"RiverClan, gather for patrols. I am not going on one I am only assigning them-" The latter comment shot towards the spotted leader who had just barely squinted in his direction as he made his call. They'd had an agreement proper and he was not going to be so foolish, for the time being Smokethroat was camp bound and he didn't like it but he would tolerate it all the same.

“If you have apprentices, do take them with you. I don’t want to see any of them left behind at camp.” If they weren't injured they should be out working; hunting or on patrol whichever was applicable at the tom. Smokethroat inhaled slowly as he prepared to go off on another long patrol tangent, sometimes he wondered if he could just bully one of the leads into doing this for him but he also disliked the idea of losing control of the carefully considered organization he went over. A true struggle.

“Cicadastar-” He very rarely gave the tom patrols, leaving the long limbed phantom to his own devices but with two of their warriors on punishment and several others unable to attend their duties he was going to set some of them aside to accompany the mottled tom on an outing to fill the necessary spots. “-I am leaving SkyClan’s border to you. Pikesplash and Willowroot will join you.”

“Cindershade, you will lead a patrol to WindClan with Hazecloud and Aspenhaze. And if you could take Brightpaw with you so she can see their border and learn it well along with your own apprentices please.”
His apprentice ought to know who their primary enemy was and he was not able to take her there himself currently, an irritation he kept down by continuing on in calling out names.

“Iciclefang, you will take Lakemoon and Mudpelt to ThunderClan’s border." Normally he would have let Mudpelt lead this, but he was happy to give his former apprentice her first chance at leading a patrol and he trusted her enough to do so. Mudpelt and Lakemoon would be sure to support her in this. He doesn't think much of sending Fernpaw along as well initially, but as he calls it out he hopes the ginger tom will take it in stride and not feel too bothered by his littermate leading a patrol while he is simply still an apprentice.

He finds Lichentail, frowns at her in a way that is not disappointed but almost apologetic; they had been stuck in the medicine cat den for so long and had missed several patrols and other duties in the time period only to be put on punishment not long after. He got no joy in taking a good warrior off of a more meaningful patrol to put on something light and campbound but that was just how it was unfortunately.
“Lichentail you will be on camp guard duty tonight alongside Gillsight.” A glance goes to the young warrior assigned alongside their lead and he nods once. Cicadastar insisted they not be allowed out of sight and so he would assign warriors he knew would respect those wishes to their side.

“Boneripple you are being assigned a hunting patrol under Lightningstone and his apprentice.” Hopefully she knew not to leave the tom’s side without him having to remind her, but until her punishment was up he would not be sending her nor Lichentail on border patrols. "Petalnose you will also be leading a hunting patrol, but allow any warriors not send elsewhere to accompany you and take Dovepaw along with you."

“Snakeblink, you are to join Ravensong for whatever he requires of you today-feel free to take any additional apprentices not on patrol with you at your discretion.”
While he did not think the tabby was the best bodyguard, Ravensong seemed comfortable with him and the medicine cat had been brought back to them in one piece despite his apprehension so he was willing to look past the others less than competent combat skills in favor of allowing the healer a respite of ease.

- @CICADASTAR & @PIKESPLASH & @willowroot ( @Hazepaw & @WAGTAILPAW )
WINDCLAN - @Cindershade & @hazecloud & @Aspenhaze ( @Sablepaw & @Mosspaw & Brightpaw)

HUNTING PATROL 2 - @Petalnose & @dovepaw. (Open thread for anyone not assigned anywhere else! Roll dice if you'd like!)


If you were not put on any of the patrols above (not yet on the census, were taken off in the last update etc...) feel free to still post in this thread to be assigned another duty as a prompt!
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The time for patrols had come, and Hazecloud is hoisted from her place of resting to attend. Kind green sights rested on the Deputy expectantly, patiently following each word and direction he announced. Inwardly she was praying to the stars not to be placed on a hunting patrol. The river had receded far too much for her to be comfortable with her skills. The past several occasions she had come back to camp with nothing in her jaws except apologies and promises to be better next time.

