- Nov 1, 2024
- 81
- 8
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The nursery is unusually quiet, save for the faint rustling of moss as Silk-kit fusses over her latest creation. A small collection of treasures - shimmering beetle wings, delicate feathers, and a few fine clumps of moss - lies carefully arranged in front of her. The iridescent wings catch the light each time she moves, casting flickering rainbows against the nursery walls. Silk-kit leans back on her haunches, sapphire eyes narrowing as she appraises her work. The intricate accessory is nearly complete, and it's her finest yet. A token of gratitude, meant for Mallowtail, for all the flowers the warrior had so kindly brought her during the long, dreary leaf-bare. One of them is tucked behind her ear today, a delicate blue blossom.
"Just a little more here…" She murmurs to herself, carefully trying to use the moss to hold the wings in place by sticking them into the clump. Her paws move with delicate precision, though every so often, she pauses to admire the glimmer of the beetle wings, her eyes lighting up with satisfaction. By the time she finishes, the accessory is breathtaking, an elegant piece that looks as though it were crafted by StarClan themselves. The small she-kit lifts it gingerly between her paws, tilting her head to admire how the wings sparkle in the weak sunlight filtering through the nursery entrance. A purr of pride rumbles in her throat.
"This is perfect," She whispers, her tail swishing behind her. Mallowtail is going to love it! Yet, instead of dashing off immediately, she sits there, cradling the gift as if reluctant to part with it just yet.
// please wait for @Mallowtail