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there's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep

breezekit | breezepaw | breeze-???
named 'breeze' for her pelt coloration as the feel of the wind during her birth; suffix will be decided icly

demi-girl [afab] | uses feminine or neutral pronouns [she/they]

panromantic | pansexual | ambiamorous

kit | windclan

shorthaired blue mink & longhaired black chimera with low white; breeds black with low white; carries currently unknown | ref
written desc.

unnerving | mature | solemn | compassionate | inquisitive
an enigma at best, breezekit seems to wear two faces most days. at times, she is thoughtful and introspective, often lost in thought or dreams, wide-eyed and uncanny as she stares through those around her. she often spends this time by herself, speaking to and of things that others cant see - an overactive imagination perhaps. other times, she's just your everyday child - bright and bushy tailed, with sunshine smiles and an enthusiasm to learn and grow. She's rather compassionate, showing a shocking amount of empathy for a kit her age - finding it rather easy to read the body language and tone of voice that others have and act accordingly.

name x name | gen 00
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

ambiverted | easy to befriend; extremely loyal towards her friends | easy to romance; falls fast and hard; loses interest just as fast if not reciprocated

greymoral | loyal to windclan as a whole

plot ideas.
plot one
plot two

plot one
plot two
plot one
plot two
plot one
plot two
plot one
plot two
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the world outside there is made from pictures in books

paper-crane | cranepaw | craneflower
originally named paper-crane after her owners love of origami; named 'crane' to honor her kittypet heritage; name 'flower' for her delicate nature

female [afab] | uses feminine pronouns [she/her]

heteroromantic | heterosexual | monogomous

daylight apprentice | skyclan

longhaired chocolate spotted tabby; carried unknown | ref
written desc.

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
written desc.

name x name | gen 00
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

introverted | forms platonic relationships easily | extremely hard to romance

morally good | loyal to her moral compass first and foremost

plot ideas.
plot one
plot two

toumei answer (jubyphonic cover)
ayano's theory of happiness (jubyphonic cover)
lost time memory (jubyphonic cover)
imagination forest (jubyphonic cover)
lost ones weeping (jubyphonic cover)
rolling girl (jubyphonic cover)
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hyperpop up in my ears, everything just disappears

bubblekit | bubblepaw | bubbleshine
named 'bubble' on a whim; 'shine' for their exuberant personality and boundless energy

genderfluid [amab] | uses masculine or neutral pronouns [he/they/it]

romantic orientation undiscovered | sexual orientation undiscovered | ambiamorous

kit | shadowclan

shorthaired silver mackerel tabby with low white & somatic mutation; carries unknown | ref
written desc.

hyperactive | impulsive | selfish | emotional | violent
a truly feral child, bubblekit is all teeth and claws and uncontrolled emotions. though he rarely speaks, it's easy enough to read his exaggerated expressions to find out what he's thinking - prone to fits of tears and violence just as often as he is full of honeyed smiles and tinkling laughter. he seems to struggle with even the most basic of empathy, lying, stealing, and using his claws and teeth instead of his words without a second thought. though he is certainly selfish, he seems to mean well - seemingly genuinely apologetic once scolded or upon realizing he's done something wrong.

name x name | gen 00
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

extraverted | forms platonic attachments easily | forms romantic attachments ???

amoral | loyal to himself first and foremost; family is close second

plot ideas.
plot one
plot two

i'd rather sleep by kero kero bonito
dumb dumb by mazie
everybody likes you by lemon demon
doctor by jack stauber
won't bite by doja cat
all i want is you by rebzyyx
#brooklynbloodpop! by syko
paper planes by m.i.a.
spy? by whokilledxix
sugarcrash! by elyotto
puke my gutzz O_o by zeija
dota by basshunter
boom, boom, boom, boom!! by vengaboys
bumble bee by bambee
caramelldansen by caramella girls
dam dadi doo by fantasy project
nyan cat by daniwellp
new day by wazari
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shoulda been wiser while pickin' out what you were gonna say

warblerkit | warblerpaw | warblercry
named 'warbler' for their mothers favorite songbirds; 'cry' for his pitiful nature

demi-boy [afab] | uses masculine or neutral pronouns [he/they]

demiromantic | homosexual | monogamous

drypaw apprentice | riverclan

longhaired blue rosette tabby & lilac rosette tabby chimera with low white; breeds ??? | ref
written desc.

