「 ✦ Carps are fast and hard to catch, even for RiverClan's strongest warriors. ✦ 」OPEN CARPSPECKLE ROLEPLAY


Sleek and Stocky
Mar 13, 2024
Sharp green eyes glanced around RiverClan territory from behind the bushes, narrowing slightly as they landed on a magpie. Stupid magpie! Always clawing my Clanmates and I! Carpspeckle thought, extending her claws and digging them into the soft earth beneath her. The RiverClanner planned on catching this magpie and putting an end to its reign once and for all. It was starting to think it owned RiverClan's territory! I'll show that magpie who's the boss around here.

Crouching, Carpspeckle stalked forward slowly, keeping her gaze on the bird that was just out of her reach. Not for long, though. Tail tip twitching, the RiverClan warrior raced out of the bushes. The magpie noticed Carpspeckle and started toward the sky. Carpspeckle didn't let it go easily. As long-legged as she was, Carpspeckle was a strong swimmer as well as a great leaper. Springing into the air, the she-cat grabbed the magpie by the back of the neck and threw it towards the ground. The magpie landed with a thud, and the RiverClanner landed gracefully beside it. The magpie, stunned, didn't notice that Carpspeckle was lunging for it, and it went limp between the Wildrose Bengal's paws as the she-cat nipped its neck delicately. Carpspeckle glanced around the glade she had caught the magpie in. Feathers now surrounded the grass, the sign of a struggle. However, Carpspeckle had caught the magpie. A clean kill.

Carpspeckle's takedown was rather impressive to the young molly. Feathergaze's own strength laid squarely with the river, truly a creature of the water by heart. She could withstand the current at its roughest, maneuvered with the will of the river rather than against it. She could sit still by the water's edge for hours, poised just so, until finally she lashed out a massive paw and clawed dinner out of the shadows. But ask her to leap and twist and pull an agile bird out of thin air? She'd trip over her own feet just figuring out her crouch.

"Nice kill," she purred, wandering over to her clanmate. She stubbed her paw on a newly exposed root and winced. One thing I'll miss about leafbare. Walking is way less painful. Her tail whisked above the ground and she pushed the dull ache from her mind. "I can't imagine jumping so high and still landing on my feet!"​
Carpspeckle's ears perked up and she looked at Feathergaze as her fellow RiverClanner approached her. The Wildrose Bengal dug up a hole in the ground and delicately kicked the magpie into it, silently thanking StarClan for the prey all the while scraping earth back onto it.

''Thank you, Feathergaze,'' The she-cat purred warmly, blinking gratefully at her Clanmate. Sitting back on her haunches, Carpspeckle swiped her tongue across a dark gray forepaw, pausing to glance up at Feathergaze and respond. ''I think it's more in my blood. I mean, I could be half-SkyClan and not even know!'' The warrior mewed jokingly. Carpspeckle had certainly sprang like a SkyClan warrior, though she was RiverClan from head to toe. RiverClan through and through.

At least that is what Carpspeckle thought - or knew, in her case.

The RiverClanner tilted her head to the side for a moment, blinking. Her sharp green eyes narrowed with curiosity.
''Would you like me to teach you how to spring like I do?''

Moonpaw had never been good at the hunting aspect of clan life, her training as a warrior mainly focused on fishing due to the weather at the time. She had caught a frog once when the clans had been stuck in the swamp that ShadowClan reside in, but past that she hadn't caught anything on land other than flowers and herbs - nor had she ever attempted to again. It was unneeded for her, and though she understood that there were some that reside within RiverClan that liked the taste of things that weren't fish as well as some that couldn't swim to catch their own fish she didn't fully understand the need to hunt during the seasons the fish were so abundant.

Despite this, the white apprentice had still tagged along with the hunting patrol, using this time to understand and learn where different herbs grew along their route during newleaf. Doing her best to remain near the patrol she stopped near Feathergaze when the sound of a nearby bush rustling caught her attention, only to turn and look towards Carpspeckle as the warrior grabbed onto the magpie and brought it down quickly - something she could only name a small pawful of RiverClanners with the ability to do.

"Hunting like that could be useful in leafbare if it gets any worse than it was last season." She'd muse softly, looking towards the other for just a moment before sitting down. "Wouldn't it be slippery with the snow and ice when you land?" Despite the snow being long gone and the pollen now replacing it she couldn't help but think of the snow that had coated the territory so recently, her tail-tip twitching slightly as she did so.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed