✤ god must hate me | Turtlespots





name meaning?
Named for his spotted tortiseshell pelt.
previous names? Brandy
age? 17 moons (Ages the 1st of each month)
position in clan? Warrior (Tunneler) of WindClan | Ex-Rogue of Gin's Group
gender/sexuality? Trans Male | (He/Him) | Bisexual
relationship status? Single

A sleek and small tortie tom with white spotting on his face, he's slender and while not Sootstar levels of tiny he can easily be mistaken for a younger apprentice at times; a fact he doesn't seem too bothered by. His tortie spots are more prominent on his face where they are small and resemble the spotted patterning on a turtle's shell, while the spots on the rest of his body are much larger and are large patches of color with the occasional flecks of white. Turtlenose's eyes are his most prominent feature, bright green like the moorlands in newleaf and appear much larger than they are due to the white coloring around them giving him a wide-eyed stare.

Census Appearance: A very spotty tortiseshell tom with bright green eyes.
  • N/A.
Turtlenose despite his rogue background, is not a particularly violent or meanspirited cat, but he is rather callous and disinterested in developing any real connection with cats due to an upbringing of them dying around him constantly. His interests are more in the world around him, holding an almost childish fascination with things in a new environment where he is less likely to die to starvation of coyotes. He can be seen lost in his thoughts often, preferring tedious tasks like tunneling so he can let his mind drift of to other things and daydream while he works; the dark and cold burrows are a source of comfort to him as he prefers his solitude but is not openly anti-social. Turtlenose presents friendly enough but has a penchant for being a bit blunt since he never really grasped the idea of being subtle or nuanced with the rogue group. As such he has a tendency to just say whatever comes to mind at times.

➸ average to form platonic relationships
➸ average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? @Gin & Tonic
sibling to? @REDRUMBLE
➸ mentor to? N/A