✿ but you like her better | Petalpaw

Feb 8, 2023


name meaning?
Named for his soft, flower-colored coat.
Paw for his rank as an apprentice.

previous names? Petalkit
age? 8 moons (Ages 1st of every month.)
position in clan? Apprentice of WindClan
gender/sexuality? FtM Male | (He/Him) | Bisexual
relationship status? Single

Petal is a stocky young tom, short of limbs but formidable in broadened shoulders and a powerful tail; his lilac pelt is striped neatly with sweeps of dogwood petal colors and lightly darkened near his exremeties in an almost mimicry of a point cat; his chest and muzzle are off-white as is his left foreleg and right back leg with the exception of wine-dipped paws. Both his eyes are a pale sky blue color and his tabby forehead markings form in twin triangles over his brow, the tip of his nose has a single smudge of rich chocolate burgundy.
Census Appearance: A lilac and white shorthaired tabby tom with pale blue eyes.


  • N/A.
A delicate and quiet boy for the most part, it is uncertain if Petal's lack of a voice is a deliberate choice on his part or the result of something else but he never speaks no matter what is asked of him. While at first it seemed he was also hard of hearing it was obviously quickly he just struggles maintaining his focus and will often get distracted by various things. Petal is a sweet cat, often emoting in a position manner and responding to things with a smile and thump of his tail no matter the tone he is approached with. His good nature leads him to making friends easily and though he does not talk to them he makes his feelings quite clear in gestures and physical affection. A very polite kitten, he will often make certain other kits have eaten before him and goes out of his way to make sure others are included in his fun.

➸ moderately hard to form platonic relationships
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? Gorserunner x Heatherfoot
(Parents died during WindClan's '22 Greencough plot.)
sibling to? @PEONYPAW
➸ apprentice to? @LAMBCURL.

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