⚘ poor man's poison | Dandelionwish

DANDELIONWISH warrior of skyclan

WindClan's former medicine cat, having had to flee his old clan to save his own life. Dandelionwish is now a very calm and friendly SkyClanner, adapting well to his new home and generally enjoying the freedom that comes with it.

    Was named for one of his mother's favorite flowers.
    Was named 'paw' as an apprentice when he joined WindClan.
    Was given the name Wish from StarClan by Rosepaw for his hopefulness.

    Age: 25 moons (Ages 3rd of Every Month)
    Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Pansexual Demiromantic

  • SH Chocolate/Cream Tabby Chimera

    Dandelionwish is a pale brown tom with darker chocolate color limbs and other extremeties, his face is spotted with freckle-like patterns and his eyes are mismatched green and gold. He is a tall, slender tom with a proper WindClan body built more for speed than any of their tunnel activity; his legs are long and wiry and often put him a fair bit taller than even cats older than him by far. His pelt is trimmed short except near his neck where it fluffs up into a thick collar of fur.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Hawk talon marks on his back.


    An optimist by nature and generally friendly cat, he's been forced to grow up very quickly under a combination of WindClan's ruthlessness and his mentor stepping down and subsequently being exiled before properly training him. The odds are very much stacked against Dandelionwish who even recieved a name long before he'd properly earned it but he has not let it slow him down. While he has taken a more realistic look at the world rather than his previous idealistic views he still clings onto the hope that he can improve things for his clan. Dandelionwish is not naive and foolish, but rather he things having the confidence to look to the future will help him overcome whatever is thrown in front of him. He's a likeable cat, gets along well with even the gruffest and meanest of his clan but also takes no nonsense and is quick to speak his mind when he feels he has to. Kindness does not mean he is weak and he will prove this time and again, being a competent fighter in addition to healer.

    His time in WindClan has given him a dry sense of humor and jaded his worldly outlook but has not stripped him of his hope and positivity, at the end of the day he still holds tight to his moral code and will help any cat who ever asks it of him without hesitation despite personal feelings. Dandelionwish regards himself as a decent cat, he can not promise the moral highground at all times but he strives for compromise and amicability among cats and oftentimes will seek out the peaceful resolution even if the more violent approach may be quicker. He's a quick thinker, logically driven with a realistic heart and dreamer's mind, a puzzle solver and highly perceptive young tom.


    Son of Daisy x @HARE
    Brother to @THYMEROOT

    Previously mentored by @honey

    Currently mentoring @LUPINEPAW

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    -Not every thread he's been in is listed here, only the ones that are relevant or impact him significantly.

    Born to Daisy and Hare in a barn alongside his siblings Thyme and Shrew, Dandelion lifted an idealic and lazy life as a mouser for his early years until his mother died to sickness and being unsure of whether or not he can raise three kits alone with how many cats are already in the area he takes them and leaves to join the newly established WindClan where they are all given the -paw suffix and Hare is named Harefur.

  • [x] Introduction
    [x] Meeting Rosepaw and Leechpaw.
    [x] Dandelionpaw speaks out against the cruelties at the border in defense of Honeytwist.

  • [x] Named apprentice medicine cat by Honeytwist.

    [x] Kestreltalon calls out Sootstar and is maimed in the face for it, losing her eye.
    [x] Dandelionpaw and Honeytwist try to patch her up as best they can.

    [x] First medicine cat Gathering. Honeytwist and Cinderfrost attack Bonejaw.
    [x] Honeytwist and Dandelionpaw return home and she retreats to the den in silence leaving him to his own thoughts.
    [x] Honeytwist has a vision of plump rabbits and Sootstar sends patrols out to hunt believing it a gift from StarClan.
    [x] Dandelionpaw has his first vision from StarClan warning of shadows in the sky.
    [x] A patrol sent out to investigate some mysterious rabbit deaths is attacked by hawks, Rosepaw is injured saving Dandelionpaw from a hawk.
    [x] The patrol is rescued from the hawks and they return to camp to take care of the injured.
    [x] Rosepaw dies.

    [x] Honeytwist steps down.
    [x] Pitchstar arrives to WindClan demanding answers, Dandelionpaw lies and claims Sootstar already demoted Honeytwist but it isn't enough and Honeytwist is exiled on the spot.

  • [x] Going to the Moonstone with Sootstar,
    [x] Dandelionpaw is named Dandelionwish by Rosepaw and StarClan with the hope he can help push WindClan to a better path.

    [x] An aggressive outbreak of whitecough+ hits WindClan leaving Dandelionwish panicking to keep his clan alive.
    [x] Dandelionwish finds a dead loner and tracks down her abandoned kit, bringing her to Echolight to raise. He names her Daisykit.

    [x] Dandelionwish asks Dawnglare for catmint at the next medicine cat gathering and is refused.
    [x] He returns home and lets slip the rejection, inciting the clan into a rage.
    [x] WindClan attacks Skyclan at the border as distraction. [x] A smaller patrol sneaks to their camp to raid their herb storage.
    [x] Dandelionwish is distraught with the attack on Skyclan.
    [x] After speaking out against Sootstar she claims a dream she had warned her of his treachery and she makes Dandelionwish a prisoner in his own den until he is finished teaching Vulturemask to replace him.
    [x] Their lessons begin immediately, cleaning up the aftermath of the herb raid.
    [x] Dandelionwish admits to Coldsnap how scared he is of dying.
    [x] Dandelionwish makes his escape from WindClan in the dead of night, spurring a chase.

  • [x] Arriving to SkyClan nearly at death's door and is begrudingly taken in.
    [x] Dandelionwish wakes up in Dawnglare's medicine den and meets Fireflypaw, his new apprentice.
    [x] In private the ex-Medicine cat tells Blazestar everything.
    [x] While most of SkyClan is wary of him, Butterflytuft approaches him more directly friendly and they develop a quick friendship.
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