sensitive topics ❝ WARRIOR ❞ skyclan tragedy litter


may you look up and meet tenderness
Feb 18, 2023


I WANTED to be loved, but all i got was pain .❞​

— what started as sweet soon turned into a nightmare, birthed out of spite, for chi held no love for the tom that had given her his heart. she scoffed at it, simply wishing to have someone to latch onto and gloat about. a cruel thing, chi was, pretty and two-faced, but even monsters craved love and mason was willing to give, why wouldn’t she take?

she took and took as mason selflessly gave every part of him to a molly who merely wanted him for status, something to show off to others, saying “look, i got a mate before you.” as narcissistic as she was, chi glowed beneath the spotlight while her mate remained in the shadows, forgotten.

things only got worse from there, becoming obsessive, chi wanted to make sure mason stayed isolated from his clowder, not fond of them. they made things far too difficult and chi would much get anyone else’s claws, but her’s dirty. she was a kittypet, after all. pampered by her twolegs and given everything a cat could dream of.

unannounced, mason grew bolder, pulling away from her and becoming less of a puppet and someone with wavering confidence. all thanks to those pesky friends. she’d simply have to get rid of them then, but it would be her downfall. she watched as her mate, now disgustingly dubbed ex gallivanted off with his clowder, leaving chi to wallow in self-pity, spewing lies to anyone who listened. dreadful, he was. she curled her wounds like poison, making mason out to be the villain in their love story when in reality, it had been her pulling the strings.

leaving her home, chi traveled with a few loners, clueless and wondering where their prey went as chi filled her stomach to the brim. lying straight through her teeth, the molly bumped into mason in an alleyway, grinning and watching the light in his eyes dull, falling back into old habits, grateful as she was. it would have been a pain to reteach everything.

mason remained torn, stubborn, and unwilling, but terrified. he had gone without her for moons since he left with his clowder, only to bump into her at pure random. he wondered if fate had it out for him. he would have laughed then if he hadn’t felt overpowering dread. Throughout those moons, the tom had built up a backbone, but nothing could prepare him for losing his adoptive kin, vulnerable and seeking company, chi knew just when to strike.

with a litter on the way, chi wanted nothing more than to kill the little beasts growing inside of her. that was until she realized she could use them to get what she’d always dreamed of having. a lover. even if her motives for wanting one were questionable. everyone dreamed of having a family, didn’t they? of course, she’d want one. just without these rats growing inside of her without her.


keeping them, chi devised a plan, but what she didn’t know was that mason had his own. seeking his father, he crossed the border into skyclan territory seeking help for his unborn kits, mason asked for duskpool’s help, raising them in skyclan once born, while duskpool handled the rest.

finding a queen to agree, going by the name of pinebair, and a warrior to help.

coming their birth, mason waited until chi slipped away to grab them with the help of keane. the two waiting at the border for duskpool to arrive when chi appears, sneering insults and threatening to kill what she so painstakingly kept alive. in a fit of rage, chi lunges toward her couple-day-old kits, intending to kill them ( and mason ). duskpool acts, killing her in a last-ditch effort to protect his grandchildren and adoptive son.

covered in blood, duskpool and the warrior head back to skyclan, mason watching them leave with a muddled heart, walking away with a promise of seeing them as apprentices. mason and keane leave for the safety of twolegs, leaving chi’s corpse behind.

returning to camp, duskpool leads them to pinebriar who takes them in immediately, nursing them as duskpool returns to deal with chi’s corpse.

— this is not a fcfs, but application-based. of course, applications are free-for-all as long as you provide the basics like name, appearance, and brief personality, but you are more than welcome to add more.
— applications will close on february twenty-second, announcing picks on february twenty-fourth to give you time to prepare your subaccount before the birthing thread goes up on february twenty-sixth.
— they will start at THREE MOONS and age realistically on the first of every month.
— please keep to the provided naming list, as these kits will be named by their grandfather ( and father ). but if there is a particular name you're fond of that isn't on the list, feel free to message me!
— casual activity, means 3-5 posts per month. if you fall inactive without notice or out of muse, i have the right to rehome them.
— these kits will be born in the loner lands until they're brought by their father ( and keane ) as newborns to skyclan’s border where duskpool ( their grandfather ) will bring them to skyclan camp with another skyclan warrior ( currently an npc, but willing to see if a playable warrior is interested ).
— these kits will be taken care of by pinebriar as newborns with duskpool being a prominent figure in their lives. he will not keep them from their father, answering questions and prodding them for future visits once they become apprentices. but will outright refuse to talk about their mother.
— although their births started tragically, these kits will have a relatively happy childhood surrounded by biological and adoptive family members. mason will try his best to be present in their lives, even from across the border as duskpool visits him weekly, and won’t be against taking the kits later to see him when they’ve become apprentices.
— disabilities are allowed, but please do your research and play them correctly.
— you are free to do whatever it is your heart desires when it comes to your character upon acceptance.

