♱ ... IN THE EVENING SUN / blackbriar



Blackbriar resides in RiverClan as a warrior, yet his loyalties do not lie with the fish-enjoying felines. Born into and abandoned by a family of rogues, the tom has dealt with guilt his entire life, believing he was the reason his parents left him for dead -- a heaving scrap of nothing just waiting to be devoured. However, he was found by RiverClan and taken in by a queen who raised him as her own, alongside Tangledtuft, his now adoptive sister. She and his mother, Reedpelt, are the only cats he can trust in his life. For this reason, Blackbriar defended his sister from countless clanmates who would try to bully and harass her, leaving him with the scars that lay dormant on his jet black pelt. Reedpelt was lost to yellowcough, and now bitterness eats at his heart with every interaction, a sharp tongue infecting its words like poison. Life had not been fair to the poor thing already in his young state. ── ✶*
    . . ★
    AMAB (he/him/his), heterosexual/romantic
    blackbriar prefers masculine pronouns, and would find any other pronouns uncomfortable as he would not understand them.
    . . ★ 16 moons, created 03/26/2024
    born in greenleaf, ages realistically (+1 moon) every 26th. created at sixteen moons old, and will not age differently unless for any major plot.
    . . ★ Warrior, mentoring no one
    blackbriar refuses to mentor anyone at this current time, his insatiable desire for revenge holding him back from any true potential he could bring out in a soon-to-be warrior.
    . . ★ Born in RiverClan
    loyal to no one but tangledtuft and reedpelt. harbors respect for riverclan since it is the home that took him in, but can't help but just feel dejected in general.
  • . . ★ Long-haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes, ref
  • . . ★ WIP / traits
    - as prickly as his name entails, very snappy and rude to others unwarranted
    - old enough to have understood that his parents abandoned him, very bitter and angry because of this and often takes it out on others
    - will bad mouth anyone if he believes they deserve it, often looking for a fight to get into unless tangledtuft is nearby
    - calm unless provoked, keeping to himself since he does not have many connections to his clanmates
    - major trust issues, only trusts tangledtuft + adoptive parents
  • GEN 1 / Son to NPC x NPC​
    blurb about parents
    Brother to Tangledtuft
    blurb about leafhusk and adderpaw's relationship here
    . . ★ Friends with: n/a
    . . ★ Acquaintances with: Leafhusk, Softpaw, Raccoonstripe, Dustpaw
    . . ★ Enemies with: n/a​
    admires no one
  • ★★☆☆☆ AGILITY
    ★★☆☆☆ CLIMBING
    ★☆☆☆☆ GRACE
    ★★☆☆☆ FIGHTING
    ★☆☆☆☆ HUNTING
    ★★★☆☆ SPEED
    ★★★☆☆ STAMINA
    ★★☆☆☆ STRENGTH
    ★☆☆☆☆ SWIMMING
    Adderpaw does not understand the concept of relationship whether it be platonic or romantic, small talk being the only thing uttered from his lips -- yet he couldn't stand the grating sound of it either. Empathy is not his strong suit, and he does not "believe" in emotions (this just means Adderpaw does not understand emotions and has no knowledge on what they really are and how they impact him or someone else). He is possibly one of the worst apprentices in ThunderClan, never having caught his own bird two moons into his apprenticeship and barely being able to scratch into tree bark. He is ashamed of this but doesn't know how to perform any better when he's already trying his best.

    . . ★ Single due to young age / Demisexual + monogamist
    does not understand his sexuality yet or what sexuality is, therefore this is just a sexuality for when he understands himself and relationships more.
    . . ★ Interested in no one / Not open to relationships or friends ICly
    doesn't like anyone platonically, which translates into his romantic feelings towards anyone.
