♫ wish you'd mine ♫ & Jackdawstrike


he looks like just a dream
Nov 27, 2022


Windclan had gone into a lockdown shortly after the meeting Sootstar had called for, and it was tense within the clan since then. Everyone was on edge and there wasn't a second that they weren't looking over their shoulder for something. For the day everything hit the fan and it was all over for Windclan. But, Nutsprout tried to not think about it too much. While it was important and ideal to keep Windclan safe, he knew if he thought too much on it it would become an obession of sorts. Focusing on keeping the clan healthy and fed was the top priority now, and hopefully it'd make for a good distraction.

The lilac tabby tomcat crouched to the ground quietly as sage green eyes focused in on something not too far in the distance. He had been put on a hunting patrol with a few other cats and they had gone their seperate ways to make sure they could cover enough ground for prey. Nutsprout had gone more off to the west and found this little bird pecking away at a overturned rock for bugs. It was from the forest but it would be food nonetheless and besides it seems too busy with its bugs to notice anyway.

Nutsprout crawled towards the creature for a moment before pouncing and pinned the birds down before striking for its life. Perfect! A great way to start the hunt! Nutsprout lifted his head proudly and picked up the bird from the ground before trotting back towards the rest of the group. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • Nutsprout named for his small size and springy nature.
    — he/them/zir. 30 months.
    — Windclan Warrior, mentored by Hunter.
    — Ex-Coalition Cat/Rogue.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • Bobtail_Cat_by_LireySmoke.png
Jackdawstrike sat in the spot the hunting patrol had agreed to regroup at, his usual scowl of impatience on his paw. Tail lashed behind him, his eyes darted around in clear annoyance for how long he was made to wait. Was it really so hard to find something and come back? Two mice lay at his own paws, he had gotten lucky in his own hunt it would seem.

The rustle of tall grass would make his head whip towards whoever was approaching and his scowl only deepened in what would appear to be disgust as Nutsprout was one of the first to return. Of all the cats that could have been on his patrol, why did they have to lump this ex-rogue with him? The look his father had given him as he walked out to hunt with his group had sent his stomach into knots. It wasn't his fault, he hadn't chosen to hunt with them.

Jackdaw's gaze drifted down to the bird in Nutsprouts jaw and he would only scoff, turning away and being silent for several moments before grumbling a "Nice catch..." in his clanmate's direction. His stomach tightened again, as if worried his father was prowling behind the tall grass and would hear his compliment, was going to jump out and remind him of the lessons of his kittenhood. His jaw muscles would flutter as they clenched and unclenched, debating what to do to fill the awkward silence before growling, "Do you like...birds?"

Brilliant, Jackdaw, what a conversationalist you were.
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Pale green eyes looked up at this brown and white warrior as a compliment slipped past his maw, and he blinked a few times in surprise. Windclan wasn't exactly known for its rather kind individuals so it was rather out of pocket for someone to out right compliment him. Though he did like it regardless, it just startled him was all. Nutsprout set down the bird and looked at the brown and white warrior for a moment before a little chuckle left his maw, "Thanks! And I do, but I prefer rabbits over anything else. Birds can be a bit stringy sometimes," He responded verbally with a smile placing itself across his pale tabby maw.

The lilac warrior looked down at the ground for a moment before back to Jackdawstrike. He didn't know him very well other than he was a bit of a high strung person, and that was alright. He was use to high strung due to that of his work in the Coalition and the amount of paranoia that leaked through the ranks. If the head was stressed then every other soldier was stressed too and it worked the same with the clan.

Sootstar had put them on lock down due to her own paranoia of a possible war, or well it was very well valid cause it was semi confirmed it would happen. Though that was besides the point, and Nutsprout twitched a folded ear a bit to dismiss the own paranoia that verge through his throat. There was a clearing of his throat and he looked down at what Jackdawstrike had caught, and he grinned, "Not so bad yourself! Two mice is definitely worth something," He cheerfully spoke with a wag of a his bobbed tail.