A sigh of relief exhaled from her nose as the stars showed mercy. Smokethroat had placed her on a patrol with Cindershade and Aspenhaze, the latter she was a bit closer too, but she enjoyed Cindershade's company as well. Her eyes glanced over to the three apprentices expected to join them. Shouldn't be too hard, an apprentice for each warrior to keep eyes on.

Then the reminder of Lichentail's camp-bound punishment. The molly was careful to keep her emotions hidden from her face, instead focusing on finding the ebony Lead in the crowd. Instead she found to tortie first. "Looks like we have another patrol together, my friend." Hazecloud purred warmly while she approached. Hopefully it would run more smoothly than things with ThunderClan had been. They were more righteous in their fight with WindClan.
( tags ) He had almost forgotten about patrols with how busy things were becoming. The last patrol he was put in charge and it was a hunting patrol. He wondered this time what kind of patrol he would be assigned. Part of him was hoping that he would be placed on either another hunting patrol or herb patrol, but out of all the things that could have happened... WHY HIM?! Smokethroat had assigned him to be with Cicadastar and Willowroot. Willowroot was not the issue here, well he says issue when it wasn't. Cicadastar was okay. For the most part he was highly intimidated by their leader and he usually liked to hide away from their leader. Recently he had called out his friend Lichentail, so he feared that Cicadastar might be watching his every move and reprimand him.

To cats like Petalnose, this would be a high honor. After all, only a select few were allowed to go on patrols with the leader. Usually lead warriors were chosen to go with Cicadastar and Willowroot herself had once been a lead warrior. He was none of those things a— SNAP OUT OF IT! This is a patrol to Skyclan. Skyclan is our friend. Breathe Pike, you got this. It's not like we have any issues with Skyclan. You can be friendly. Maybe. The tom looks for Petalnose and if she met eyes with him, then she would see his nervous grin and a flick of his tail. He's shuffling his paws at this point, attempting to calm his nerves.

Once Smokethroat is done announcing the patrols his paws make their way towards Petalnose, perhaps it would alarm her. Who knows if she would want to speak to him at this moment. However he would stop in front of her and with a nervous chuckle he'd mew, "Try and catch a Salmon." If she remembered that was his favorite fish and what he was trying to say was good luck, albeit in a teasing manner. With that he would pad away to find Cicadastar. Can't keep him waiting too long.
should he have been anyone else, it would be comical the way his head pops upward at the call. lounging atop river rock as he did, sprawled flat upon a dappled flank with his tufted chin having rested light upon ivory paws ; his perch, watching through keen, slanted eyes. hawk - like, predatory bird of a creature all thin bones and feathered curls. his deputy calls for patrols and frigid luminaries shroud, chin lifting up as of about to speak, the curled whiskers at his brow swaying with its abrupt furrow — when the tom barks at him from afar, quells the rousing nerves that simmer low in his belly. only assigning them! he says, and cicadastar flicks the end of his tail pointedly where it sways from the edge of their towering stone.

his name, however, is first to be called. skyclan. the leader stretches upwards, arches in a way seeming surely uncomfortable to whoever watched, knobby spine protrude from the curve of his alabaster back like it was trying to escape through his curls. he makes his descent as his patrol members are called, and in an instant, his gaze turns to find them amidst the gathering crowd. pikesplash and willowroot — though he fails to recall the last time he’d been on patrol with the former, he could say he.. didn’t care too awfully much. the feline seemed flighty, and to say he had faith in him being able to protect their patrol should trouble come would be a blatant lie — but he could certainly use it as an opportunity to observe how he acted at the borders. icicle eyes scope him out and he looks.. stunned, he could only assume. the briefest part of him wants to implore him to see ravensong before venturing out like that, but he does not take the time.

willowroot, though was a friend ; he would enjoy the time spent with them, if not anything else. in fact, he would aim a friendly flick of his tail against her flank as he approaches. kittypets.. huh, ” we’ll have it easy, ja? “ it’s said as a jest despite it.. being near the opposite, really. given the slot of land infected with roaming twoleg and their small, contained fires, the campsite crawling with activity. at least the skyclanners were friendly. most of the time.