self-loathing | flighty | anxious | pessimistic | hesitant
a quiet figure, warbler is all but a shadow within riverclan's ranks - sullen and twitchy, always a moment away from another breakdown. once a bright and outgoing child despite his troubles with words, his trauma has left him jaded, his own mind getting the better of him each day. sorrowful and miserly, he gives up easily before even trying, certain in his assumptions that he'll fail anyway so there's no point. he sees the worst in everyone, but himself most of all, and often finds himself awaiting impending doom - which never seems to actually happen. the only peace he seems to find is on dry land, and sometimes he can be found humming wordless songs to himself while out and about on patrol.

npc x npc | gen 01
01 littermate (skylarkpaw)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

introverted | hard to form platonic relationships with | extremely hard to romance; requires an established platonic relationship beforehand

graymoral | loyalty is based on affection level

plot ideas.
after his littermate fell through the ice and drowned in front of him, warblerpaw has steadfastly refused to set paw in the river. his fear has gotten to the point where even the sound of the river rushing or pouring rain can trigger him into a panic attack, and he goes out of his way to avoid even frozen puddles. this is something he seeks to get over with the help of his mentor, or at least lesson his fear so that he can function 'normally' again, but it is certainly a struggle.
deals with multiple speech impediments, mainly being a stutter and selective mutism. his stutter is rather minor, usually on 'c' 'th' and 's' sounds and not always present. he often becomes entirely nonverbal whenever faced with a situation which causes any amount of stress of anxiety, regardless of who he is speaking to. occasionally deals with an inability to remember words, or using them incorrectly.

clear by pusher (shawn wasabi remix)
soap by melanie martinez
uh-oh by sub urban
the tide by rosendale
sirensong by rosendale
not your fault by yaeow
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telling you what to wear and what to like and how to be

coldkit | coldpaw | coldnose
named 'cold' for flamewhiskers memories of the mountains; 'nose' for her keen sense of smell and tracking skills

female [afab] | uses feminine pronouns [she/her]

bicurious | demisexual | monogamous

kit | thunderclan

dilute tortoiseshell tabby chimera with low white | ref
coldkit is a very distinct looking she-cat, with long feathery fur as soft as down, a round youthful face, narrow almond eyes, and a button nose. Her body itself is mostly grey tabby marked, with a distinct 'stocking' style patch of darker blue tabby fur covering her fore-legs from her shoulders down to her paws, and ending in white front toes. Her chest, back paws, tail tip, and belly are white, and the back of her head has a white patch in the shape of a star. A cream tabby face is interrupted by white trailing from her muzzle and cheeks all the way up her snout and to forehead in a thick blaze, each side a different shade from the other, the seamless snow-white only interrupted by a grey heart shaped patch on her forehead and a cream patch upon her chin. Her eyes are a pale icy blue, and her nose and paw-pads are a dark reddish hue.

cold | aloof | simplistic | guarded | emotional unstable
coldkit's personality seems quite simple at a glance - apathetic, distant, calm, and indifferent. She's very minimalist in every action she takes, preferring to keep things as neat and simple as possible. Her nest is well kept, her actions are methodical and well thought out, her schedule on the dot every day. She obediently follows orders and rules, only stopping to question the most insane of requests, and even then she rarely speaks out. She's very cunning, observant, and intelligent, everything she does and says serves some purpose in the long-run, even if that purpose isn't clear to anyone other than herself. She has very few close friends, preferring to keep even her interactions minimal, but those she does make will find that she's not as apathetic as she seems- she's actually quite emotional, but finds it overwhelming to try and speak or show these emotions through anything other than quiet, simple, subtle gestures. She truly finds peace and happiness in her simple lifestyle, especially her quiet walks through the forest and her neat and methodical organization of her nest and few other belongings. She loves listening to her close friends and families problems, as well as helping them to find solutions to them, but she hates talking about her own as even just admitting something bothers her tends to send her into tears or spur her into a stubborn silence. She can't handle rejection, disappointment, or anger from her loved ones, often simply shutting down when faced with such scenarios. Towards the few she has let past her walls, she is clingy and quite literally loyal to the death, willing to sacrifice herself if the situation ever calls for it.

