to work for means to compromise before asserting herself more prominently. She has a penchant for oddities, picking up rocks to whisper to in order to see whether they hold powers and talking to the air at times in passing whimsy; she's highly superstituous but only by means of her own creation, making wild claims that she believes wholeheartedly and insisting on knowledge with little evidence. Overall she is quite silly and a little strange but wholey good intentioned beneath layers of curiousities.


    Daughter of Unknown x Unknown

    Mate of None.
    Parent of None.

    Currently mentoring @edenpaw ?!

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