  • ☆☆☆☆☆ HONESTY
    ☆☆☆☆☆ LEADERSHIP
    ☆☆☆☆☆ OPTIMISM
    ☆☆☆☆☆ PATIENCE
    ★☆☆☆☆ CHARISMA
    ☆☆☆☆☆ CONFIDENCE
    ☆☆☆☆☆ CREATIVITY
    ☆☆☆☆☆ EMPATHY
    ☆☆☆☆☆ HUMOR


  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • Adderpaw is rude in many instances in IC situations. None of his actions or thoughts reflect the roleplayer's, and anything rude said is only meant in IC fashion. And Adderpaw may be an ass, but his roleplayer is not. She is open to anyone dm'ing her for plots or for help, but is often nervous about it all so be warned :p.
    ♥︎ Played by @katze *
    ♥︎ DM on Discord to plot with
    ♥︎ Playlist, Pinterest, Toyhouse
    * she/her, prefers to go by emily
  • Code:
    [box=50%][justify][fleft][box="50%; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0d/8c/e5/0d8ce5f78736ec79f77a8bd9ad35d677.jpg); background-size: cover; height: 117px; width: 110px; margin-top: 7px; margin-left: 1px; margin-bottom: -8px;"][color=transparent].[/color][/box][/fleft] [color=#982e1d][b]Blackbriar[/b][/color] resides in RiverClan as a warrior, yet his loyalties do not lie with the fish-enjoying felines. Born into and abandoned by a family of rogues, the tom has dealt with guilt his entire life, believing he was the reason his parents left him for dead -- a heaving scrap of nothing just waiting to be devoured. However, he was found by RiverClan and taken in by a queen who raised him as her own, alongside [color=#ced3b3][b]Tangledtuft[/b][/color], his now adoptive sister. She and his mother, Reedpelt, are the only cats he can trust in his life. For this reason, Blackbriar defended his sister from countless clanmates who would try to bully and harass her, leaving him with the scars that lay dormant on his jet black pelt. Reedpelt was lost to yellowcough, and now bitterness eats at his heart with every interaction, a sharp tongue infecting its words like poison. Life had not been fair to the poor thing already in his young state. ── ✶*
    [tabs][slide=✶* ──][b][color=#504D71]BLACKBRIAR OF RIVERCLAN / [abbr=Blackkit, Blackpaw]FORMERLY[/abbr], [abbr=Black: named after the color of his fur / briar: for his prickly personality + aggressiveness]NAME MEANING[/abbr][/color]
    [color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] AMAB (he/him/his), heterosexual/romantic
    [indent][i]blackbriar prefers masculine pronouns, and would find any other pronouns uncomfortable as he would not understand them.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] 16 moons, created 03/26/2024
    [indent][i]born in greenleaf, ages realistically (+1 moon) every 26th. created at sixteen moons old, and will not age differently unless for any major plot.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Warrior, mentoring no one
    [indent][i]blackbriar refuses to mentor anyone at this current time, his insatiable desire for revenge holding him back from any true potential he could bring out in a soon-to-be warrior.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Born in RiverClan
    [indent][i]loyal to no one but tangledtuft and reedpelt. harbors respect for riverclan since it is the home that took him in, but can't help but just feel dejected in general.[/i][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 1][b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Long-haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes, [url=https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/78188581_7bAee9N02cBN8GZ.png]ref[/url]
    [abbr=look at reference/toyhouse for examples]wip[/abbr]
    [b][color=#504D71][abbr=no injures, 100% health]PHYSICAL HEALTH[/abbr][/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 2][b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] [abbr=here]WIP[/abbr] / traits
    - as prickly as his name entails, very snappy and rude to others unwarranted
    - old enough to have understood that his parents abandoned him, very bitter and angry because of this and often takes it out on others
    - will bad mouth anyone if he believes they deserve it, often looking for a fight to get into unless tangledtuft is nearby
    - calm unless provoked, keeping to himself since he does not have many connections to his clanmates
    - major trust issues, only trusts tangledtuft + adoptive parents
    [b][color=#504D71][abbr=constantly in a mood, only tangledtuft can help ease his attitude, 70% health]MENTAL HEALTH[/abbr][/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 3][indent][b][color=#982e1d]★[/color][/b] [b][color=#504D71]GEN 1[/color][/b] / Son to NPC x NPC[/indent]
    [indent][i]blurb about parents[/i][/indent]
