
⤷ penned by saturnid
— HOLLY after the nursery where her parents first met.
— she / he & AMAB bigender. gendered terms only.
— apprentice of skyclan, born to two former kittypets.
— created 03.08.2024 at 3 moons. ages on the 8th.

    ↳ LH chocolate tortie / chocolate chimera w/ low white (carries cinnamon, dilute, point)

    Hollykit is well-built and sturdy, with a stout and plush-furred body. His legs are short, bringing him low to the ground on a base of broad paws, with a round face giving him a perpetually kittish look. His father's pedigree shows clearly in the ruff of fur around his neck, a flaring mane like the lions of legend.

    The smallest child of the late leader does not quite carry his colors nor his mate's. Instead, Hollykit has a palette molded of clay. Ruddy reds rest amid marbled mud, draping the child in gentle earthen-tones. A brown too muddy to be Bobbie's, a red too rusted to be Blazestar's. Yet similar, so similar. Similar in the marbling parody of stripes that drape themself across her flank, in the sea of pale that frames her face like a Ragdoll's point. An imitation that has become something new entirely. Crafted from clay and forged in fire, an earthen creature reaching for the light of the sun.

    If Hollykit's body is taken the earth, then his eyes are from the treetops above. A gentle sky blue slowly fades into a mirror of his mother's eyes, a deep and verdant green. Wide and almond shaped, they glitter with a keen intelligence. An evergreen brightness bringing light, a herald of the newleaf to come.

    — Perhaps the most unique feature of Hollykit's psyche is his obsession with stories. Grand, heroic adventures, straight from the mouths of queens and elders. It's the way in which he understands and processes the world around him, something he latches onto at a young age. Even when he knows little else, he always has his mother's words telling him of Blazestar and LionClan; and he can't quite differentiate between the two, between tragedy and myth, reality and fiction.

    — Hollykit's favorite stories are the ones with a happy ending. It seems the kit has a boundless optimism, one quite easy to maintain when he simply doesn't process anything that could hurt him. There's a detachment between Hollykit and the world around her, retreating from the harshness of reality into her own perfect fantasy. Everything becomes a simple story of good triumphing over evil. The loss of his father makes him nothing more than a fairy tale, the grief his mother carries is merely a problem for the heroes to solve. Everything is filtered through rose tinted glasses, with the unwavering belief that it'll all work out okay in the end. And if it doesn't... Well, Hollykit won't let herself think about that.

    — Hollykit, as one might expect, has a vivid imagination. His thoughts come to him clearly in pictures and narration, as if a storybook is unfolding within his own head. They flow quickly through associations, a web of connecting images and words, at times hard to explain to others. He feels things deeply, vividly, seeing an array of colors at every sound -- as well as his own emotions. Hollykit's synaesthesia helps shape his view of the world around him, though he often does not have the right words to explain it.

    — Despite his strong belief in good and evil, Hollykit's morals tend to be... loose. He is easily influenced, often relying on others to make decisions for him. Tell him what's right, tell him what's wrong, and he will do it. He can slot anything into his fantastical, shifting worldview -- he just needs the direction. He scarcely exists as himself at times, instead finding solace in others actions, guiding his life by idealized figures and out-of-reach fables. He wants to do good, of course. He just needs to be shown how first.

    — If you ask Hollykit how she's feeling, he probably wouldn't be able to tell you. He finds himself disconnected from his own emotions, so entirely resistant to facing reality that he has entirely stepped away from himself, becoming no more than the characters in his stories. He's happy, he'll usually say, because isn't that how he's supposed to be? He often can't recognize when he's feeling negative emotions, and when he does, will deliberately ignore them. He's a strong kit, and strong kits don't feel sad. Or angry. Or lonely. Or anything bad at all.

    — Where Hollykit's personality truly shines is in play. Once he can be dragged out of the nursery for a game of make-believe, he'll want to live in that world forever. Hollykit seems to transform when she is playing, from an aloof observer to a grand hero. It is almost as though she is most herself when pretending to be someone else. He often takes games too far, forgetting that they are just pretend; calling other kits by their make-believe games, holding grudges against "rival leaders", even injuring other kits in pretend battle.

    — Late into his kithood, Hollykit will gain a bit of a reputation as a mischief maker. She treats games as reality and reality as a game, causing trouble in her quest for adventure. Sneaking out of camp, biting tails... She will be a restless cat, but easily satisfied sitting her down for story time. She'll begin to pester older cats for stories and games, asking them questions like "Does the sun ever get lonely?" or "What if all the birds make their own clan and attack us?" with grave sincerity.

    — Where Hollykit goes from kithood is very dependent on her mentor. She will need someone to give her direction, to hone her restless longing for heroism into something actionable. She will idolize her mentor no matter what, and what they want from her will establish what she values. She will train hard to become the warrior her mentor wants her to be, for better or worse.
  • DOEBLAZE x BLAZESTAR GEN 2. littermate to candorpaw & lionpaw. half-sibling to lupinesong, drowsynose, crowsight, howlfire, fireflypaw, moonwhisper, burnstorm, morningpaw, skyclaw, & duskbird.
    ⤷ mentored by dogbite.

    NOTABLE FRIENDS sangriapaw, ricepaw, jellypaw, candorpaw, lionpaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES chrysaliswing, slate, windclan

    trust is given far too easily, naive and unthinking of danger.
    SOUNDS babyswag.
    SMELLS OF holly leaves and sweet pinesap.
    to befriend
    to romance
    to manipulate
    ⤷ makes friends with a naive sort of ease, placing his trust in any who offer so much as a smile.

    HUNTING UNTRAINED. has not yet caught his first prey. ✦
    TRACKING POOR. lacks both talent and training. ✦
    CLIMBING DEVELOPING. possess a natural talent, but lacks discipline. ✦
    LEAPING UNTRAINED. focuses more on climbing, due to her inherent skill at it. ✦

    show mercy
    attack kits, elders
    start fights
    ⤷ OPEN TO scuffles, minor injury, rolls CLOSED TO death ASK ABOUT maiming

    COMBAT UNTRAINED. has yet to experience a proper fight. ✦
  • â–º TITLE by artist
    ♫ relevant lyric
  • â–ˆ #8A4130
    â–ˆ #ab6153
    â–ˆ #b78876
    â–ˆ #adb086
    â–ˆ #8D916A
    â–ˆ #515A38

    red and green. knights, crowns, swords. burning flowers and forests. oil paintings, the spines of leather-bound books, collections of fairy tales. feathers and falconers, foxes and stags, animals of the hunt. berries red as blood. apples and woven baskets. dancing faeries. leaves and red flowers, picturesque landscapes, overgrown brick walls. PINTEREST

    - often speaks in metaphor, very flowery and nonliteral
    - simplistic and strange as a child, grows more poetic as he ages
    - idiosyncratic speech; often omits key details and leaves metaphors unexplained
    - often phrases statements as questions, especially when young
    - occasionally speaks in third person
    - calls others by nicknames or "titles" he grants them

    — quirrel (video games)

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