private ❆ SHEETS OF EMPTY CANVAS | brackenpaw

Even the sturdiest of composures were not immune to cracking under pressure. Rowanpaw could feel the weight of responsibility upon their shoulders as they now aged into the role of a senior apprentice, a cat who was supposed to be a mentor and role model for their younger peers. WindClan was depending on them to protect and provide, a duty that they would gladly undertake, but they'd be lying through their teeth if they claimed that it wasn't exhausting at times. Especially now as cats whispered about Snakehiss' death and the childrens' relation to their traitor mother, Berrysnap, who was assumedly living in DuskClan.

He doesn't matter. He's never mattered. The tunneler trainee thinks sourly to themselves as they painstakingly "shovel" snow from one of the passage entrances. The stuff is dense and cold, numbing their paws as they work, but they are so lost in thought that they couldn't care less. He's better off dead. He was a spineless coward, a good-for-nothing traitor, a sully upon our blood! Same with her, too! Whether Berrysnap was dead or alive did not matter to Rowanpaw. She was dead to them all the same. So why did their own clanmates still have the gall to compare them and their siblings to those pathetic disgraces?! The others don't always speak it aloud, but they can tell what they're thinking through their disgusted expressions.

The calico's muscles burn as they extract more snow from the tunnel and add it to the pile. They cry and pant for relief, so much so that their limbs begin to tremble. Growing more frustrated with themselves, Rowanpaw slams their paw against the white powder with a, "Hmph!" Their emotions betray their focus. This, they remind themselves, is why they don't usually burden themselves with overthinking.

  • @Brackenpaw
    What does family mean to you? For bonus points, write about your character's thoughts on family, spending time with their loved ones, or thinking about those who are no longer with them.
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    — rowanpaw / twelve moons / they/she pronouns
    — windclan tunneler apprentice / mentored by swiftshade
    snakehiss† x berrysnap / littermate to viperpaw and privetfrost
    — sh black/tortie chimera w/ blue and amber heterochromia, scratches across right eye
    click for tags

There has been an equal measure of both admirance and annoyance towards Rowanpaw's work ethic, Brackenpaw wouldn't call herself lazy... Anymore.... The combination of having both Bluefrost and Scorchstar as mentors has truly eviscerated any lazy bone in their body. They wouldn't volunteer for extra matentice, they claim she hates doing it yet time and time again she keeps volunteering to help out. Though it's not through any vocal measures. instead she watches the calico apprentice work, a quiet interest evident in their expression. Would this be seen as lazy? Would her clanmates say it was? Would their parents? Nah... They never pay attention enough to whatever she's doing to comment on it. The only time they did was with the badger, if that wasn't a semi public spectacle that involved their leader than she doubted they would have ever known about that either.

That's not normal, as she's grown older she's become increasingly aware of that fact. At this point she's just grown apathetic to it, these were her parents at the end of the day. She can't exactly get rid of them, so there's a begrudging decision to try to not think about it for too long. They are a solitary creature, family is a foreign concept, so she doesn't need to worry about if they think they're being lazy, yet she does. It's a frustrating never ending cycle. Rowanpaw's battering at the snow is able to break the spell thinking had on them.

It spurs her to actually continue their quiet volunteering, padding to stand next to them, her own paws joining the effort at clearing the passage. "What's got you so riled up?" Their question is timid, unsure if she should break whatever tension is stemming from them. Unsure if it would even work to begin with. "You look pissed" they remark without sparing them a second glance, diligently removing snow but not at the burning frequency that the cat beside her was doing.


  • ooc.
  • ZioVDCd.png
  • dDyYX4S.png
    Brackenpaw They/she, tunneler apprentice, 13 moons

    A scowling, tiny calico who still needs to grow into her ears.
    Mentored by Scorchstar | Formally mentored by Bluefrost.
    Speech, thoughts, attacking.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ( underline and tag when attacking ).
    All opinions are IC only.
    penned by Juice.