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
The hidden malice behind Smokethroat's initial comment towards his betrothed was enough to bring a comical smirk upon dark features, silent paw steps finding their way towards him with a flick of her tail. She does not bother to sit, knowing that the deputy would keep her hard at work per usual. It wasn't something she detested, but rather the opposite. Cindershade was all work with little play, for idle paws were the devil's workshop in her eyes. Brows raise gently at the first patrol, led by Cicadastar himself to the riverbank that settled between them and SkyClan. It wasn't often he led one, keeping a keen eye on things on their safe little island—but considering some of the unfortunate events that happened, except for Smokethroat's newfound pregnancy, they were short of some warriors.
Next, her own name is called to lead a patrol with WindClan. Already the rosetted warrior feels ivory claws involuntarily slip from their sheaths, her once coy expression now a concrete of stoicism. A mask she wore, heavily guarded and verdant eyes narrow slightly. She hadn't traversed the birder since before the skirmish, and Cindershade was more than ready to lead a patrol to the heather-scented borders. Hazecloud and Aspenhaze are assigned to her, nodding as her meets both of their eyes with a brief nod. Brightpaw—along with their apprentice's and the lead warrior takes mental note, searching for her bi-colored protégé and a clash of cinnamon in the gathering crowd. She was young, and the woman would be sure to educate her on how filthy those moorland swine were. If they were lucky, WindClan would have already done it themselves with how much shit spewed from their mouths.
She rises once the patrols have finished, striding forth to where Hazecloud and Aspenhaze stood, giving them both a nod of her head. "If you two are ready," she begins quietly, "then we shall set off before the sun starts to set." She'd not leave any chance of a surprise attack or ambush, keeping the light—for once—as an ally.

The tortoiseshell warrior lurks near Smokethroat, waiting for her assignment. She expects her name to be called, though not at the head of a patrol—and though she remains relatively expressionless, her pale blue eyes twinkle with pleasure. She dips her head to her former mentor. “Of course.” Iciclefang turns to those she’s been instructed to lead. A different kind of young warrior might feel awkward ordering others around—especially if the other warriors were her father and another exceptional warrior—but she only appraises all those named with a cool silvery gaze.

Ensure you are prepared to leave before dusk,” she says. She herself will eat to prepare. With any luck, her first patrol will not end in disaster.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Petalnose watched Smokethroat closely for the patrols. She listened for her own but she did keep an ear out to listen to where her friend and mate were off to. Pikesplash was surprisingly going with her leader, which was an honorable position. Atleast, Skyclan was an ally in a way and there wasn't much to worry about. The patched female met her friend's nervous gaze, lifting her lips temporarily to show her pride for him and encouragement.

The molly then turned back her gaze back upon Smokethroat. Internally, she prayed her mate wouldn't be faced with Thunderclan again, knowing how they made her lover feel last time. She hoped she was faced with the responsibility instead but it was turned down with Iciclefang being reported instead. Despite the slight disappointment, she was glad atleast Aspenhaze was not faced with it again and she was proud of the young warrior to be leading this patrol. Iciclefang was almost a fierce as she was or the same, so she was still satisfied with the smoke pelted feline's choice.

Instead, it was Windclan. She trusted Aspenhaze to handle themself but she would still aim to give a concerned lick to their ear, "Be careful, my love." She whispered, "Tell me how it went, yes?"

A hunting patrol. She had to admit, she was a bit disappointed the first patrol she led was in their own territory. Although, she trusted his decision. She had been upon risky patrols lately, something a bit toned down was nice every once and awhile.

