camp * ✰. — buddy holly ❞ / would you rather [warriors den]

As snow had packed ShadowClan's camp to the brim and effectively trapped everyone inside of their dens, there was obviously not much that could be done. Some cats had started to try and dig a way out while others slept the hours away or sulked about in their nests. The energy inside the warriors den in particular was rather dreary, so it only made sense that one of the more upbeat clan members would attempt and lighten the mood a bit.

"Anyone up for a good ol' fashioned game of 'would you rather'? I figured since... there's not much else to do." Chirped Roosterstrut, the bright orange-colored tabby as his pale green gaze danced about the various faces for any expressions of approval or interest. Maybe some others would want to take a break from reality and play a lighthearted game among their fellow warriors. This game was a favorite of Rooster's whenever he was spending time with friends or simply had no other tasks to fulfill.

"I'll go first- would you rather be the strongest cat ever or the smartest cat ever?"

  • warriors only since we're snowed in!!! 😭

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.

    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

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A huff leaves her mouth in frustration as she swishes her tail back and forth, stir-crazy from being trapped in here. Who knows when the snow would let up? And who knows if they'd be able to even get out anytime soon with the way the snow piled upo so fast? She had tried to press in to it earlier but it had felt like ice beneath her paws, concluding and adding to her anxiety. Ears flatten as she shifts uncomfortably in her nest, thumping a paw against the ground in nervousness that only builds the longer she sits here.

Oh, how she had missed hunting! She never would have expected there to be a day where she had actually missed it as much as this.

She blinks, nearly forgetting there were other cats in her stupor. How silly of her! "Uhm- Uh, okay." her voice is barely above a hushed whisper, tilting her head as he speaks. "Smartest cat ever." she answers quietly once more, looking down to her paws. What was the point of all brawn but no brains? You may get places with strength but you'd get further with intelligence. "Okay, uhm... Whats your choice, Rooster?" its obvious shes stalling. She doesnt want to go next, not with so many cats to disappoint.
Irispool chimes in with her own input; or whispers her input, rather. She had always been on the quieter side for as long as Roosterstrut had known her. Roosterstrut had never thought much of it, though; some cats were just naturally reserved and kept to themselves. As long as they were happy, then who was to judge?

He thinks for a moment about his own answer before ultimately making a decision and nodding along in agreement, "I think I'd go with being the smartest, too. Although... being able to fight off anything and anyone sounds pretty nice, too." Brawn could only get someone so far, though. Having all the smarts in the world could ensure survival in even the toughest conditions. In fact, had he been born the smartest cat ever, could he have thought of a way to secure more prey in this harsh leaf-bare or keep the snow from impacting their camp?

The next question Roosterstrut thinks of is a little odd due to the timing of, well, everything but it's something to ponder nonetheless, "Alright, erm... Would you rather live in freezing cold weather or super hot weather? Like, for the rest of your life." He asks, either to Irispool or the next warrior who happens to answer.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

Swiftclaws like Roosterstrut, they trained together as apprentices after all and he had a knack for humor that he thoroughly enjoyed it's something he wishes more of his clanmates had especially in these more dire times. When it comes to any kind of games he's on board, it's been that way since he was a kit still at his mothers paws and it was the same now even as a handsome adult. A good game would make being stuck in here more tolerable for anyone so he comes padding over to sit besides Irispool a purr resonating in his chest already. The two were already engrossed in the game having already traded a 'would you rather' already but before he can properly join in, he nudges the she-cat with his nose to get her attention quickly. ❝If you're cold just lean into me! I'm plenty warm still❞ he doesn't even consider the fact she has a much more dense coat then he does the idea doesn't even cross his mind. He'd get himself comfortable before taping one paw to his chin thinking over Roosterstrut's question. Even if the answer was pretty obvious considering they were in the midst of a horrible leafbare snowed in and stuck in their dens but he still wants to thin over the options.

