camp 꽃flower — flower crown making


second chances 08/28/2023
Mar 1, 2023
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
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YUKIO BOUNCED ON HIS PAWS ONLY TO QUICKLY TIRE, GRUNTING as he flopped onto his haunches. Right. He had a tendency to forget the very things growing inside of him when he became overly excited. Heavens. He wished he didn't feel like a bloated balloon waiting to pop, but the end would be rewarding!

Mismatched optics flickered to the flowers he'd bribed ( or asked ) from a few of the Sky Clan felines, grinning triumphantly. He hadn't gotten to know them for long, often too wrapped up in trying to not wander out without, but @sparrowpaw! @Bananasplash @Fireflypaw had been the most approachable for his mission. No leaving camp—He reminded himself with a firm nod of his helm. "T, Thank you!" He would tell the three, rummaging through them to sort them by their stem lengths.

"P, Pretty flowers." He laughed, optics twinkling. With a delighted huff, Yukio glanced around camp from where he lay close to the nursery. "W, Would anyone l, like a flower c, crown?" He trilled, voice wavering. "O, Or learn?" He added, grin turning sheepish as he ducted back to sort out stem lengths.

thoughts speech

Being approached by one of the queens wasn't typically something Sparrowpaw would expect to happen during their day to day, but their ears had perked and they had given Yukio their attention regardless. It hardly took much asking on his part, the tabby more than eager to run off and collect flowers, although for what they didn't yet know.

They had been asked to collect flowers, and collect flowers they had. Only the prettiest ones had been plucked, the stems having been held delicately in their jaws until they could deliver them to the expectant tom. The praise from Yukio was enough to make them beam. "Thank you!" they chirped. "There's a lot of really pretty flowers still growing."

Sparrowpaw had been wondering if he wanted to decorate the nursery with the flowers, or perhaps his nest, but his call out to the rest of the camp made them straighten in interest. "Flower crowns?" they echoed curiously. Then, a gleam of recognition entered their gaze.

"Oh! Oh! Is that when you um, weave them into something you put on your head?" Paws carrying them forward, they seated themself beside Yukio. "Aren't they really hard to make? You must have really precise paws! My papa made one for me once. I was sad when it withered away."


What he knew of softness, Rosepaw had learned from his mother. It's a silly thing, isn't it? Seeing Yukio makes part of him ache, because he's all too suddenly reminded of times long past. Deersong wasn't who she had been, and...sometimes he misses that. It's mean of him to say, he knows. It's a thought he wrestles with all the time. He's always stuck somewhere in between resenting who she had become and wishing desperately things could just go back. To a time when his dad didn't have so much responsibility on his shoulders, and mom wasn't so sad about things. Part of him wants to blame Blazestar, just because it seems that everyone else in the clan does, but that seems just as pathetic as being upset with his mom. Better to just forget.

He tries to. Really, he does. "It doesn't sound that hard," he lies with all the confidence in the world. "It's just like weaving the brambles, right?" That is a chore he has done far too many times, and it never ceases to annoy him. It's supposed to save their camp, as if anyone would ever be stupid enough to come at them here. (Again. Something lances through his heart. Fear? He doesn't even know all of what had happened then.)

  • ooc:
  • ──── rosepaw, named for his pelt color + in memory of his father's friend.
    ──── cis male. uses he - him only. unknown sexuality, but decidedly single.
    ──── apprentice of skyclan. mentor undecided/tba. deersong x thistleback.
    ──── five moons old. brother to eveningpaw, sunflowerpaw, and briarpaw.

    a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears. though still gangly with youth, he is growing to a solid, sturdy build that mimics his father's.
  • "speech"

