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A touch of destiny
Jul 30, 2024
This was it, finally- after countless days of aimless travel and watching the sun rise and fall time and time again without yielding- he had made it to the place of sanctuary. Pushing forward slowly on aching legs, his relentless determination and thunderous hope crashing against his chest like a torrent of ocean waves being the catalyst of his drive. He had no worries left lingering in the crevices of his mind- a mind which now felt all the more clear as he closed the gap between the past and the future- that this was undoubtedly a new beginning, his fate set in stone the moment he was left marooned on uncharted shores meeting those trackless seas beyond.

He had laid in wait for at least another sunrise and sunset before he had resumed his trek onwards, the voice of that alluring feline he had met shortly beforehand echoing through his tattered ears- a warning not to come, something that was not heeded in the slightest- it had fallen on deaf ears. Surely, it could not be as unsavory as the stranger had eluded to, not if he himself willingly traversed back to the very place of which he spoke so negatively of. Those words uttered by one unfamiliar was the catalyst of his journey, and the wind would guide his paws the remainder of the way, to safety.

A large tree which towered above all the others within its vicinity was an indication of his close proximity now- though this was information unbeknownst to him, relying on the implication of life through scent alone to instruct him where and when to allow his pace to slow and falter. The smell of pine wood, sap, and the warmth of passing bodies nestled heavily within every crevice of brush and leaf, seeping into the very earth itself. He was unfamiliar with the way of this world, of the lives in which these strange cats lived and co-existed as one- he did not realize that an eager stride could mean life or death for most. This would reveal itself in the form of him crossing the border by his own means, though not very far- for once his full frame crossed onto SkyClan's haven, he remained still, the air suddenly split with the sound of rapidly approaching paw steps, the impact of their pads causing the ground to rumble with their repetitive rhythm, growing steadily more intense the closer they came.​
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .

A cryptic gaze narrowed, roundin' a tree trunk to stare at the stranger already a paw-length inside the border drawin' a sharp, warnin' rumble. He ain't always the one to act impulsively, preferrin' a logical approach that didn't deal too many blows to their ranks, but sometimes that ain't always the case and he'd have to bring someone home, bearer of bad news like the sinner he was. "Given yer reaction, I doubt ya know what SkyClan is kid, but I suggest ya take a few steps back before things get real messy for ya." He grunted, timbre a low, guttural drone.

He watched the other, calculative hues skimmin' the feline's frame in muddled thought, wooly plumage sweepin' languidly as hefty paws came forward, hopin' to nudge the stranger across the border, mangled ear swivelin'. "What business ya got doin' here, kiddo?" He prodded further, brows creased against a rugged face. "Or is it plain old curiosity about a bunch of wildcats livin' in the forest?"

thought speech


They are lucky to have been confronted by Duskpool first, Figfeather did not give warning to intruders as of late before unsheathing her claws. With the countless moons of off and on rogue issues she took no chances, especially with cats who didn’t immediately appear to be kittypet born.

She scrunches her face, tail lashing wearily behind her. @Daisypaw stands to her side, by now the apprentice is well accustomed to run-ins with strangers.

The older SkyClan warrior seems to have things handled, attempting to nudge the feline back over the border with a request for him to state his business. She remains silent for now, her eyes soaking up every detail of the trespasser as hackles lightly bristle.

Spending more time in Skyclan made Sfogliatella realize just how many souls had intertwined upon the border, as though spirits tangled to paradise, or as close to paradise as the wildcats could conceive. Gossamer paws, of which had never even stepped foot upon the concrete trails of the Twolegplace before, had led her to Skyclan. The molly had found what she sought, though the knot that harbored her being had not ever loosened - it had simply made its presence aware as it curled inwards into herself. The cream sepia trotted up to Dalma, gaudy pink collar like a crochet of pastels wreathed around her neck, indicative of the life she had not quite given up yet. The jingle-jangle of the bell followed, likely scaring away any prey animals within ten foxlength's diameter. He carried naught danger nor death upon him, though Sfogliatella was the least likely cat to be acquainted with such acute judgment. "Benvenuti in Skyclan! Did you arrive from the Twolegplace? Then, you must be seeking something - or, someone - here!" Sfogliatella presented herself warmer than her battle-hardened peers, complete with a plash of light that she had curated for her face, a sunshot smile that rested easily upon velvet features. The stranger did not invite hostility towards a somewhat disheveled coat, but Duskpool and Figfeather kept both their tongue and their feet firmly distanced from the newcomer.
Dalma took multiple steps back, allowing himself to be herded back just far enough so that he was no longer standing upon SkyClan land. He seemed rather oblivious to the hostility displayed by Figfeather and the suspicious tone that cradled Duskpool's voice. He was immediately questioned as to why he was there and what his intentions were, both of which he was more than happy- and perhaps a little eager- to answer.

His accent was heavy, almost unintelligible- but his tone was kind and sincere, a smile full of slightly crooked teeth spreading warmly across his face as he relayed whatever information he could to the unfamiliar cats. "De name given ta'h me be Dalma. I ah'v come as de wind 'ahs called. for me home I ah'v been led astray. I 'ahv heard dis place be harbor ta'h many a soul...Be dere any place t'ah spare for me own?"

His gaze flitted over every warrior in turn as he presented his shortened story and request, as if he weren't entirely sure who he should be talking to specifically- he didn't want to single any single cat out. However, his single remaining eye- which was like a chunk of glistening amber- lingered for a considerably longer amount of time on Sfogliatella. His smile grew just slightly wider as he met her own set of optics, for they seemed to shine with a similar kind of whimsical mystery that his did. Besides this, she was much more welcoming- not that it mattered much to Dalma, who's first instinct was to hail every new individual he comes across as a friend.​

OOC: Hover over his dialogue for a translation!​
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Not the least bit surprisin’ to hear a cat seekin’ a home with a bunch of wildcats — SkyClan — but the timin’ couldn’t have been worse, but the kid ain’t aware of that, or if he did, then he was doin’ a fine job of actin’ like a clueless idiot. He sighed ruefully, shakin’ his helm in contemplation, molten gaze lingerin’ on Sfogliatella’s frame, comin’ awfully close to Dalma without a care of safety.

If he had thumbs, Duskpool would be pinchin’ the bridge of his nose in exasperation, nearly wonderin’ if he should be askin’ Orangestar to teach a lesson of self-preservation. “If yer lookin’ to join, I ain’t gonna sugarcoat it kiddo. It's real hard work fightin’ and huntin’ for a clan, nothin’ like bein’ a kittypet, or whatever ya were before.” His tone remained monotone, fiery hues hardenin’. “It ain’t up to me, but reckon I tell ya this now and make sure ya think about it real good.”

He glanced at Figfeather, wooly plumage twitchin’ in thought, helm tiltin’ to stare at Dalma’s stature. He rumbled, low and guttural soundin’ that vibrated the entirety of his chest. Another happy youngster lookin’ for somethin’ till reality hits and then it ain’t so pretty.
thought speech