☣︎ Caution: contents may be toxic | Mintshade

MINTSHADE warrior (moor runner) of windclan

A scruffy and solid black she-cat with acid green eyes and a single scar across her nose. Mintshade is sister to Sootstar & Bluepool and probably the more eccentric of the trio; being loud and boisterous and rarely holding her tongue. She is crass, rude and perhaps a little mischievous.

    Named Mint for the waterside plant found in the marsh colony territory.
    Shade by Sootstar for her pitch black coat and stealth.

    Age: 44 moons (Ages the 1st of every month.)
    Gender: Cis Female | She/Her
    Orientation: Aromantic Bisexual


    A solid black cat, wiry in frame and with long slender limbs, Mintshade easily towers over other cats when it comes to height but is built slim and sleek like most WindClanners. Her fur is a solid sheen of black, spiking and jagged in areas near where joints bend and around her neck; her ears are abnormally tall, adding to her already imposing size and silhouette. The only contrast to her dark form is both eyes, an almost flourescent shade of green that look very out of place on her gangly and longlimbed form.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Scar across nose from the Great Battle.


    Mintshade is a cat who lacks what one would consider a basic filter. She speaks her mind without restraint no matter whether her words may be too sharp or her opinions may be too broad to grasp. Never hesitating to make her presence known, she walks with confidence in the way a cat who does not fear death would hold themselves and perhaps she doesn't.
    She is impulsive to a point, reckless and fierce when placed in opposition and never one to shy away from a challenge.
    She's coy, but aloof, disinterested in the personal affairs of her clanmates but very intrigued by the conflict surrounding her clans moral stance as opposed to the other clans; finding it fascinating and also ridiculous.
    Mintshade values strength above all else, finds mouthy cats with no claws to back up their words to be a waste of time and while her demeanor may set her in the position of a cruel overseer she is not beyond lapsing into nonsensical displays of silliness at a whim.
    An oddball of sorts, she will always put her family first and foremost to the wellbeing of others and finds delight in the most macabre and mundane of things.
    A bit of a jester of sorts, she will often have a sassy or snappy comeback to most situations and enjoys a good laugh even if its at the expense of others. Mintshade will often not take things seriously, approaching life with a laidback attitude until pushed otherwise.
    She has a bit of a superiority complex, extremely WindClan oriented in her beliefs and preferences and never hesitates to interject into a situation to make sure cats know where she stands.


    Daughter of Pebble Breeze & Soot Claw
    Littermate to @Bluepool & @SOOTSTAR

    Mate of N/A

    Previously mentored @Azaleafrost & @MOORBLOSSOM
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