    [indent][b][color=#982e1d]★[/color][/b] Brother to [abbr=played by swampwater]Tangledtuft[/abbr][/indent]
    [indent][i]blurb about leafhusk and adderpaw's relationship here[/i][/indent]
    [indent=2][b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Friends with: n/a
    [b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Acquaintances with: Leafhusk, Softpaw, Raccoonstripe, Dustpaw
    [b][color=#982e1d] . . ★[/color][/b] Enemies with: n/a[/indent]
    [indent][b][color=#504D71]admires no one[/color][/b][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 4][fleft][color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] AGILITY
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] CLIMBING
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] GRACE
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] FIGHTING
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] HUNTING
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] SPEED
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] STAMINA
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] STRENGTH
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] SWIMMING[/fleft]Adderpaw does not understand the concept of relationship whether it be platonic or romantic, small talk being the only thing uttered from his lips -- yet he couldn't stand the grating sound of it either. Empathy is not his strong suit, and he does not "believe" in emotions (this just means Adderpaw does not understand emotions and has no knowledge on what they really are and how they impact him or someone else). He is possibly one of the worst apprentices in ThunderClan, never having caught his own bird two moons into his apprenticeship and barely being able to scratch into tree bark. He is ashamed of this but doesn't know how to perform any better when he's already trying his best.
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Single due to young age / Demisexual + monogamist
    [indent][i]does not understand his sexuality yet or what sexuality is, therefore this is just a sexuality for when he understands himself and relationships more.[/i][/indent]
    [b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b] Interested in no one / Not open to relationships or friends [abbr=dm to plot]ICly[/abbr]
    [indent][i]doesn't like anyone platonically, which translates into his romantic feelings towards anyone.[/i][/indent][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 5][quote]adderpaw struggles frequently with interacting with his clanmates. this chart further explains his performance when interacting with others in his clan and outsiders.[/quote]
    [fright][color=#96572e]★★★★☆[/color] HONESTY
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] LEADERSHIP
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] OPTIMISM
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] PATIENCE
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] FORGIVENESS
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] RESPONSIBILITY[/fright][color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] CHARISMA
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] CONFIDENCE
    [color=#96572e]★★★☆☆[/color] CREATIVITY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] EMPATHY
    [color=#96572e]★☆☆☆☆[/color] HUMOR
    [color=#96572e]★★☆☆☆[/color] INTELLIGENCE
    [quote]adderpaw dislikes just about anything that can open its mouth and utter words. this is a list that congregates his major likes and dislikes into one spot.[/quote]
    [quote]like everyone else, adderpaw has a few mannerisms that can be noticeable to anyone he interacts with or may be observing him.[/quote]
    [slide=. . . 6]more personality traits[/slide]
    [slide=. . . 7][b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 8][b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 9][b][color=#b4380f] . . ★[/color][/b][/slide]
    [slide=. . . 10 ][quote]Adderpaw is rude in many instances in IC situations. None of his actions or thoughts reflect the roleplayer's, and anything rude said is only meant in IC fashion. And Adderpaw may be an ass, but his roleplayer is not. She is open to anyone dm'ing her for plots or for help, but is often nervous about it all so be warned :p.[/quote]
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] Played by @katze *
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] DM on [abbr=@planetarygirl]Discord[/abbr] to plot with
    [b][color=#869516][b]𓆤[/b][/color][/b] [url=]Playlist[/url], [url=https://www.pinterest.com/emilyiixxviii/adderpaw-of-thunderclan/]Pinterest[/url], [url=]Toyhouse[/url]
    * she/her, prefers to go by emily[/slide]
    [slide=/ ⬥][code]tags template goes here