Her attention was pulled to her friend Pikesplash, scoffing playfully at his murmur, "I will try my best. Remember, show courage. I'm excited to hear how it went." She responded, watching him then pad away.

Petalnose lifted to her paws, tail raising confidently and in a way to be a flag for the remaining cats. She searched for Dovepaw first and then scanned the rest of the group. "Whoever remaining who doesn't have a spot in patrol needs to join me or I'll be catching your tails."

Though the punishment demanded supervision, it seemed at the very least Smokethroat would find her something to do aside from sitting and wallowing in her own pity party. Glancing up at the mention of her name, it was with a confused glance at she awaited her orders. It would be a surprise to say the least if he'd put her out on the borders and it seemed he agreed, as her assignment did not stray from the camp. The small frown that tugged at the corner of her deputy's lips offered them some semblance of mutual understanding. He was following orders just the same way she was... and she would just have to accept it until her probationary watch was over.

Straightening her spine so as not to be identified as the woman sulking in the corner, the striped feline gave a curt, responsive nod to confirm her hearing. Camp guard... It was enough of a task not to melt her mind with boredom in the days to come.

Other patrols were set and organized, filled with idle chatter as they went about their greetings and discussions for their coming routes and the duties it entailed. It was a little comical, if nothing else, to watch Cicadastar perk up as if startled by the sound of his mate dishing out an assignment... Did he often go on border patrols? Lichentail couldn't really remember... Though the entire season had passed in what felt like a blur so it hardly indicated much.

"Travel safe," they meowed to the bustling groups, flicking a crooked tail in farewell. It left an uncomfortable knot in her stomach to see Hazecloud listed amongst the WindClan side of things but the lead was quick to ignore those bubbling feelings. It was a distraction... and Hazecloud was fine on her own. Pikesplash, however, looked like he had swallowed a bug.

Wandering towards him with a small smile, the blue figure cast a small glance towards Cicadastar before looking back at the nervous warrior. "Don't worry so much Pikesplash- SkyClan shouldn't give you trouble. Besides... I don't know if you've seen Cicadastar or Willowroot fight but I wouldn't want to be at the tail end of those claws." A reassurance... he was joined by probably the most experienced clan-mates he could get. And at a border not highly contested no less... Practically kit's play.​

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
At the sound of Smokethroat’s call, Lakemoon is there, slipping like water between clanmates despite her taller presence.
It doesn’t take a moment before the deputy begins to rattle off the assigned patrols, going down the list of clans and tasks, and as the mottled tom checks one clan off and moves to the next, there’s a twitch in Lakemoons chest.
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.

While her expression is steeled, poker face mastered long ago, dismay swells behind vivid blue hues, kept away from the sight of others.
Outwardly, she only nods as the tabby looks to Iciclefang.
It was undeniable that the warrior would feel a bit odd not only tagging along the father and daughter duo, but also following the lead of a younger warrior, Iciclefang was her Lilybloom’s sister, and despite their recent quarreling, Lakemoon would make sure the smaller tortoiseshell would bring back news of a patrol gone smoothly.
With that silent promise, Lakemoon would give Iciclefang a small nod in agreement and head off to tend to her own tasks before they had to go.
It amuses Ravensong that Smokethroat thinks he has taken such a liking to Snakeblink. The deputy was not entirely wrong though. The green-eyed tabby warrior was a cat Ravensong did not particularly trust, but because of that, and almost hypocritically, he felt Snakeblink was the best cat to entrust with anything, lie or truth. He was also the perfect fake bodyguard, Ravensong still grinned at how the other medicine cats complained of Snakeblink's presence at the mouth of the cave. What? Scared a twig will bite you?

"Very well," He looked out among the other cats, spotting two apprentices. "Cranberrypaw and Brookpaw will tag along with us." He decided.

@cranberrypaw , @brookpaw