
  • SWANSONG ; an inheritance of beauty; she cherishes the remembrance it brings.
    ethereal and elegant, a cat woven of mist and dreams. sleepy eyes of soft periwinkle belie a detached kind of cunning. she exists in a state of perpetual dreaming, drifting through life placid and strange yet purposeful in an inscrutable way, driven by memory of the dead's voices whispering in their sleep.
    swan for their pale pelt, after halfshade's mother; song for their tranquil nature
    — AMAB demigirl; she/her or they/them; accepts feminine or neutral terms.
    — warrior of shadowclan, loyal and duty-bound. resents the bounty of other clans.
    — created 05.17.23 at 2 moons. ages realistically on the 17th.
    — penned by saturnid.
    Swansong is a pretty cat, with long and feathery fur draped across an elegant frame, a long and plume-like tail trailing behind them. A naturally elegant cat, she takes after her mother in all but her father's swirling stripes. The most striking aspect of Swansong's appearance is of course her coloring: the apprentice's ghostly tabby markings are set against cream fur of near-white. True white creeps across their underside, nearly indistinguishable from the rest of them. For all their love of the night, they struggle with stealth due to their pale fur, a far cry from ShadowClan's typical shady colors. There is something ethereal and almost otherworldly to Swansong's appearance, a ghost among cats. Her eyes too glow bright in the shadows, a soft yet striking pale blue, tipping into periwinkle in the right lighting.

    ⤷ LH cream mackerel tabby w/ low white (masking blue tabby)

    languid movements. eyes are almost always half-lidded. rarely looks directly at other cats, often appears bored or lost in thought. long and somewhat swaying strides, keeps low to the ground. often sweeps tail back and forth, brushing the grass. yawns frequently.
    ( + ) tranquil, intelligent, altruistic, easygoing, patient
    ( / ) morbid, imaginative, passive, quiet, fanciful
    ( - ) detached, melancholic, nihilistic, unmotivated, self-absorbed

    — Swankit is a strange and whimsical cat, always seeming lost in his own world. He trails through the clan as though a ghost, a quiet child with a propensity for wandering, always finding himself under some cat or other's paws, yet not one to make a nuisance of himself. He often does not speak unless spoken to, always seeming a bit surprised when anyone speaks to him at all, as though forgetting that he too exists in this world. His words at times make little sense, and he often trails off in thought or loses his place in conversations, appearing at best absent-minded and at worst fully disinterested. Yet despite this there is so often a smile on his face, a soft laugh spared for any who engage him. A sweet and kind cat, he is patient and eager to help others, even if his smile can seem a little too vacant.

    — For a cat with so vacant a stare, Swankit is far more intelligent than one may suspect. There is a keen cleverness to him, despite his apparent disinterest in the world around him. There is a veil, it seems, that separates Swankit from the rest of the world, more observer than participant. But oh, what a keen observer he is. Perceptive of everything and cunning when he needs to be, even at a young age Swankit is not opposed to lying to get what he wants. He is not a cruel cat, and yet he seems detached from the consequences of his actions, seeing no reason not to lie to get what he desires. As he grows aware of how others see him, he will grow ever willing to play the fool and lean into cats' perceptions of him.

    — Swankit often confuses dreams for reality, and at times vice versa. It seems all his life is lived as though dreaming. It is not an unusual occurrence for him to come crying to his parents after a nightmare, unable to be convinced of its falsehood, or to tout tales of some grand adventure he went on, only to realize he is recounting a dream. As a child, he will believe any story told to him, no matter its impossibility. He sees all the world in a warped and poetic light, finding truth in the unreal and beauty in the strange. He is drawn to finding wonder in the morbid, in the swamplands of his home and all the rot they carry with them.

    — Swankit can often come off as lazy, a sleepy drifter with no drive to do much of anything at all. He sticks close by his mother in the nursery, not scared, but not enthused about leaving. And once outside, often inclined to trail after his siblings until he finds himself distracted by some new fascination. Swankit can find little reason to do something if he simply does not want to, responsibility be damned. He holds no ambition of following in his father's footsteps, though time can often change one's mind, and a taste of the power that comes with prestige is likely to draw him in. His childish whims will not be indulged forever; Swankit cannot stay in the nursery.
    LITTERMATE to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall
    OLDER SIBLING to halfpaw, thornpaw, & laurelpaw

    MENTORED BY sabletuft, skunktail
    NOTABLE FRIENDS caterpillarfuzz, haretooth, chervilshade, flintwish, snowpaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES betonyfrost

    trust is given easily, though she holds little weight in it.
    SOUNDS soft and airy, but somewhat monotone. pleasantly disinterested.
    SMELLS of chamomile and peat.
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • █ #b4a5cb
    █ #d3bee9
    █ #f5eff9
    █ #c5c6e8
    █ #a9b2e9
    █ #6A68A2

    periwinkle, lilac, lavendar, white. pale, soft, and haunting. clouds and fog, pastel night skies. dreams, unreality, ghosts, spaces that could almost exist in a dream you half-remember. flowers, petals, scattered stars. swan feathers and moth wings, the haziness of falling asleep. PINTEREST
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