- hates/enemy
- vermin
- grudge/dislikes
- annoying
- wary/distrusts
- unsure
- tolerable
- entertaining
- respects
- protective of/keeps an eye on
- likes
- trusts
- friend
- attractive
- romantic interest
- family
NAME; hearts
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IC opinion; She is one of the few kits in the clan I do not wish to drown in the river...kukuku. Mhm, yes. She is welcome anytime to visit my den with that quiet nature of hers, and maybe...i even could teach her about hemlock...if she ever wish to get ride of that vermin problem of hers. Aha, dont look at me like that. I'm just joking....hmh.
OCC opinion; Vulturemask find Whitepaw to be more tolerable to have around then most kits in the clan. He likes her quiet nature which is like welcoming music to his sensitive ears. He feels a bit concerned for them though because of their softness worried the violent enviroment here might destroy them one day. He cannot do anything more for them though beside having his den open for them if they ever would need a place to escape to so she can get away from the cruel world outside especially from her own mother which Vulturemask has a dreadful contempt for.
IC opinion; Sunflowerpaw is my pride and joy. There is no doubt they are gonna become someone great one day even with that injured paw of theirs i wont let that stand in their way. Whatever path they choose i will always be there supporting them and i know for a fact that starclan is watching them too having blessed them with their holy light. If anyone dares try to taint their heart...to misguide them from starclan...i will crush them like the vermins they are. I dont mind walking in the darkness as long they get to shine.
OCC opinion; Sunflowerpaw is one of the most important cats in Vults life.He sees alot of intelligence and wisedom in them having high hopes for them without really expecting anything from them. No matter which path they would choose Vult will be there to support them without hesitation. He cares for them alot and sometimes he is terrified because of it, constantly worried he will end up losing them one day. Vult truly lives for them and thinks one of his purpose of existing in this life are to make sure Sunflowerpaw has the best life(to make sure he reach starclan one day). He would sacrifice everything for them.
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Hmh, i guess they are not all that bad. For sure i can think of far more unpleasant company...especially in the council. I admire their courage and loyalty.... and most of the time I can stand behind what he says. If only...he could think with that head of his more sometimes to think for himself and not so blindly devote himself to others....
OCC opinion; Vulturemask respects Tigerfrost as a tom and the clans lead warrior which is something considering Vult is not much of a fan of the council in general. He appreciates that they treat him like an clanmate and not just some disposal tool, or being treated like the next one who is going to bedray the clan. Unfortunately he cannot bring himself to trust them because of their clear blind loyalty to Sootstar but he can at least admire them for their devotion and do thinks he has the best intentions at heart when it comes to the clans survival and their clanmates.

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