⛧THE SIGN OF THE BEAST / storage v2


fear the old blood
Jun 9, 2022
  • NEEDLEDRIFT OF SHADOWCLAN / 42 moons / small gray and white she-cat / mates with ferndance

    NEEDLEDRIFT was born into the marsh colony during Briar's reign and grew up alongside Chilledstar's generation. She is a sweet and social cat who looks for the good in (almost) everyone and as such, she does not have many enemies wherever she may go. She tries to live her life as painlessly as possible - save her busted jaw, from which she still suffers the occasional ache. She is currently stuck in the nursery while she nurses her three youngest children: Morelkit, Branchkit, and Gigglekit.
  • CHICKADEEPAW OF THUNDERCLAN / 14 moons / fluffy seal sepia lynx point / single

    CHICKADEEPAW was born alongside three siblings in Winter 2022 to Wrenflutter. She is a vivacious young apprentice with nothing holding her back. She is loud, obnoxious, and pushy when it comes to her wants and needs, traits that have already landed her quite a few punishments in regards to her mouth. Sibling to Flickerwing.

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[G1] WindClan warrior, former rogue
63 moons, created on 11.02.22, ages realistically
Skeletal medium-furred albino she-cat with long legs
Asexual aromantic - not interested and not looking​
  • Content warning for MURDER, HOMICIDAL IDEATION, PARENTAL ABUSE, NARCISSISTIC ABUSE, MENTIONS OF PSYCHOSIS. This character is frequently referred to as a "madwoman", "crazed", or "psychopath." This character is meant to be read as a bad person and unhinged person. This character is in no way indicative of any or all peoples that suffer from any psychiatric disorders that result in any forms of psychosis. This character is purely a work of imaginative fiction and by no means is the author suggesting that all peoples suffering from the symptoms that may or may not displayed in everyday posting of this character.

    This character will also exhibit traits akin to an abusive parent in specific (more than likely private) threads regarding a singular character (THRIFTFEATHER played by GHOSTFILTER.) Internal monologues regarding this character will also skew negatively towards this character and will be limited in more public threads.

    This character views herself as morally correct at all times. Their inner monologue will skew towards this mindset. This character is not a reliable narrator and the author does not condone the thoughts or actions of this character. Please keep these things in mind while you peruse this biography and this character's private threads. Appropriate tags will be used where needed. If I happen to miss a trigger tag by accident, please let me know if I will fix accordingly.
  • Spindly and skeletal, Ghostwail more resembles a shambling corpse than a WindClan cat. She is tall and almost emaciated compared to her fellow warriors - all showing ribs and dingy fur. She's constantly... icky... like she doesn't groom often enough to keep her coat healthy. When she does groom, she leaves these snotty streaks throughout her pelt - remnants from her constantly running nose. She's plagued by allergies on top of her other sensitivities and 'plague' is definitely the word to describe this creepy-crawly excuse of a warrior.

    The only seemingly live thing about her is her wide, glaring, burning pink eyes - ringed with blue and bloodshot from.... well, nobody's quite sure if it's blood-vessels popping or bloodlust tinging her oculars. Best to avoid eye contact either way....​
  • Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    Empathy ●○○○○○○○○○
    Humor ●○○○○○○○○○​
    Ghostwail is simply unpleasant. Aloof and not particularly talkative, she doesn't court audience in WindClan and quite frankly, she doesn't want to. She is perfectly content going about her duties in the shadows, completely her daily tasks and ready to be at her leader's beck and call at the flick of ear. She is obsessive to a point of religious zeal when it comes Sootstar and her reign - as far as Ghostwail is concerned, Sootstar is the immortal and immutable queen of the moors (and the forest.... all she would have to do is ask...)

