✦ MY ANGEL OF LIGHT | Goldenkit




GOLDENKIT kitten of thunderclan

A quiet natured by hardly shy young tom, Golden is the epitome of kindness and sincerity, a polite cat who is quick to befriend others and swift to defend his clanmates at a moments notice. He likes to see the good in all cats even to the detriment to himself and has a hard time saying 'no' to others when requests are made of him.

    Golden in reference to his bright cream pelt and warm colors like the sun.
    Kit - his rank as a kitten.

    Age: 4 Moons
    Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Unknown

  • SH CREAM ROSETTE TABBY (carries dilute & solid)

    Golden gets his name so well it is as though it existed simply for him and him alone. His vivid cream fur is spotted in spirals and spots that ring like ripples in water over his pelt and only not present in the large patches of white that wrap around his entire body. His shoulders and haunches, the base and tip of his tail and some spotting on his back and face leave him looking as if the very color for which he is named for is for stripped right off of his pelt. He is long of limbed and build with strong shoulders and a long neck, a slender and more powerful build like his parents and befitting a ThunderClanner well. In sharp contrast to his sun glow fur his eyes are a deep blue/teal-like color and often partially closed as though in a thoughtful daze at all times.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • N/A


    Golden holds himself to the standard set by his forest born parents to an almost obsessive degree, encompassing kindness and courtesy at all times even if it leaves him looking foolish or naive. His sense of justice is strong from the very beginning, a real do-gooder attitude and willingness to throw himself into the fray to assist a clanmate or defend them without a moment's hesitation. He has a mild hero complex, always feeling as if it is his duty to problem solve and protect even if its not asked of him and occasionally his beliefs will leave him reeling with uncertainty as he has a poor habit of viewing the world in black and white only. Golden approaches all situations with a careful and kind outlook but will not hesitate to resort to claws if proper discussion doesn't work first though he's always willing to try to delegate even if it doesn't make much sense. The warrior code is holy in his eyes, something he should follow to the letter and while he will not begrudge outside friendships he always puts ThunderClan first and foremost, clashing claws with a cat one day and chatting them up at the next gathering without batting an eye.


    Son of NAME & NAME
    Littermate to @laurelkit ҉

    Crushing/Mate of N/A

    Mentored by N/A
