* ✰. — there'll be peace when you are done ❞ / roosterstrut


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    ROOSTER ROOSTERSTRUT ; a name that is reminiscent of his parents
    known as one of the more upbeat members of shadowclan, roosterstrut is a fun-loving tom who sports a fluffy and feathery tail akin to a rooster's ( hence his name ). he often jokes around with his clanmates but is also a warrior who takes his role in the clan seriously. he is skilled with much promise, although trauma from his kithood has made him hesitant and overly careful, which leads to him overthinking in the heat of the moment.
    ⤷ named in relation to his family's bird-themed names
    — cis male; he/him
    — warrior of shadowclan, loyal to his clan
    — 26 moons / created 1.9.23 / ages on the 1st
    — penned by beatles; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    A red tabby tom that stands at a height slightly above average. He has pale green eyes. Darker red stripes grace his pelt while white-cream colors highlight his underside, muzzle, and eyes. His fur is long and wispy, and his tail in particular is extremely fluffy akin to a rooster's feathers.
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    Loyal and dedicated to his clan but will ultimately stand up for what is morally correct. Not the definition of a "typical ShadowClanner" - he does not hunger for battle nor is he arrogant or overly proud. A talented fighter, although he hesitates to spar with unsheathed claws or go through with any risky maneuvers. Was often teased and called "Chicken" growing up because of his cowardice but has been working on pushing himself more and facing his fears.

    Can become unfocused and carried away by personal emotions which occasionally affects his duties as a warrior. Tends to overthink things especially while under pressure. In order to distract from personal troubles, he converses and spends a lot of time with friends. He likes games, friendly competitions, and leisurely outings and is definitely known to be one of the more fun-loving clanmates. Roosterstrut does have a strong sense of duty though and doesn't slack off.

    Although he is technically an introvert and needs his time to reflect and recharge, Roosterstrut enjoys making friends and being in good company. A bit of a charmer though doesn't push others past their limits. A really loyal and genuine person to have on your side.

    mannerisms blah blah blah
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    rooster trusts somewhat easily and develops feelings quickly, often having fleeting infatuations with others
    SOUNDS LIKE: miles teller
    SMELLS LIKE: pine needles and dried mud
    speech is #92a47d

    GOOSE xx SWAN littermate to quailsong | maternal cousin to honeypaw and chervilkit | mentoring n/a
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: rainecho, comfreypaw, needledrift, lilacfur, betonyfrost
    LIKES: frostbite, scalejaw
    DISLIKES: skunktail
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: siltcloud
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    [ KITHOOD ] Born into the Marsh Colony to two former loners, Goose and Swan, with his littermate Quail. When Rooster was around four moons old, his father Goose was slain by a fox while out on patrol with two other cats - Smogmaw and Heavybranch. His death traumatized young Rooster and it took him a while to grieve and cope with this loss. He also bonds with another kitten, Betony, around this time and sticks close to her.

    [ ADOLESCENCE ] Had a generally normal upbringing after Goose's death and was raised by Swan alone, though found another older figure to look up to, Fern. Had a friendly rivalry with a fellow Marsh Grouper around his age, Rain.

    At around eleven moons of age, the Great Battle descends upon the forest and he participates, coming out of the fight alive and having witnessed StarClan's presence with his own eyes. From then on, Rooster becomes a strong believer in the starry ancestors.

    His sister, Quail, decides to join ThunderClan once the clans are formed. Saddened, Rooster remains supportive of his sibling and pledges to catch up with her whenever he can.

    [ WARRIORHOOD ( 2023 ) ] Out of desperation, Pitchstar sends hunting patrols to ThunderClan's territory in order to secure food for starving ShadowClanners. On one of these secret patrols, which Roosterstrut himself is leading, they are caught and he calls for a retreat soon after the fighting begins.

    Newleaf descends upon the forest and melts the snow away, allowing for prey to flourish in the marshes again. Chilledstar has taken the reigns and approaches Roosterstrut not long after their nine lives ceremony, revealing to him that Goose had given them a life and spoke with them.

    Once bears ravage camp and drive the cats to the tunnels, plans to get their camp back begin to formulate between the desperate and misplaced ShadowClanners. What begins as a productive discussion quickly spirals into a physical altercation between Smogmaw and Roosterstrut as the deputy antagonizes him, especially striking a nerve by bringing up his late father.

    Roosterstrut is chosen to be on the patrol that drives the bears out of camp once and for all, which is successful and leads to ShadowClan returning home to rebuild.

    When Yellowcough sweeps over the clans, Roosterstrut falls victim to it and is unable to be treated due to the lack of lungwort supply. He stays sick for moons, even receiving a dream from his parents in StarClan, and is healed when the journey cats return.

    Granitepelt and Siltcloud's treachery is finally revealed to ShadowClan, which shocks the entire clan, including Roosterstrut who expresses his disgust with their actions. He helps Smogmaw and Skunktail drive them out of camp for good. ShadowClan tried to recuperate and rebuild in the following weeks, though a heavy blow hit Roosterstrut with the murder of Comfreypaw. Distraught and heartbroken, his hatred for Siltcloud was cemented.

    [ WARRIORHOOD ( 2024 ) ]
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    [slide=𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙚𝙧][font=verdana][size=3][fleft][img height=160px]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/946127056452845648/1196144860139360326/1_by_sixbane_dgpvhse-150.png?ex=65b68fb5&is=65a41ab5&hm=73a879055d1fd859bc58449142d7c925732950a345209d24b557ad13f76c686b&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=400&height=400[/img][/fleft][quote]✰ [color=#92a47d][b]ROOSTERSTRUT[/b][/color]
    [font=arial]——[/font] he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    [font=arial]——[/font] heteroflexible; single
    [font=arial]——[/font] red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    [font=arial]——[/font] [color=#92a47d][b]"speech"[/b][/color], [color=#92a47d][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attack[/u]
    [font=arial]——[/font] [url='https://tabbytales.net/threads/%E2%9C%B0-%E2%80%94-therell-be-peace-when-you-are-done-%E2%9D%9E-roosterstrut.3738/']link to full tags[/url]; @ on discord for plots.
    [font=arial]——[/font] penned by beatles[/quote][/size][quote][/quote][/font][quote][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/COLOR][/justify][/box]
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