    Beyond her authoritarian piety, Ghostwail holds all other cats in great contempt, though her demeanor is typically hidden by her consistent monotone and dead-faced expressions.​
  • TIGERFROST - murder victim by proxy
    A target of Ghostwail's jealousy due to his closeness to her beloved leader, Tigerfrost was simply of victim of a mad-woman's ire and therefore had to be disposed of. Ghostwail convinced herself that Tigerfrost had squandered his post as a lead warrior and had failed in his duty to further WindClan into the empire Ghostwail quietly envisions. Once she had that narrative in her head, Ghostwail reached out to a few rogues who owed her a favor from her solitary days. They ambushed Tigerfrost on her behalf, leaving the she-cat's paws clean. Sootstar would never believe the word of some dirty rogues who killed her advisor over a loyal warrior.
    THRIFTPAW - ward
    Who know picking up random kids off the moors would make you responsible for them? Ghostwail despises the child she brought to WindClan - he is a useless thing that will be molded to fit Sootstar's army and she makes sure he knows that. Still... still, Ghostwail has a nagging feeling that the child she loathes belongs to her in some way. It is her thing, her gift to the leader she reveres. Now that it has a mentor, those old wheels in her head have been clicking again, hatred beginning to boil at the thought of her pound of flesh being claimed by another....
  • Strength ●●●●○○○○○○
    Stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    Agility ●●●●●●●○○○
    Hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    Swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    Climbing ●●○○○○○○○
    Grace ●●●●●○○○○○​
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 69% ]
    will start fights | will not end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
    — excels at ambush attacks and night hunting
    — poor at diplomacy and team hunts
    — sounds like Patty Mattson as Sylvanas Windrunner
    — smells like blood and black mold
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
    — speech is BLACK AND RED
  • Ghostwail began life as Banshee, a rogue cat that bounced from situation to situation. She survived out of spite, almost. Spite and bloodlust and a dash of cunning. She is quiet, she is docile, she is ready to jump ship the moment a more powerful opportunity rears its head. This is the mentality that led her to Gin and it is the mentality that led her to Sootstar... that, and seeing someone resurrect in front of you kind of makes you go "huh.... yeah, this person has super-powers, they get my vote."

    Since joining WindClan, she has mainly kept her head down, save for two recent incidents... surely, WindClan won't mind a couple more bodies on their horizon though, would they? She didn't think so.

    AUTUMN 2023

    SPRING 2023
    THREAD NAME - ghostwail brings thrift to windclan
    GHOST ON THE HILL - tigerfrost is murdered by rogues​
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"...Chilledstar has good counsel. I know you'll help them lead ShadowClan into bright suns. I know you'll take care of them and the clan after them." It is a crushing thought, knowing that her friend will die - has to die - for the good of her clan. It is why leaders are given nine lives, she reasons. It is not to live eight generations over the rest of them, but to protect the one or two they can with all of StarClan's gifted strength. Oddly, the excuse of faith calms her. "Even if I'm going to cry like it's their last life every time... you'll make sure the rest of the clan is o[kay.]"
- Needledrift talking to Sabletuft about Chilledstar

Needledrift is a gray and white she-cat with soft green eyes and a dislocated jaw.

Needledrift is a ShadowClan warrior that has served under Briarstar, Pitchstar, and Chilledstar's reign in the forest territories in the aftermath of the Great Battle. She was born to Little Pine and Spruce Heart alongside one brother during the time of the Marsh and Pine Groups and she grew up with den-mates Chilledstar and Chittertongue. Needle grew up as a social butterfly and took on a number of temporary mates in her time as a marsh cat and a ShadowClan warrior. Such cats include (but are not limited to) Primrosethorn and Moonspire.

During the Great Battle, she was bodily thrown and sustained a facial injury, throwing her jaw off traction. Because of a lack of a medicine cat at the time, Needledrift (and the rest of her clan) assumed that her jaw was permanently stuck in one position.

She stayed in the newly named ShadowClan under Briarstar's leadership after the Great Battle and earned the name Needledrift for her easy-going nature.

Due to her new injury, Needledrift often needed help grooming and eating. She took to eating prey that she didn't have to chew, namely slugs, snails, tadpoles, and bird eggs. She was often helped by Heavybranch during her initial recovery time. It was not until Chilledstar took over as ShadowClan's leader did Needledrift begin to show serious improvement in battling her disability and with time, she had realized she can talk again (though her speech is muffled and can be hard to decipher.)

Needledrift has often shown courage in the face of great adversity, despite her somewhat reserved nature. She was one of the six cats chosen to make the journey and returned a hero to her clan. She is social and flirty and has many friends around the forest. She is also empathetic and patient and is an excellent teacher, as shown in her relationships with her apprentices and the younger cats Emberpaw and Wheattail.​

Current: ShadowClan
Past: Marsh Group​
Biographical Information
Age: 42 moons​
Kit: Needle
Apprentice: Needle
Marsh Group Soldier: Needle
ShadowClan Warrior: Needledrift​
Mother: Little Pine
Father: Spruce Heart
Uncle: Agateheart
Mates: Chittertongue, Ferndance
Children: Wisteriapaw, Bloodkit, Bonekit, Shadekit, Snowykit
Mentored: Tadpolepaw, Mothpaw
Apprentice: Lividpaw

  • SEPTEMBER 2023
    Needledrift volunteers for the journey alongside Smogmaw, Clearheart, Honeyjaw, Sharppaw, and Magpiepaw. She departs at the next Gathering.

