ꉂ`πŸ¦‡`Λ– * It's your right to give them hell - [Batscreech] β˜£οΈŽΰΌ‰β€§β‚ŠΛš.


"Leave now, leave while you still have hope..."
Aug 3, 2024
  • R%20d%202.png
    nameless; Bat
    bat for the color and pattern of his pelt
    β€” skyclan shadow; former loner and rogue
    β€” male, he/him; bisexual, monogamous
    β€” created 8.3.2024 at 24 moons / ages every 8th
    ↳ Penned by @Sloane
  • a small two-tone brown cat with a scrawny/lithe build. eyes are predominantly green with yellow hued central heterochromia / reference
    a small cat, standing at around 7 inches in height and 13 inches in length (tail excluded). his pelt consists of three different shades of brown, the base coat being the lightest whereas his facial, neck, back, limb and tail markings boast much darker hues, usually in a gradient that grows darker at the lowest ends of the body. his tail boasts a length of 15 inches from base to tip with long, silken fur making it appear much larger than it may actually be. His fur is thick and medium-length, the longest of which makes up the areas surrounding his face and chest, trailing downwards across his back and stopping just shy of the area in which his tail begins, similar to a mane. his teeth are tinted yellow due to a past poor diet and lack of proper upkeep, at one point being so intense he now has a singular vacated space between the serrated rows where one fang has since fallen out, however his claws retain their pristine ivory color. his eyes are arguably the most intriguing part about him however, the base color of them a striking verdian green with an inner ring of tawny yellow, a result of central heterochromia. They are set deep within their sockets so that they seem to be concealed in shadow regardless of the lighting, his upper eyelids in a near immovable half-lidded position, the lids beneath sagging just heavily enough for the red tint of optic veins to peek through. There is hardly any soul within his gaze, and whatever remains is nigh unreadable, a perpetual state of profound ache and exhaustion the most prominent attributes to be deducted by a mere shared look.
    ↳ longhaired seal point / chocolate chimera​
  • chaotic evil, intp, type 6
    Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Confidence ●○○○○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    Empathy ●●○○○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●○○○

    (+) passionate, loyal, determined (/) stubborn, cocky, reserved (-) impulsive, erratic, reckless. elaborate
    ↳ mannerisms when left in solitude, he is generally neutral- almost unnaturally so- as if life does not enter his body until some outward phenomenon provokes something that would by extension prompt it to creak into motion. he is often inside of his own head, reiteraiting thoughts and phrases about events which have already played out and passed, regardless of how long it's been since their occurence. he is stubborn and rigid, one to hold grudges and remember any and every wrongdoing bestowed upon him for years to come, potentially until death, and most will never see any form of resolution nor will it bring closure. bordering on complete social ineptitude, he has a very difficult time connecting with others in any other way besides hostility and a sarcastic means of teasing. he is prone to saying the wrong things at the wrong time and having absolutely zero foresight as to what may result from his actions, oftentimes leading to verbal and even physical scuffles. he is heavily anti-authoritarian, the concept of one singular being holding unquestioned power over another is something he believes should never exist, for it warps the minds of those below them into a belief that they are only as much as they are told they are, the result being a stagnant and complicit lifestyle- never growing and never changing, as the world intended for its inhabitants to do. he will challenge any who he disagrees with should the topic at hand be deemed worth discussing- which, admittedly, is almost everything given his highly opinionated nature- regardless of your position or rank should you carry one such title. despite his multitude of flaws, he is fair and loyal, prioritizing the equality of everyone- an eye for an eye is a quote that sums up his perspective regarding the concept of existing among others. he will never silence another being whether they wish to share their opinion, defend themselves, or simply speak their mind regardless of whether he disagrees or not, just as he expects the same opportunity to be given to him. he is not an open individual by any means, often preferring to keep his emotions and troubles close to his chest, for he believes such sensitive information could very well be considered sacred, and can be used against him by others in favor of personal gain should it ever reach their ears. extremely reactive and highly erratic when overwhelmed, stressed, or provoked in all the right ways, he will often resort to physically removing himself in a desperate attempt to escape whatever it is thats causing him such immense mental harm. in this state he is the most vulnerable- meaning if you were to pry, it would not take much for him to pour out anything and everything like a bleeding heart.
  • PARENT x PARENT sibling to none | mentoring no one, 'mentored' by thistleback
    Mate to whoever | Parent to none | Other kin
    β€” Admires
    β€” Close friends with
    β€” Friends with
    β€” Likes
    β€” Indifferent to Doeblaze, Stormpaw, Thistleback, Duskpool
    β€” Dislikes Slate, Lionpaw, Ricepaw, Quillstrike, Chickbloom
    β€” Loathes Fly
  • strength ●●●●○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●●●○
    agility ●●●●●●●●●●
    hunting ●●●●●●●○○○
    swimming ●●●○○○○○○○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○
    mated (not being played as of now); bisexual, monogamous / crushing on none, not looking
    trusts little to none
    β€” physical health [ 70% ] | mental health [ 20% ]
    β€” will start fights | wont flee | might show mercy
    β€” excels at running, hunting
    β€” poor at climbing, swimming
    β€” sounds like a smooth and neutral sounding tone, the octave of which is just slightly deeper than expected when paired with his small frame. prominent cockney accent with excessive use of slang, hailing from south london / voice claim (pitched slightly higher)
    β€” smells like bonfire smoke, rotted wood, and salt water
    β€” healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, ask about combative powerplay
    β€” speech is #C1A200

