☆ BROOKLYN HYPE | Skunktail

SKUNKTAIL warrior of shadowclan

Skunktail has been around since ShadowClan's forming but minds his own business and likes to live life to the fullest. You'll find him oftentimes just lounging out in the sun if he's not doing the bare minimum to get by. He's very sensible despite his slacker persona and feels very strongly about honor and doing the right thing even in ShadowClan.

    Skunk - for the white stripe along his back and down his tail.
    Tail - for his swiftness and agility.

    Age: 38 Moons (Ages 1st of each month.)
    Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Aromantic Bisexual


    Skunktail looks like his namesake, although much more longer of limb. His dark body is sleek, glossy, and fits in well with ShadowClan and its naturally dark environment. A single white stripe moves from his nose to between his eyes and another streaks through a patch of fur atop his head, outside of these his more prominent feature is the long white stripe from the back of his neck all the way to the tip of his incredinly bushy tail that moves unbreaking in a line along his spine. Skunktail sports two bright, spearmint green colored eyes; the only vibrant color on an otherwise very monochromatic cat.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • N/A (for now)


    A very unmotivated tom, Skunktail lives by the creed that he's 'here for a good time, not a long time' and takes life in stride as a result. He very rarely angers or gets bothered by anything, approaching the world with a passive smile and dry wit that can only be described as sarcasm without the effort of sass. Skunktail has no true aspirations in life and doesn't exactly look to the future with goals in mind, each take is taken one at a time and he never gives much consideration for planning or his own presence. He does his work and attends the duties he's assigned but he's not exactly a go-getter and won't pitch in more than he's told, instead opting to use his idle time for relaxation and lounging about; he's an avid nap taker.
    At the end of the day Skunktail is just a leaf in the wind, let's it carry him wherever it blows and doesn't offer much protest though that does not mean he is entirely without resistance to being bossed around. When push comes to shove he'll stand up for himself and his clan and steps from the sidelines as necessary but never trods upon any toes in the process; behind his slacker demeanor hides a tactically minded and scarily competent cat who could be something much more than a mere warrior if he had the aspirations for it.


    Son of @BRIARSTAR & Amber
    Older brother to @STARLINGHEART & @lilacfur

    Former mate to Porcupine
    Father of @pipitclaw !! & @Hawkstride & @SNIPE

    Mate of @Frostbite

    Mentoring @Briarpaw. & @Swanpaw

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