flamewhisker x flycatcher | gen 00
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

introverted | average to form platonic relationships with | forms romantic relationships easily; falls fast and hard in a rather reckless manner

morally ambiguous | loyal to thunderclan but may waver based on emotional attachment

plot ideas.
different from others even from birth, it takes coldkit hardly any time to catch on to the fact not everyone is as easily overwhelmed as she, that others do not struggle to speak of their feelings as she does. once she does however, she's left feeling insecure - she is strange, abnormal. she begins mimicking others, putting on a front, feigning an confidence she does not feel - replacing her over-emotional reactions with a cold apathy. but she's never able to fully adjust, to fully understand, an endless cycle of insecurity and want to be herself, to have what she cannot.
coldkit's first love is not that of a fairy tale but a tragedy, falling for the wrong cat, left behind and broken because of a newer, better model. young, dumb, and stupid, likely a single mother far before she is ready for such responsibility. time heals all wounds however, and she eventually learns to trust again, perhaps finding true love along the way.
since coldkit is a revamp of a previous character, unlike most of my oc's I am fully confident in my muse and my ability to keep activity with her - and hopefully this time she will have a (slightly) less tragic life. all plot ideas are currently based on past plots but are subject to change based on inspiration and ic factors.

happy pills by weathers
happy face by jagwar twin
two faced by by godrix and rosendale
pretty girl by by maggie lindemann
im not her by clara mae
dirty dirty by charlotte cardin
puppy dog eyes by ida-laurberg
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small line of lyrics goes here

swallowkit | swallowpaw | swallowflutter, swallowfeather
named 'swallow' for the white markings upon his pelt

polygender [agab] | uses any pronouns [he/she/they/it]

panromantic | pansexual | monogamous (flexable)

kit | shadowclan

??? & ??? chimera with high white and heterochromia | ref
written desc.

trait | trait | trait | trait | trait
written desc.

name x name | gen 00
00 littermates (name, name)
00 siblings (name, name)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

extraverted | forms surface level platonic relationships with ease; hard to develop deeper connections with | hard to form romantic relationships with; once formed impossible to escape their interest

chaotic evil | loyalty tbd

plot ideas.
yandere tropes to an extreme. picks a love interest rather early on, either watches them from a distance stalker style or forces themselves into their interests life as a 'friend'. unhealthily codependent, would do anything for their love interest, including hurting/degrading themselves. acts out frequently - any attention, even negative, is a good thing in their eyes. the kind of obsessive lover trope who doesn't hurt their interest but instead hurts anyone who hurts their interest.
a fun plot twist would be if they found a love interest who was just as mentally/emotionally unstable, who's red flags they could encourage.

stalkers tango by autoheart
i can't decide by scissor sisters
an unhealthy obsession by blake robinson synthetic orchestra
my strange addiction by billie eilish
flesh by simon curtis
super psycho love by simon curtis
guillotine by jon bellion
masochism tango by tom lehrer
bruises and bitemarks by good with grenades
circus monster by circusp
nowhere to run by stegosaurus rex
if i were a zombie by stephanie mabey
911 by ellise
you're so creepy by ghost town
partners in crime by set it off
playdate by melanie martinez
cake by melanie martinez
teddy bear by melanie martinez
aishite aishite aishite cover by jubyphonic

color workshopping: +
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to do:
hail-(kit? paw?) thunderclan
rewrite bubble & warbler to match new concepts
finish moving swall info into bio and then delete
add breezie parent info (teehee)
give cranepaw some actual info ffs
TERN after those important to her; FROST for her icy demeanor
TERNFROST is a rather blunt molly with a fascination for all things strange.
    ⤍ comfortable with any feminine terms; not opposed to neutral terms

    ⤍ attracted to others based on her own whims; no gender preference; presumed monogamous
    ⤍ single; looking [open to plotting]
  • ☆ 00 MOONS
    ⤍ born on 01/01/23

    ⤍ revamped on 01/01/23 at 01 moons old
    ⤍ ages realtime on the 1st of each month
    ⤍ born and raised in shadowclan, has never known life elsewhere
    ⤍ previously a kit, apprentice, and warrior of shadowclan