    Needledrift mets Orangeblossom.

    A rockslide separates the journeying cats. Duskpool saves Needledrift from falling debris and they get trapped alongside Orangeblossom, Greeneyes, Lakemoon, Flamewhisker, and Stormpaw.

    OCTOBER 2023

    NOVEMBER 2023
    Needledrift returns to the forest to a pregnant Ferndance. She agrees to co-parent with the she-cat and solidifies them as mates. Needledrift adopts Wisteriakit.

    DECEMBER 2023
    Chittertongue is found! They share a heartfelt reunion. Ferndance goes missing and gets attacked by a fox! Sprucepaw dies protecting Ferndance and her newborn kits. Needledrift and Ferndance name their children after the events of their birth.

    JANUARY 2024
    Needledrift is pregnant.

    Chittertongue is found dead on the Thunderpath.

    FEBRUARY 2024
  • Needledrift is a stout, short-furred gray and white she-cat with green eyes. She is described of having soft, almost plush fur despite not being the most meticulously groomed. Her jaw is permanently crooked due to an injury sustained during the Great Battle, but the mandible is not damaged so much that she can not move it. It hurts if she uses it too much in a day.​
    PARENT TO Wisteriapaw, Bloodpaw, Bonepaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    MENTORING Lividpaw
    PREVIOUSLY MENTORED Mothpaw and Tadpolepaw
    MATES Chittertongue, Ferndance
    —— PREVIOUS FLINGS Primrosethorn, Moonspire
    —— ADMIRES Chilledstar, Smogmaw, Orangeblossom, Gentlestorm
    —— NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS Chilledstar, Chittertongue, Frostbite, Ferndance, Emberpaw, Tadpolepaw, Mothpaw, Wheattail, Heavybranch, Roosterstrut
    —— NOTABLE ENEMIES Betonyfrost​
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i've gotten better at getting better
and i've gotten better at being 1me *:
needledrift is a queen of shadowclan. she is mates with ferndance of shadowclan and is the proud mother of five boisterous apprentices. she is generally very calm, sweet, and friendly and is considered by many to be a highly respectable and dependable warrior.

She / her
    basic description a short-haired gray tabby she-cat with green eyes
    ⤷ genetic / technical description link.

    trait / trait / trait / trait / trait. blah blah blah​

    ADOPTED CHILDREN Ashpaw, Gravelsnap, Slateheart
    DISLIKES Cicadastar


    how easily do they trust?
    SMELLS OF sniff honk
    SOUNDS LIKE voice description
    speech is Color Here

    At first a loner living near the riverlands, Silver thought life merely tolerable until a newly-pregnant Adelaide crashed into her one evening. With raven-black fur and a sweet disposition, Adelaide quickly wormed her way into Silver's good graces... and her heart. Shortly there-after, Adelaide gave birth to three little kittens... their children. Their family.

    adelaide and silverfoot were gentle, loving mothers: adelaide soft and kind, silverfoot viciously protective. no harm would come to the kittens for their first eight weeks of life. but lynx was a vindictive man, and soon after the kittens reached two moons of age, he tracked down the new family's nest.

    lynx found two of the kits nursing from adelaide. the third kit, a little she-cat named ash, was out on a walk with silverfoot at the time.

    lynx flew into a rage at adelaide for "stealing" his children, and he murdered her. then, teeth still dripping with her blood, he stole the two kittens back—threatening a similar fate if they did not come with him. he took these two children back to the moors with him, where they'd join lynx's family in the newly formed WINDCLAN.

    when silverfoot returned with ash, finding adelaide dead and the kittens gone, the scene reeking of moor-scent, she fled—taking ash to RIVERCLAN, where the little girl would presumably be safe. silverfoot would then embark on a journey to find the missing kittens, only to be captured by twolegs...

    Silverfoot has found herself free once more, her paws now rooted at the barn alongside a dozen other cats who stink of WindClan.
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