  • 11a0c425f37a8c653e74bb9abbef1bed.jpg

    ◁◁ ▐ β–Œ β–·β–· 0:00 ───ㅇ───────────────── 0:00
  • Backstory / simplified history
    copy pasted from something ive already written, may or may not polish later

    fly and bat were originally part of their own little group, the two of them and 3 other cats (probably just npcs but i may doodle up some blob concept designs for them just so theyre not entirely irrelevant) they were all very close friends, like a found family type of thing, and their group wasnt so much rogue as they were loners. they didn't really ever stay in one spot and would wander pretty aimlessly, a nomadic lifestyle- they had one another and that was all they needed, they were one anothers home. eventually they did wander into a city, bigger than anything theyve seen before, and once they realized that there were multiple groups much more plentiful in members than their own, fly- who always tended to fall into a role of leadership despite none of them having any sort of hierarchy between them- proposed that they try their luck joining up with one of the groups. this city was plentiful in places to hunker down, food scraps everywhere and everywhere, live prey scittering about the alleys once the sun set- and above all, they could have a real community, a place where they could be even further protected. of course everyone agreed, not realizing that this was not a wise decision. they soon discovered the unrest between these groups of rogues, bat, fly and their friends finding themselves in a constant crossfire between the group they joined and the others in the surrounding areas. it was a life much worse than the one they had left, and they grew to resent it. however, fly thrived in this environment. he not only earned the respect of his more bloodthirsty peers from his actions and personality, but excelled in social status. they wanted him to lead them- and he would not refuse. once this happened, the original leader of the group was enraged, of course. this would result in him trying to dispose of fly himself, and when this happens bat is the one who comes to flys aid and the two of them kill him and leave him to rot somewhere in the city streets (rogues dont really need to hide bodies since everyone knows theyre not the most morally righteous lol). after this fly is basically given free reign to do whatever it is he wants- and he becomes corrupt. hungry for more than what he already has, hes constantly tormenting the other rogue groups and taking more cats into his own ranks or infiltrating more territory, never to be satisfied. this is something that is realized by his old friends, and bat especially, as their family began with the two of them and they had always been the closest. bat was complicit in most of what fly did, becoming a hollow and ruthless killer himself- thats what good friends did for each other, wasnt it?

    skipping over some time, one of their original groups friends are killed in battle, and fly shockingly doesnt have much to show for it in terms of a reaction. it scared bat and their remaining 2 friends, just cementing the fact that their fly was gone, replaced with a tyrant. they were buried and given proper tribute, an event which fly did not attend. after this, the 2 friends stuck close to bat and each other, casting fly from their lives entirely- and yet bat could not let go. somewhere deep down, fly had to be there, he kept telling himself. but it only got worse, as more and more people began to grow to respect and lean to bat for things such as guidance due to his skill which rivalled flys own- fly grew jealous and afraid, the prospect of his position over these cats being replaced by his own best friend something he could not bear. he knew how to take him down, he knew where to hit him where it hurt so that he would be rendered entirely useless- their family would go

    he placed a chunk of his rogue group in a more rural area, a short ways away from the industrial heart of the city, his group which had swelled in members over the course of his rule, most notibly, the cats who he deemed to be less physically or mentally capable

    there was more nature to be seen here, more grass, more brush, more trees, the building in which they would stay which had been long since abandoned, made of wood and not of metal- it was all flamable. after allowing them to feel comfortable, fly set his plan in action- in the dead of night while everyone was asleep, everything would burn. bat was not one of those stationed here, and yet fly knew he would come once he saw the smoke billowing in the sky- he knew his friends were there. and fly was right, bat did come, throwing himself straight into the heart of the fire in an attempt to rescue his frieds, his family, but he would be unsuccessful- they would die there. bat almost didnt make it out himself, as he dragged himself from the burning now to be reduced to ash, collapsing on the ground with blurry vision and a burning chest- he saw eyes staring back at him from the shadows, concealed by flames and black smoke- their yellow hue glowed, and yet were so eerily calm