    ⤍ loyal to the idea of shadowclan over it's inhabitants; dislikes many of her clanmates on principal and cares only for a select few
    ⤍disgusted by the other clans on principle, believes shadowclan to be the best despite it's many flaws; strangely drawn to windclan but still holds a generally low opinion of the moor dwellers
    ⤍ plots here
    • expand
    • expand

    ⤍ one of the birds
    • with the loss of all her friends ternfrost struggled with her identity and sense of self. in the aftermath of her traumatic experiences, a quiet conversation with starlingheart - who'd been caring for her throughout her pregnancy - gives her newfound purpose and direction. a name that is wholly hers, free of the weight of others expectations.
    • purposefully wished to be named after a bird in order to find a sense of belonging and to honor her long-time friend. hopes that by receiving such a name that should her time come, she will be welcomed into the stars alongside him.
    • she thinks it's cool that her name 'tern' sounds similar to 'stern' and when she is alone she often makes jokes to herself about bing called 'stern-frost'

• penned by KITTY-KAT-please message in discord channel for plotting
  • ffffff&text=cute+image+2


    Longer appearance summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. Nullam nec sollicitudin justo. Sed molestie, ligula vel venenatis convallis, nisi enim aliquam felis, vel maximus diam erat quis sem.

    Praesent egestas euismod nibh, sed semper urna cursus quis. Donec eleifend consectetur convallis. Donec non efficitur augue. Sed porta, risus ac commodo interdum, diam sem fermentum lacus, nec fermentum metus arcu at quam. Phasellus feugiat sem eget augue sollicitudin viverra. Cras ac justo dui. Quisque nec tristique quam. Phasellus tempus orci at quam sodales tincidunt. Donec at ante gravida eros tristique commodo. Etiam sit amet fermentum justo, sit amet volutpat quam. Integer ultrices ligula ut mollis dignissim. Sed vehicula vitae diam quis vehicula. In scelerisque varius luctus. Maecenas finibus dapibus dolor, sed aliquet lorem tristique quis. Phasellus at commodo tellus. Donec lorem velit, commodo vitae odio nec, blandit vestibulum mauris.
  • ☆ LH BLUE SILVER CLASSIC TABBY w LOW WHITE, POLYDACTYL (25% MAINE COON) • carries solid, non-silver, non-polydactyly
    ⤍ tall, muscular, large-pawed. has more fur and fluff then one would expect, notably slim and lithe when fur is wet or weighed down.
    ⤍ bears no visible scarring, though her wild mane hides more then a few
    ⤍ wears no accessories

    ⤍ smooth, silky voice that sounds lilting and lyrical when she talks; sing-song but sarcastic and confident; deep and roguish but still undeniably feminine. scathing, whip-sharp tongue - her words are a weapon and it shows in both her speech patterns and her tone. prefers to avoid contractions where she can, likes using big words to sound eloquent and important. her formal speech pattern does not come naturally to her and she occasionally slips up, especially in times of distress or great joy. has one 'default' tone that rarely changes, struggles to put emotions into her words (other then mockery/sarcasm), comes across as bland/blunt to those who are used to this 'normal' voice.
    ⤍ smells like damp earth, wood, and mushrooms; generally has a strong-smelling earthy marshland scent; neither particularily pleasant or unpleasant unless one has a particular aversion

    ⤍ faceclaim
    ⤍ voiceclaim

    • taxidermy, skeletons and skulls, fungi, rotting leaves, all manner of dead things
    • dragons, jewels, silver and gold coins, shiny things, hoards of treasure, magpies and crows
    • red lipstick, sharp smiles, bloodstained teeth, black dresses, crowns
    • panthers, wolves, predators; sharp teeth and claws, deadly beauty
    • turquoise and purple, swirls and stars, wintertime, snowflakes and icicles, frozen wastelands

    • sub urban cradles for album cover week
    • expand

  • ☆ STATS
    HEALTH: ●●●●●●●○○○

    STR: ●●●●●●●●◐○
    STA: ●●●●●◐○○○○
    INT: ●●●●●●●◐○○
    CHA: ●●●●●○○○○○
    AGI: ●●●●○○○○○○
    DEX: ●●●●◐○○○○○
    WIS: ●●○○○○○○○○
    LCK: ●●●●◐○○○○○