❝Super hot weather obviously dude! I've had it up to here with all this snow, leafbare sucks!❞ he meows with a laugh, gesturing with his paw upwards to get his point across before putting it back onto the ground. ❝Alright alright, so would you rather spend a night in the nursery or the elders den?❞ he asks the next warrior. He himself couldn't stand being around the elders for too long, like just wasn't his style to listen to their complaints and fix their nests every time they felt a crick in their back. ​


Ferndance didn't leave her designated nest as a game of 'would you rather' started a short distance away. Surrounded by all sorts of swamp knick-knacks, a chaotic mess of rocks and feathers to all but the sharpest eyes, there was a comfort in being surrounded by things she'd collected whilst there was nowhere else to go. The wind didn't trap easily beneath her short fur, causing a little shiver down the tabby's spine whenever she needed to shuffle close to the entrance. Eyes half-lidded with the promise of sleep a few short hours away, Fern listened to the answers her clanmates gave attentively, smiling politely whenever one looked her way for even the briefest of moments. "Excuse me." Her soft voice interjected as Swiftclaws mentioned hating leafbare, forcing an unnatural strictness to her tone. "I like leafbare." She blinked slowly, her eyes narrowed as if trying to look offended, but her smile remained all throughout her brief act. Silence only claimed Ferndance for a moment before she ushered a quiet, "I'm just kidding..." And settling her attention onto the question asked of her - would she rather spend a night in the nursery or the elder's den?

Both seemed like brilliant options. Elders were allowed to sleep and tell stories, though she might be tempted to smother them if they snored. Kittens were as playful and as mischievous as her, but she didn't know if she would appreciate them climbing all over her if they weren't her own kits. It was a difficult choice between murder and discomfort, eventually, the ticked tabby found her answer. "Well I'd love to spend a night in the nursery. I have been told I'm great with children." She blinked innocently. No one had told her she was good with children. Her tail gently swaying as she told her lies, Fernsong offered a subtle tilt of her head as she considered a 'Would You Rather' question of her own to offer to the growing number of participants. "Would you rather eat a poisonous mushroom or eat a poisonous herb?" She shuffled forwards, her bicoloured paws dangling off the edge of her mossy nest as she stared intently at the warrior she's asked the question to.


Smogmaw's look is disenchanted, utterly devoid of enthusiasm or comfort. He's snowed in, held captive in the confines of this cramped den and denied the possibility of escape. Tight spaces such as this one expunged the control he had over a situation, leaving him vulnerable and exposed, and thereby always threw his nerves into a tizz. And so, when Roosterstrut proposed the warriors play a game to bide the time, the compulsion to tear out his own fur came as a natural, rational reaction to the younger tom's words. He didn't, of course. That wouldn't solve much of anything, now would it?

He keeps his chin pressed atop folded paws, trying to feign ignorance in hopes of being excluded. This is all for naught, unfortunately. The scope of Roosterstrut's scheme grows in proportion to every new voice joining in on it, and inevitably he's called upon by Ferndance.

"Hell, I'll take both," grizzles the tabby without delay, a scoff marking the end of his response. "Mushrooms, if I'm forced to specify. But, outta all the poisonous plants around here, I'd rather eat Deathberries the most." At least those little guys were guaranteed to finish the job.

He doesn't want to move the game along, though he acknowledges there's no point in letting it die right here—not if he wants everybody's ugly mugs to stop staring him down. "Okay," he goes, sighing, "would you rather fight two-hundred kits, or two foxes? Assuming you want to win, obviously."

[ cw death/light gore mention ]

Roosterstrut takes a seat back, watching as everyone joins in and takes their turn answering the hypothetical questions with a grin. He was glad that others were releasing themselves from the clutches of stress and anxiety caused by the blizzard; it felt nice to contribute even if it wasn't necessarily by bringing home food or checking borders.

Then, that voice. It was as if the color drained from his features and his heart sunk into his stomach as Smogmaw made his presence known and added his input to the conversation. Roosterstrut went awfully quiet, not even offering a light chuckle or pensive hum at the answers. Hopefully everyone else would be too focused on the game to notice his sudden shift in mood.

Foxes. He had to bring up foxes.

