❝ TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS ❞ duskpool's sibling adopts


may you look up and meet tenderness
Feb 18, 2023


I WANT SO BADLY to protect you from the world because i know all too well how bad it can be .❞​

— these guys would have been bred for their size, although that wasn’t always the case, but they were hoping to breed larger cats for specific activities.

they had a relatively “alright” childhood other than the parents being overly childish and having 0 skills in taking care of kits. this led to taunting them and borderline mental abuse, wanting to cause the most emotional damage as possible, but they were never outright physical. but their twolegs at the time kept them closed off from most of the house, only letting them explore for a few hours at a time, but mostly kept a baby gate out so they could mingle, but not touch. they did have a large window to sit and watch the outside world.

duskpool, youkai at the time had taken on the role of an “older brother” by taking care of them since their parents were useless in that department. mostly making sure everyone ate, calming them down when their parents' taunts became too much, or facing their owner’s wrath when asking for food.

during adoption day, they were sold to various buyers. some went to good homes while others had some unfortunate luck like youkai who became bait animals for fighting dogs, alongside smokefang and shadowfire, pollux, and castor at the time.

— this is not a first come, first serve.
— applications are a free-for-all as long as the basics are met including name, appearance, and personality, but you're more than welcome to add more.
— please pick a name based on the naming theme! duskpool's siblings would have taken on a japenese-aesthetic name compared to his younger brothers who bore greek-aesthetic names.
— casual activity, 2-3 posts per month, at best. if you fall out with your character but wish to return once muse returns, i will be happy to hold them until then, if not, then i may rehome them.
— duskpool's siblings will start at 47 moons and his younger siblings will start at 37 moons, aging realistically on the first of every other month.
— histories are free-range. as long as they're recent joiners of skyclan.
— disabilities are allowed, but make sure you do your research and play them respectfully.

— here are duskpool's tags

— parents ; npc x npc
— siblings ; ryuji
— mate ; sinikka
— biological children ; naiya, nina, cari
— adoptive children ; aoi, mason, longwei, yuhwa, shanshan, yukio, drizzlepelt, pearlpaw
— other relations ; flowercloud, sootspritespark
— grandchildren ; falconpaw, zappaw, mothpaw, thistlekit, littlekit, fennelkit
smokefang and shadowfire
— parents ; npc x npc
— older siblings ; ryuji
— mate ; none
— nieces / nephews ; naiya, nina, cari, aoi, mason, longwei, yuhwa, shanshan, yukio
— other relations ; flowercloud, sootspritespark
— grandnieces / grandnephews ; falconpaw, zappaw, mothpaw, thistlekit, littlekit, fennelkit


genetics are free-for-all since the parents never had solid genetics, as long as they're norwegian forest x maine coon mixes! they can be silver tabby, brown tabby, black smoke, brown smoke, etc.

duskpool ; large scarred obsidian-smoked brute with ghost tabby mackerel markings and molten copper eyes with low-white
smokefang ; large black smoked brute with mackerel markings and light blue eyes with low-white
shadowfire ; large black brute with white splitting his face, wrapping around his muzzle and lower cheeks until it spans out across his chest and underside with amber eyes

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