    ☆ NOTES
    • Seemingly permanent RBF, struggles to express herself visually in both facial expressions and body language unless under extreme duress. can count the number of times she's cried in her entire life on one paw (with all but one occasion being due to the death of friends).
    • Extremely expressive tail - no matter how still Tern is, her tail is constantly on the move, and it is perhaps the best indicator of her mood. When settled or unbothered, it swishes slowly, even during her sleep; while more wild emotions like irritation, anger, or even excitement result in a faster lashing motion. When anxious, lying, or otherwise unsettled her tail tends to still, only the tip twitching.
    • Rather muscular and fit, takes pride in her strength and health. the runt of the litter, besides bearing long limbs and large paws, Ternfrost is not particularily bulky - both naturally taking on her mothers slighter build and bearing visible proof of the hunger she faced during childhood.

    ⤍ Item
    • desc
    • traded for with Magpiepaw
    ⤍ Item
    • desc
    ⤍ Item
    • desc. the item was originally intended for Ashenfall but Ternfrost claimed it as her own to cheer Halfsun up when he rejected the gift.
    • given by Halfsun

    Longer personality summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu. Nullam nec sollicitudin justo. Sed molestie, ligula vel venenatis convallis, nisi enim aliquam felis, vel maximus diam erat quis sem.

    • adaptable, ambitious, cunning, fearless, intellegent, maternal, patient, protective, resourceful
    • childish, fervent, impulsive, mischievous, morbid, offhand, power hungry, prideful
    • abrasive, bloodthirsty, blunt, brutal, narcissistic, selfish,
    • note
    • note
    • Outwardly, Ternfrost comes across as cold an apathetic - an impenetrable wall of ice surrounding her and keeping others away. She doesn't trust easly, instead doing quite the opposite - finding rather unreasonable reasons to hate, distrust, or show suspicions to others; often focusing on things out of their control such as age or who they are related to.
    • Mischievous and playful, despite her apprentice apathy towards others there are times where Ternfrost can be found being less guarded. Her sense of humor is a caustic one, morbid and dark. She takes fun in mocking others, bartering, and in the thrill of a good fight - be it with words or claws.
    • Fiercely protective of what she perceives as hers - be it objects, places, or even people. More then willing to put herself in harms way for her friends, and despite sometimes coming across as a bully herself she will stand up for them if anyone else dares try the same. With material things is prone to guarding them like a dragon it's hoard or a bird it's nest; a hoarder at heart, rarely parting with even a single item until it is perceived as either useless or worthless.
    • fervent starclan believer, utterly devoted in her faith but shows it in strange ways.
    • has copied Magpiepaws belief that white-markings on cats mean that they have been touched by starclan. doesn't often make use of this fact except when trying to form an opinion on a cat that has already caught her interest for one reason or another.
    • superstitious, believes in things like luck, curses, and supernatural powers such as being able to see ghosts or understand birds. for a long time ternfrost believed herself to be cursed, but has decided to take her fate into her own paws and 'break it'.
    • believes good things and fate comes in three's, third times the charm, etc.
    • a strong believer in survival of the fittest, first and foremost Ternfrost is a survivor. hearty, adaptable, and instinct driven, she will not hesitate to use anything and everything at her disposal to get the upper hand in any situation, evn less savory things such as stealing, lying, killing, or even fleeing a battle - anything, so long as she lives.
    • while notably lacking in other areas, Ternfrost has shockingly strong parental values. she is of course, far from perfect, but strongly believes it is an adult (or parents) job to teach kits the harsh realities of life while keeping those realities from ever directly touching/affecting the child. does not believe in telling white lies to comfort kits, but will for example do her best to comfort them with facts. the kind of cat to openly show her kits a dead body but also gently explain about starclan and lif after death. strongly affected by topics of familial struggles and childhood starvation, prone to bouts of irrationality or disproportionate responses when faced with these sorts of situations.
    • note