Oh, the anger he felt right now, hot and making his paw pads burn. Roosterstrut's muscles tensed, his claws digging into the earth below as if a needle had just pricked his skin. Hell, anyone sitting beside him could probably pick up on a sudden influx of bodily warmth radiating from Roosterstrut's pelt. It had happened long ago, the death of his father, an event likely forgotten in the moons since ShadowClan's creation and the Great War and everything else. Roosterstrut had not forgotten, however, how Smogmaw had survived the fox attack and his father hadn't. He hadn't forgotten the mangled corpse of Goose, his lifeless eyes, his stained pelt reeking of fresh blood.

Roosterstrut unclenches his jaw, swallowing over a forming lump in his throat as he tries to wear a somewhat normal guise. Part of him wants to jump back into the game because it would start looking suspicious if he didn't, but another part of him wanted to let Smogmaw know what a mistake it was to bring foxes into the conversation. It must have been easy to overlook an incident that had taken place many moons ago, especially when he wasn't the one killed in action. Hmph. "Don't think I'd have it in me to lay a claw on a kit, but if I'm trying to win, then... I guess I'll go with facing off against two-hundred kits."The orange tabby answers, trying his damndest not to let his voice tremble. The thought of slaughtering kits, no matter how evil or flesh-hungry they were, was horrible in itself. But, thinking in technical terms, a fully-trained warrior would stand a better chance at winning than the other option.

His expression turns sour, if only for a moment, as he meets the older warrior's gaze. "Besides, foxes can do a lot more damage in a shorter amount of time." I guess you'd know that though, wouldn't you, Smogmaw? Roosterstrut refrains from the bitter comment, as much as a cocktail of emotions welled in his gut like an ugly and throbbing sore that never seemed to heal. This was supposed to be a lighthearted game to get his fellow warriors' spirits up. Rooster felt a plethora of things towards Smogmaw, but right now did not seem like the appropriate setting to unpack all of that.

Move on quickly, he tells himself. It wouldn't be wise to let the rigid air linger for long. So, Rooster lets out a sigh as if releasing built-up tension and chimes in a much more upbeat tone, "Okay, uh, lose your sense of smell or lose your sense of hearing?" It was a tough choice, as both played a vital role in warrior duties. Hunting would especially be more challenging if a cat lost such senses, but if he had to choose, then it would probably be hearing loss. Roosterstrut could still pick up on scents by nose and taste the flesh of a juicy kill at the end of the day, so that was just fine with him.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.

    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

More and more cats joined in, okay... Thats... Fine. Thats fine, she can do this, she won't let her voice shake. She listens to Roosters explanation with a nod, he did make a pretty good point. To be able to protect everyone... Well, she didn't think about that and her cheeks flush. Its what she wanted, after all, be strong enough to protect those she loved. She slightly flinches when Swiftclaws approaches and nudges her and if by a miracle her cheeks burn hotter.

I mean, he was her friend, yes, but he was close, oh Stars he was close to her and she wants to purse her lips and cry. He offers her to lean in to him and if she didn't before, she thinks she might just pass away with how loud her hearts thumping in her chest.

"O-Okay!" a high-pitched, pathetic squeak. She does, she does want to lean to her friend, for support and comfort but instead shes rigid, a posture unbroken and stiff. She wants to scream being in such close vicinity to the others, two her friends, two unknown and almost instantly is the chatter all drowned out with her own personal thoughts. Agh! Why couldn't she just act normal, like the other warriors? She blames it on the recent deaths of her parents, yes, thats why shes acting so weird, not that she has totally accepted the fact they lived a good life and deserved to rest- no, it has to be that!

The air turns a bit cold and she jerks her head up in slight shock, Rooster recovers from his sour expression quite quickly and it leaves Iris to doubt if she even saw anything in the first place. Blink once, twice, nope... He still had an even face. Smogmaw had joined in but in her thoughts she hadn't heard the question asked so she turns her attention on to Roosters next. "Sense of... uh...." oh, she has to think on this, why didn't she think before she spoke? Stupid, stupid, stupid! "Smell? So I can like... hear my friends voices still?" but then she'd be giving up her taste too! Was that really worth it? Yes, but oh... What if they thought her reasoning was stupid?