At first he goes to join the cats gathered, learning to weave and fold stems into decorative crowns to wear upon their heads but he falters as the floral scent strikes him, as the wind shifts to carry it into his face. He can't help but find himself staring distantly, briefly lost. The image of a smiling red tabby coming to mind, tucking wildflowers in his fur, gently laughing at something he said. Of the cats gathered is one with the same name, not an uncommon occurence with the way the clans named one another but all the same it is a pain he was not prepared to feel today.
Rosepaw looks nothing like his lost friend, but his name stings like thorns and reminds him of the flower that never got to bloom; what would his name have been then. Roseshine, he had said should be the kind tom's name because he put all the stares to shame...
StarClan often felt so much further away now that he was no longer a medicine cat but he could still feel their presence. He knew they were there. And most of all he knew he would get to rejoin those lost in time so long as he remained true. After all, StarClan had not abandoned him. WindClan had.
"R-real nice work, Yukio. Ye got a real knack for it!" Dandelionwish forces the cheer into his voice, coming across perhaps far more peppy than he intended and he cleared his throat; glancing to Sparrowpaw to avoid having to look at Rosepaw in worry the surge of feelings might rise back up.
"Takes a skilled set o'paws to do this, yer right. Knew a cat who-" He swallowed hard, "-knew a cat who could whip these up like he grew'em from his paws."

Never having been rented with the nuances of conversation, Mallowlark did not particularly notice quite how overly cheery Dandelionwish was. The black-and-white tom simply sought a familiar face, an oddity that he had not expected to find among these pines. At last he had become used to the truth that the ex-medicine cat had not been flayed by his pursuers- and it seemed easier to stick a little closer to someone who already knew him in a place where many did not.

His silver eyes were wide as suns and pale as moons as they bore into the flowers, staring with such intensity that it was a wonder the petals did not wither under his stare. "Smaller than brambles!" he chimed, attention snapping to Rosepaw and then back down to the blooms, in movement as quick as heat-lightning strike. "Like... little veins, these..." he hummed. They were about as delicate as the most severable parts of a body, weren't they? He doubted not Dandelionwish's statement... it'd take practice to pull such intricate weaving off. Perhaps it would not hurt to attempt...
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
YUKIO’S OPTICS BRIGHTENED, DARKENED LIPS CURLED INTO A WARM GRIN, beaming up at Sparrowpaw. He bobbed his head with a trill, agreeing with the other. “I, I can m, make one f, for you!” He offered helm tilted to stare at the apprentice.

His gaze drifted to Rosepaw, offering the other a hum. “N, Not terribly h, hard!” It had taken him a good few weeks to get it down, but Yuhwa had been an excellent teacher. He sighed at the memory. It had been fun slipping into twolegs gardens to grab colorful flowers. Brambles? He never knew brambles could be weaved, but glancing around camp it makes sense. Oh! I wonder if I could help with that. He thought, flexing his paws. He wanted to contribute, even if it wasn’t much, but at least he was doing something.

At the sight of Dandelionwish, Yukio's grin turned embarrassed, flushing under the praise. He’d never been one to handle compliments well. Kyungmin hadn’t been great at offering praise, preferring to pick out things he's done wrong. But it made him better! If Kyungmin had complimented him, he’d still be a foolish mutt, or at least, Kyungmin liked to say that when he asked. Shaking his helm, the queen chirped in thanks. “T, Thank you!” His head tilted, offering the other a grin. “I, I can t, teach you?” He offered with a questioning hum.

At the sight of Mallowlark, Yukio laughed. “S, Suppose so!” Mismatched optics glistened, reaching to pat the ground with a trill. “C, Come sit!” He loved to offer some beauty to the clan, deeming flower crowns the perfect way to do it. Plus! He got to meet others, and that thought alone sent him on cloud nine.

thoughts speech
Fireflypaw is careful to step around the brushes of flowers and weavings as he makes his way over, happy to help the Queen with his task. Though he cannot see what's being made, he knows the smell of flowers well- and he knows exactly what flower crowns are. Before Leopardcloud had passed from her illness, she would make flower crowns for his siblings. He finds himself missing the molly during times like these, but he pushes his thoughts of sorrow down in favor of paying attention to Yukio's voice.