    ⤍ DEPRESSION; mild to moderate; shows the following symptoms
    • feelings of emptiness
    • irritability
    • feelings of guilt, fixating on past failures
    • frequent or recurrent thoughts of death
    ⤍ BINGE EATING DISORDER; mild to moderate; shows the following symptoms
    • feeling they lack control over when and what they eat
    • overeating
    • eating even when full
    • eating extremely fast
    • eating in secret or hiding food
    ⤍ ATHAZAGORAPHOBIA; severe; shows the following symptoms
    • extreme irritation and anxiety when they are ignored or forgotten or perceive that they could be forgotten
    • intense apprehension and anxiety just thinking about being forgotten
    • experiencing feelings of impending disaster or doom when faced with a situation that evokes the worry of loss of memory or not being remembered
    • obsession with remembering and being remembered by others
    ⤍ note
    ⤍ note


    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    LIKES .
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.
    • Thing.

A quote that feels particular relevant or resonant for the character. This is mostly here for aesthetic reasons. ( Source )
    ⤍ only survivor of her litter
    ⤍ half sibling to three NPC's (on wolfbite's side)
    ⤍ parent to NAME [with SNAKEHISS]
    ⤍ grandparent to NONE
    ⤍ put relationship & names here
    SINGLE; interested in no one
    ⤍ previously interested in SUNFLOWERMASK
    • mentoring NONE
    • previously mentoring PTARMIGANPAW, LEECHPAW

    CLOSE FRIENDS: magpiepaw
    FRIENDS: sunflowermask, raggedbite, halfsun
    TRUSTS: magpiepaw, starlingheart
    ADMIRES: magpiepaw
    LIKES: ferndance, leechpaw, foxglare
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: eeriepaw, crowpaw, smogmaw, needledrift, frostbite, chilledstar, starlingheart, mottlefox, sharpshadow, tadpolepaw, garlicheart, scorchedmoon,
    DISLIKES: most of shadowclan, applejaw, sabletuft
    RIVALS: ashenfall
    ENEMIES: none

  • ☆ SOCIAL
    ⤍ open to thing; closed to thing
    ⤍ peaceful powerplay allowed; healing powerplay not allowed; minor injury powerplay not allowed, major injury powerplay not allowed
    ⤍ Speech in bold; recollections of past dialogue in colored italics; thoughts in plain italics; combat in underlined

    • somewhat hard to form platonic relationships with.
    • often judges others based on superficial things such as age, appearance, circumstances they met rather then personality; most friendships are born through 'fate' (ei. repeated meetings) or curiosity. once a friendship as been formed it takes a lot (betrayal, death) to end it.
    • capable of treating her friends poorly or even battling against them one moment and acting like nothing happened the next. tsundere, can come across as a bully when attempting to show affection.
    • somewhat hard to form romantic relationships with
    • strongly believes in fate, wants to find 'the one' but will settle for someone else in the meantime
    • genuine affection can be earned through her platonic curiosity becoming obsession and then deep seeded affection
    • more then willing to nter into contractual relationships for appearance sake or to further her ambitions
    ☆ SKILL
    TRAINING: ●◐○○○○○○○○

    FIGHTING: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    DEFENSE: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    TRACKING: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    SKILL: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    HUNTING: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    ATTACK: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    STEALTH: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    SKILL: ●◐○○○○○○○○

    ☆ COMBAT
    Experience level
    will/wont start fights, will/wont flee, will/wont end fights, will/wont attack elders, will/wont attack kits, will/wont maim, will/wont kill

    ⤍ killed/fought NAME on 00/00; THREAD
    ⤍ killed/fought NAME on 00/00; THREAD
    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here

    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here

    " IC quote here "
    full opinion goes here
  • Code:
    post code here
─ ☆ ─
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fawn tortie OR fawn tortie smoke with high white and amber eyes
afab genderfluid she / he / they; starts out using only feminine pronouns but will explore identity as they age
heart shaped markings, back/tail stripe, primarily white
vibrant and full of life, struggles to understand her heritage
possible plots around facing criticism for her sires actions-?

sassy, grumpy, insecure; takes her problems out on others, emotional rollercoaster; self-propelled angst machine,

took all her sires worst teenage traits but instead of growing out of them grew into them

#f4bbff #bf94e4 #967bb6

- brutal by olivia rodrigo
- bubblegum bitch by marina
- teen idle by marna
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