♜ Achilles come down | Rookpaw





name meaning?
Named for the dark and pointed bird in honor of his dark and spiky pelt.
Future names ideas: Rookheart, Rooksong, Rookcry, Rookfeather.
previous names? Rook-kit
age? 10 moons (Ages 1st of month)
position in clan? Apprentice of ShadowClan
gender/sexuality? Cis Male | (He/Him) | Asexual Biromantic
relationship status? Single

APPEARANCE. - Toyhouse
Rookpaw is a large tom, build for size rather than stealth, a paladin among rogues in ShadowClan. His dark fur lets him blend in more easily to the swampy environment but his larger figure makes him standout like a sore thumb otherwise. His dark fur is an almost gray, stormcloud color and his chest and paws are hilighted in a pale gunmetal steel coloring. His body is heavily scarred from his run in with a rogue and he bears an X-shaped mark across his chest, a torn ear, torn flank and his tail was snapped and torn off in the ensuring battle but he survived and wears his scars with pride.

Census Appearance: A scarred black and white smoke tom with orange eyes and a short tail.

  • Docked tail, X-shaped chest scar and torn left ear from fighting off a rogue who had attacked another apprentice.
A friendly and polite young tom, Rookpaw holds himself with good humor and cheer and is rarely the sort to talk down to any cat. A bit of a hero complex, he considers himself very strong and has decided to use this natural gift of excelling in combat to help defend his clan and clanmates to the best of his abilities. The noble sort, he will never go out of his way to kill a cat and will allow those who he has defeated to walk away unless they threaten otherwise-in which case his practicality takes over from his sympathy. The blade of StarClan sings his claws and his personal code keeps him walking the thin line between being considerate and comforting to being a lethal force when necessary. Dutifully driven to his clan and having not lost his faith like most of his fellows, Rookpaw speaks wholeheartedly and without hesitation, choosing to council by virtue of his actions rather than pushing his own vendetta.

➸ average to form platonic relationships
➸ average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? NPC x NPC
sibling to? Older brother to @SHARPPAW. (From a previous litter.)
➸ apprentice to? N/A

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