— mason's tags ( mostly completed, but still needs a few touch-ups )
— considering chi isn't an active character i play, i will provide a short blurb.
XXXXX is an individual with flare, causing drama, it's even better if she gets to tug on puppet strings and control things from behind the scenes, but even those in the background deserve the limelight. undoubtfully, cruel. chi cares little for others. above all else, she is wickedly selfish, caring only about herself. what others want matters little to the molly. she has no empathy, wearing a facade to draw unsuspecting victims into her trap. she isn't above being childish, holding a grudge for months, even years, nor is she against playing the victim to get what she wants. of course, she isn't always this cruel, rather lovely when she isn't trying to get her way. she's rather dotting once she gets what she wants. she is rather competitive. only the best, after all. in addition, chi is vain, caring about appearances, and little about personality. just how good they'd look attached to her side, but she can't forget about her appearance, grooming meticulously and making sure not one strand of fur is out of place.

— the family tree i was too lazy to list them all out rip


Sire: LH black w/ low white (carrying cinnamon)
Dam: LH cinnamon ticked tabby (carrying solid)

Kits will be black, black tabby, cinnamon, or cinnamon tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabby kits will carry solid; black-based kits will carry cinnamon

— after lostmoon ; vixen- , lizard- , raven- , aster- , daffodil- , moon- , sun- , lion- , dove- , bright- , wild- , bone- , night- , apple- , lotus- , peony- , plum- , lily- , spider- , ghost- , cherry- , apricot-
— after yukio ; daffodil- , poppy- , fawn- , doe- , honey- , nectar- , daisy- , marigold- , iris-
— after nature ; oak- , pine- , olive- , parsley- , stag- , willow- , wood- , yarrow- , chestnut- , rose- , needle-
— after weather ; storm- , rain- , blizzard- , frost- , hail- , thunder- , lightning- , mist ( y )- , fog- , breeze- , sleet-
— after personality traits ; quick- , running- , shimmer- , wish- , boulder- , brave- , soft-

— duskpool's suggestions ; scorch ( ed )- , robin- , rose- , morning- , sun- , moon- , bristle- , cold- , hollow- , scorpion- , shadow- , blossom- , bright- , dark- , doe- , bear- , lynx-

— chi's suggestions ; privet- , primrose- , viper-

— reserved
— open
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dirtkit ♂

Skyclan / Kit


  • — former name(s)none
    — former allegience(s)none
    — created 02.20.2024 at 2 moons
    Chi x Mason; sibling to TBD; other kin
  • (+) hard worker, curious (/) apathetic (-) judgemental, quick to anger; Its hard to form a positive personality for someone who is in fact, not positive. In every way, besides his confidence and curiosity, is he flawed. Son of a murderer, he is quick to follow those paw steps. Not only does he look almost identical to his unknown mother, he acts a lot like her. Confidence boils deep in his veins, and he will take down anything in his way from getting what he wants. He will lie, manipulate, and keep a facade on his face to make him look like the good guy. He pranks others, not caring the outcome, never apologizes genuinely, and hell, youll be lucky if he even cares about what happens to you.
  • single; sexuality unknown , monogamous/polyamorous? / crushing on none, not looking?
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will start fights / will [not] end fights / will [not] flee / will [not] show mercy
    excels at fighting, lying
    poor at reading others emotions and understanding his own
    sounds like tbd
    smells like lavender
  • a quite large red fluffy cat, with white toes, and sectoral heterochromia. /

  • code by floppie
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Reactions: blueblossomtea


Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
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