She has to bite her lip to draw herself out of her thoughts once more. "Would you rather find true love or, uhm.." or what? Stupid, again, she needs to think. "Or find a prey jackpot?" a tough question for herself, she doesn't want to admit it out loud. She'd probably pick true love... But its leaf-bare, and we need all the prey we can get! Stop thinking!
the felidae slowly groomed their fur, blue gaze focused on what they were doing for a moment before their ears perked. would you rather, hm? they guessed it was certainly a way to pass the time... there was nothing else to do. and they had little little scraps left. it hadn't been time to try to ration anything yet, so they'd simply join in. their nose twitched at irispool's question. true love? disgusting. what a gross gross thing to even think about. even if it wasn't leafbare, even if they weren't starving to death, they'd never pick that option. sure, they'd thought about love like that when they were younger. they've even tried to have mates– she cats were very persistent and persuading when they needed to be it seemed– but it didn't work out. they felt nothing when it came to love, except for the love they felt for their brother, their dearly departed mother, and their couple of friends within shadowclan. they hadn't had anymore than that. they shiver at the thought of falling in love with a molly. they're pretty, and if they absolutely had to pick, they knew that she cats would be the only thing in the list but they would have rather not even thought about picking.

"prey. even if it wasn't leafbare. the answer would still be prey. hm. would you rather be able to win every fight, or catch every piece of prey you hunt? can be big prey too. like a deer. or whatever's big like that."

they shrugged. their voice was steady, lacking any tone infliction. it was just a simple question and a simple answer. how boring.

Ferndance was pretty strange in a good way she made him laugh and that was one of the best things any cat could make you do! He chuckles at her hijinks, she almost quite had him going for a moment if not for that smile that softened the would be punch of her jest. He listens to the older warriors response and nods, though he can't argue or agree with her statement; he'd been told that before but then again he was just a big overgrown kit to a lot of the older warriors. Still not having outgrown the constant kitters in his paws that urged him to go go go! He didn't see himself slowing down anytime soon, he'd stay who he was and be proud of that he just couldn't wait for the snow to thaw out so he could go out hunting and running through the marshes. For now he's content surrounded by the warmth of his clanmates, from those he'd known well had grown up besides like Roosterstrut and Irispool to those who he never quite managed to wiggle closer to like Smogmaw. He always had a strange weight to the way he carried himself not helped by the usual dour expression on his face, they didn't have much in common personalities just meant to clash but he still wishes to know the older tom sure they'd never be buddy buddy but at least could be pleasant acquaintances if not friends. His response though well it sure is something! He's almost tempted to ask if he was doing alright, he'd never gotten the urge to eat deathberries after the first time they'd been slapped out of his paws when he was a pawsy apprentice willing to try anything and his mentor was just about ready to chase him out of the clan. It was such foxdung they were poisonous he wouldn't lie they looked delicious, but he didn't have the advantage of nine lives like ole' Pitchstar so it was what it was! Man he'd make a terrible leader, he swears he'd lose most of his lives just trying the stuff he was barred away from just to feel the thrill of danger.

He doesn't think Smogmaw's the adrenaline lover like him though, he's just grumpy and got the strangest sense of humor (well he thinks it's a joke anyway, hopes so!) He goes on to ask the next question towards Rooster and he can't help but grimace he doubts it's intentional; nah it couldn't be but Swiftclaws wouldn't even bring up foxes offhandedly around him. He wasn't around when it happened, it was before he came to the marshes but it wasn't a secret to him even if he didn't know all the intimate details. His brows knit together in concern and he's almost tempted to get up to lay besides him but well he doesn't linger long even if the tension was felt in the aftermath of his answer. And well Irispool was comfy, well he thinks she is she feels like a block of rock against him but he stays cool and relaxed none the wiser to how flustered his friend was. Continuing to listen in until it was his turn to give an answer.
He doesn't think for to long after Chilledgaze answers Iris' and gives two options of their own; win every fight or catch every piece of prey. It's an easy decision for him however unconventional his reasoning is ❝It'd get sooo boring winning every fight I love challenge! Makes victory all the sweeter❞ he grins toothily ❝But catching anything I wanna eat sounds delish, plus foods much more important right now❞ he licks his lips, starclan he could eat the entire forest if he let his stomach run the show but he's been very good keeping himself under control. He turns his gaze to the next clanmate ❝So, would you rather be forced to live in Riverclan or in Windclan?❞