    bat would survive this, awakening in flys care. he was informed that their family was gone, along with the building, and most of the other rogues who had been sent there alongside them. bat broke, just as fly had anticipated, as he had hoped. he would mold bat into whatever he wanted him to be- a follower, a drone, a robot of his very own. it worked remarkably well, bat growing all the more attached to fly, never seen without him- he was all he had left. he would do anything fly asked, kill, maim, steal, bring food, if fly asked for bat to throw himself into oncoming traffic it would be done without question. bat would never be a threat to flys position again

    after an undefined amount of time of this, bat would eventually uncover the truth. he would return to the place where his family was stolen from him- why he did it he was unsure, he just knew he felt something calling him back there, some sort of otherworldly pull. he found what remained of their bodies, nothing but bone and ash. he stayed with them for hours, until the sun set and the place was cloaked in darkness so that it really did feel like hell. by this point, fly had realized bat had left and went to fetch him, and when he found him with those bones, crying silently to himself, he felt it appropriate to console him. the two of them stayed together, their pelts pressed against one another as fly licked bats head and whispered gentle reassurance to him- the way it used to be, and how it should have remained. this illusion was broken once bat began to drift off, curled against the indent of flys own body. bats vision blurred as his eyelids grew heavy and began to shut, the lack of proper light making it so fly was nearly invisible due to his own dark hued fur- his eyes were all that could be seen. the same eyes that bore down on bat during the fire- it was all the proof he needed, it was unmistakable to him

    bat tore himself away and jumped to his paws, backing away as the world shifted around him with the overwhelming realization that this was flys fault, it was his doing. and when confronted head on, fly did not deny it- he didnt say a word, but he turned entirely vacant, there was no soul left inside of him, his eyes were calculated and did not look at bat with the same love and warmth that they used to- his friends were right, fly was gone

    bat wasted no time, his verbal outburst intense, but not as intense nor as violent as the way his small frame barreled into flys larger and stockier one- the two of them fought with such ferocity bat would never have imagined it possible. never had he even entertained the thought of showing a single claw to fly, and it almost made him pull away- until he remembered this wasnt fly anymore, until he remembered he took his family away, took his home away, took his life away. this battle would not end until one of them was left to be picked off the pavement by crows- and it would not be bat

    Important Threads
    ( β˜† ) Interaction ( β˜… ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.
  • Code:
    [color=#BBBDC1][font=verdana][justify][size=11px][TABS][slide=About ✧][color=white][fright][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/38ekP6T.png[/img] [img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/38ekP6T.png[/img][/fright] [i][s]previous name(s)?[/s]; [b]Name[/b][/i][/color][i] explaination[/i]
    β€” rank of clan; previous allegiences?
    β€” gender, pro/nouns; sexuality,monogamist / polyamorous?
    β€” created mm.dd.yy at x moons / ages every date
    ↳ penned by @you
    [slide=Appearance ✧][fleft][bimg]https://via.placeholder.com/100x100.png?text=placeholder[/bimg][/fleft][color=white]short description[/color] / [url='link'][color=colorhere]reference[/color][/url]
    longer description
    [indent]↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever[/indent]
    [slide=Mentality ✧][color=white]alightment, mbti, whatever[/color][fleft]Intelligence  ●●●●●○○○○○
    Confidence  ●●●●●○○○○○
    Charisma  ●●●●●○○○○○
    Creativity  ●●●●●○○○○○
    Empathy  ●●●●●○○○○○
    Humor  ●●●●●○○○○○[/fleft]
    (+) positive traits (/) neutral traits (-) negative traits. elaborate
    [color=white]↳ mannerisms[/color] elaborate.
    [slide=Relationships ✧][color=white]PARENT x PARENT[/color] sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to [b]whoever[/b] | Parent to [b]whoever[/b] | Other kin
    β€” Admires
    β€” Close friends with
    β€” Friends with
    β€” Likes
    β€” Dislikes
    β€” Loathes
    [slide=Interaction ✧][fleft]strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○[/fleft]relationship status; sexuality, monogamous/polyamrous / crushing on who, [not] looking
    blah blah how easy do they trust or whatever
    β€” physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    β€” (will/will not) start fights | (will/will not) flee | (will/will not) show mercy
    β€” [b]excels at[/b]
    β€” [b]poor at[/b] 
    β€” [b]sounds like[/b] fuckin uhh / [url='tehehe']voice claim if applicable[/url]
    β€” [b]smells like[/b]
    β€” healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    β€” speech is [color=colorhere]#hexcode[/color]
    [slide=Playlist ✧]if you want >:)
    [slide=History ✧][color=COLORHERE][b]Backstory / simplified history[/b][/color]
    blah blah blah
    [color=white][b]Important Threads[/b][/color]
    ( β˜† ) Interaction ( β˜… ) Development
    [url='link to thread'][color=COLORHERE][b]Thread Name[/b][/color][/url] brief description.
    [url='link to thread'][color=COLORHERE][b]Thread Name[/b][/color][/url] brief description.
    [slide=Code]posting format
    posting format[/slide][/tabs][/size][/justify][/font][/color][/box]