⸸ birds of a feather | Magpiepaw

MAGPIEPAW med. apprentice of shadowclan

An odd apprentice and a bit of an enigma, Magpiepaw is quiet and always perpetually staring off into space. He feels a kinship towards birds and claims to speak to them, believing them to be messengers from StarClan. He can come across a little unsettling sometimes...

    Named for his black and white pelt, like that of a magpie bird.
    Paw for his rank as an apprentice.

    Age: 14 moons (Ages every 1st of the Month)
    Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Asexual Aromantic


    A long-limbed and terribly awkward looking child cloaked in disheveled black and white fur. Magpie looks less like a cat and more like a sentient sea urchin ambling about with great big blue eyes. His legs are too long for his body, his ears too big, he is a cryptid of a cat who contorts himself and bends around in ways that only emphasize his strange shape and odd behavior. The only thing seperating his head from his body to give him any definition is his white throat.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Magpie suffers Mild cerebellar hypoplasia-also known as 'wobbly cat syndrome', he has no sense of balance and sways quite often but is perfectly healthy.


    Magpie is, well, Magpie is a weird little guy putting it simply. He never quite outgrew the kitten habit of putting things in his mouth to learn about them, has an unsettling fascination with death and bones that seems to have originated from his upbringing in a kitten mill and his odd coping methods, and does not quite understand personal space and social ettiquette much to the chargin of his clanmates. He's very friendly, but maybe he could do to be a little less so given his habit of abusing his lanky proportions to hover over shoulders and bend around trees at odd angles to percieve his fellows.
    There was once many a complaint in the apprentice den where some have woken to find Magpie standing at the edge of their nest and leering over them with a blank expression. When asked he would always answer he was just making sure they were breathing still.
    He keeps a collection of bits and pieces of cleaned prey bones around his nest much like the very bird he was named for but never any bird bones. In fact, he has such an aversion to feathered prey he will refuse to eat it or add its remains to his trinket pile. This doesn't mean he has an aversion to others doing so, nor will he force his views on anyone else when it comes to prey and its particulars.
    He has a fascination with birds, carrion birds specifically, and can often be found staring upward at the sky watching them for hours on end if left unattended.

    Since becoming medicine cat apprentice he has gained a more forward and opinionated way of speaking, using his newfound authority as a means to keep others from bothering him and has picked up an odd tendency to see 'star signs' everywhere to the point of absolute distraction. His way of speaking has developed into a more refined, curt tone and his clips his words and speaks shrilly often as though constantly asking a question that is never a question.


    Son of Unknown x Unknown

    Mate of None.
    Parent to None.

    Adopted brother to @Wolfpaw. (Missing)

    Previously mentored by @Rainecho
    Currently mentored by @STARLINGHEART

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