☾✩☽ it's worth my entire life | Moonwhisper

MOONWHISPER queen of thunderclan

Daughter of Blazestar (Former Leader of SkyClan) and Little Wolf (Former Warrior of ThunderClan), Moonwhisper is a quiet and stoic young she-cat with a lot to prove and a growing animosity towards kittypets as a result of her heritage. She has complicated feelings regarding family and her place in the clan.

    Moon for the night her parents met and as a parallel to her twin sister Morning.
    Whisper for her quiet and soft voice.

    Age: 20 moons (Ages the 15th of every month.)
    Gender: Cis Female | She/Her
    Orientation: Bisexual Aromantic

  • LH TORTIE POINT (50% Ragdoll)

    Moonwhisper is a very longhaired, but dainty pawed tortie point, her face is a mosiac of spotted patterns with the more prominent one being a soft brown half-muzzle and beauty mark like spot right above it, she often decorates her fur in petals of her favorite flower: forget-me-nots. Her fur is often well-groomed as she takes the time and care to attend to hygeine with more enthusiasm than she gives much else, but the plush consistency of it is owed to her ragdoll genetics on her father's side. While not entirely imposing now, she's very tall and has the thick neck ruff most associated with her breed. Both eyes are a pale ice-blue and she often wears an expression of polite disinterest at all times.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Scars on her shoulder from battling Sharpeye at Sunningrocks.


    Once a shy and meek kitten, she often hid behind whichever sibling was available and struggled to speak when approached; words were hard for Moonkit and she was often left overwhelmed and lightheaded by her own inability to face things on her own. Her twin sister was often a crutch for her, readily relying on Morningkit's more forward and cordial manners and the ease with which she laid herself bare for the world to see. Her dependency on her siblings and primarily her sister carries forward into their apprentice ceremony and she is equally put off by the idea of leaving the nursery though she maintains her expression of neutrality far better than Morningpaw ever did.

    Upon the return of the border skirmish that ended in her sister's death, Moonpaw hid herself from her clanmates and avoided her duties in her despair, the realization she would have to pick between her parents as well was the inevitable breaking point for the tortie and eventually she lost her meek and demure manners in favor of a more cold and aloof approach to things; feeling that so long as she stopped caring outwardly eventually she would internally and thus never be hurt again when the cruelty of the world takes things from her again and again.

    As a warrior she is strictly and dutifully detected to her clan and the code as it stands, fiercely protective of her clanmates and quick to cast judgement on those who might otherwise threaten their peace with foolishness. She has embraced her forestborn heritage fully, rejecting her SkyClan kin and denouncing compassion for relations outside the kin in her clan itself.


    Daughter of @BLAZESTAR & @LITTLE WOLF (Both Deceased)
    (First Litter) @BURNSTORM & @Howlfire & @Fireflypaw
    @MORNINGPAW ☆ (deceased)

    (Second Litter) @skyclaw & @DUSKBIRD

    Previously mentored by @RACCOONSTRIPE
    Currently mentoring @Marigoldpaw

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