His side brushes against Sparrowpaw's affectionately as he moves to seat himself beside the other, lazily slouching over to listen to the lesson on flower crown creation. "I'd love to learn- is there a way you could teach me?" He asks softly, suddenly sheepish. Was it odd for him to want to learn? Perhaps it was already too late for him, with his blindness. He's seen some elders wear flower crowns, perhaps he could have his own. "Sparrowpaw, could you make me one?" He asks them softly in a whisper, turning to the feline with a small smile.​
chiara | 14 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Yukio is a bright sunny feline - a comfort to a cat such as chiara, who is utterly out of her depth in a place like this, a place outside the confines of her twolegs nest. His words draw her over on dainty paws before she even realizes it, fluffy tail swishing anxiously. "C-could I have one?" she asks, softly, a gentle smile on her maw. She's always lover flowers - from the ones her twolegs brought inside but never let her touch, to the ones out in the garden she could roll around in or pluck to place upon her puffy pelt. She's still uncertain about the rest of these clan cats, and so she doesn't say anything else, simply wits for an answer, crouching down lower so her large frame isn't so bothersome. It's getting harder and harder to do so, she thinks.

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.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
AT THE SIGHT OF THE APPRENTICE, YUKIO GRINNED, HUMMING IN acknowledgment. “S, Sure!” He would have never realized he’d be this popular, or rather, seeing various cats taking an interest in it. He didn’t hate it, of course! He was preening under the attention, whiskers twitching with an excitable chirp.

Yukio’s optics faltered, staring up at Chiara with a bright grin, bobbing his head. “Mhm!” He gestures for the molly to come sit instead of crouch, offering her a welcoming purr. He knew how hard it could be trying to settle into a completely unfamiliar environment. The feline wants nothing more than to be a warm and welcoming presence. “O, Oh! H, Here!” He offered the other the flower crown he’d been braiding absently, darkened lips turned into a sheepish grin.

With a twitch of his whiskers, he started a new one with a happy chirp.

thoughts speech

Rosepaw wandered over, questioning the difficulty of flower crowns, and Sparrowpaw shook their head vigorously. "No, it's really different! Brambles are really thick, even though you gotta be really careful not to prick your paws. Flower stems are small and fragile." They also had to be woven far tighter than brambles, from what they remembered.

Dandelionwish wandered over, and despite the cheer in his voice, a frown settled on their maw, that of light concern. He seemed upset as he glanced to them, although they weren't sure why. Rather than immediately ask, they nodded quietly.

It was about then that Mallowlark appeared, explaining the same thing they had in far fewer words, and they nodded in agreement, even if it faltered at them being compared to... veins. "Do... did you mean vines?" they questioned.

Fireflypaw was at their side, brushing their pelts together, and they leaned in to affectionately headbutt their shoulder. The seal point asks about learning to make their own. "That sounds like fun," they murmured. Then they turned to the tabby, asking softly if they could make one for them instead. Their head turned to face them, eyes bright. "Yeah! I'll try my best!"

Yukio was already hard at work using the flowers they had all worked to gather, and they watched with intent interest, trying to commit the movements to memory. What flowers would Fireflypaw like in his, they wondered? Mulling over the collection, they hummed a soft tune under their breath as they thought. Then, turning to their friend, they asked, "What colors would you like yours to be? Or do you want the ones that smell the nicest?"


Image The apprentice den was now empty save for the flame point, his functional eye glanced around at the empty nests as his ears slowly started to flatten against his head. They would soon perk at the sound of voices, happy voices. Scorchedpaw would take a quick glance around at the den before rising from his nest and hesitantly making his way out. He was soon greeted with the sight of grown cats and young cats gathered together, working with something in their paws. Uncertain of whether or not he wanted to involve himself in anything, he'd keep his distance.

He had deduced that it was some sort of craft. There was an assortment of items that they were working with and weaving together. As his eye skimmed over the many colors of flowers, he'd pause. There was a bright pink one, it looked like a spikey hitchhiker. The tom would clench his jaw for a moment before fighting back his reserves and making his way over. "Can I.. Can I see that one?" He'd ask in his low tone, with an orange stocking paw gesturing to the pink flower. "What are you guys doing with all these?" He'd add in a question but his focus was on the flora.
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