  • //
  • Nutsprout named for his small size and springy nature.
    — he/them/zir. 30 months.
    — Windclan Warrior, mentored by Hunter.
    — Ex-Coalition Cat/Rogue.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • Bobtail_Cat_by_LireySmoke.png
Jackdaw would use his claws to score marks into the ground as they waited for the rest of the patrol to return, the tom mentally begging for someone to come back so that this interaction could end at least somewhat peacefully.

Not so bad yourself!

Jackdaw's body would go rigid at the compliment, even his claws freezing mid-score at the words. He...had never been praised before, his father always said words of flattery were useless and only bred weakness and complacency. He would grit his teeth, as if holding back a snarl as he swallowed hard and slowly turned to face the green-eyed tom and there would be both ice and hesitation in his own teal gaze.

"Thank you." Two words, so simple yet saying them felt like swallowing glass. Jackdaw would look Nutsrpout over, staring with such an invasive intensity he wouldn't be surprised if Nut turned away. His stare would only be broken when the rest of the patrol finally arrived, and he would swiftly scoop up his catches and be the first to stomp away from whatever had just happened. Perhaps once they were back at camp, he would stop hearing the compliment, and wash away the happy look on Nuts' face that seemed to have seared into his memory.

What was happening? Why did he suddenly feel sick? Why was his heart pounding in his chest as if he had just raced across the moors? A snort would pass through his nostrils as he prowled back into the safety of the camp, but he could feel Nutsprout still behind him and it made the fur along his spine bristle in uneasy and something else he couldn't place.

Dropping off his catches, Jackdawstrike would clear his maw and meow tightly, "Have you eaten yet." It.. was supposed to be a question, but the growl that accompanied the words made it sound more like an irritated statement than anything else.


The words from Jackdawstrike seemed tense almost, like the other was holding back something and it made the folded-ear warrior tilt his head to the side curiously. Nutsprout knew little about the brown and white tomcat but it did seem like he was rather similar to Ghoststrike; reserved and tense. Though the interaction was cut short by the patrol returning and they picked up their catch from the ground to follow along quietly. Upon entering camp they set their prey down as well onto the pile and was take aback by the growl that came from Jackdawstrike.

Sage green eyes looked up at the tomcat for a moment with a curious look, he was use to rather brutal wording from his days as a Coalition cat and of course Ghoststrike and his never ending line of snarls. Nutsprout, however, put a smile on his face and gave a shake of his head, "I have no eat yet, no, would you like to share something? Maybe the bird I caught?" He puffed out his chest a bit with a bit of pride behind his words.

The lilac tabby moved to nose through the pile for a moment before deciding on a rabbit that had been amongst the pile; perfect! Hopefully this would be enough for them to have something each and not starve for the rest of the day. The bobbed tailed cat lifted his head with a glimmer of joy to green eyes as he mumbled over the rabbit, "How about this?"



  • //
  • Nutsprout named for his small size and springy nature.
    — he/them/zir. 30 months.
    — Windclan Warrior, mentored by Hunter.
    — Ex-Coalition Cat/Rogue.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • Bobtail_Cat_by_LireySmoke.png
He would just continue to stare as if he was experiencing whatever the hell all this was from above, his body on autopilot. What was he doing? Why was he prolonging this conversation? What would his father say? What would his father do if he spotted him talking to a disgusting ex-loner? Jackdawstrikes stomach turned, twisting and clenching painfully enough in anxiety and he opened his paw to snap that he would rather eat crow food than share a meal with this thing before him.

But then Nutsprout turned with a rabbit in his jaws, eyes glowing in such friendliness that the snarl shriveled in his throat and all he could do was nod like a complete moron. His father was going to murder him. Jackdawstrike would turn as if to lead the way to a less public spot and settled down and waited for Nutsprout to join him.

The questions continued to run around his head like a sick animal, every nerve in his frame screaming at him to run, to leave before his father returned from his own patrol and saw him. Memories of kittenhood flashed through his mind, of his fathers' claws raking down his pelt in punishment for just looking at a group of apprentices as if to join them in playing.

He would remain silent for several heartbeats as if he had genuinely zero idea how to start a normal conversation with an ex-loner and his tail tip would lash behind him, the only sign of his restlessness.