𓅫 ... advertising causes therapy / birdwatching

Feb 29, 2024
The forest felt like a friend long forgotten, foreign in taste, smell and touch as brown flashed through the forest, drumming against packed soil in rhythm from large paws as calls above carried through the trees. Adderpaw had not been in the forest since the wolves attacked -- at least not alone (if Leafhusk would try to train him too far from camp, he would fake a stomach ache and tried to be as convincing as he could be, even sometimes meshing up mint in his mouth to make his heaves more... believable). He found himself terrified of the predators that plagued their forests and lay ruin to their camp, which he was sure would take many moons until it was fully repaired. A normally well groomed, fluffy coat could now be seen a bit ruffled during the day as he would pace, wondering if somehow the wolves survived the gorge and were coming back to exact their revenge upon ThunderClan. Of course, this was all in his head, all his worries that he had to deal with yet felt with every fiber of his being could truly happen. Little did he know that the snaps of the wolves hitting the bottom were undistinguishable to those who had baited them, eyes squeezed shut in a flutter of hope that everything would truly get better from there.

But it hadn't. Batwing, Duskbird, and Sunfreckle had sacrificed themselves, Howlingstar lost more lives than he thought could be possible at a time, Jackdawflight was lost and Acornwish hadn't deserved her fate so soon. Adderpaw couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought that he hadn't gotten to know his clanmates, but managed to lift his head upwards despite the pain. It was who he was, to be on his own and not get to know others. It was easier for him this way, to ignore the stresses of figuring out everyone's emotions, worrying about interpreting someone's tone wrong, and a simple misunderstanding possibly ruining an entire friendship. He's seen it happen before (apprentices were very drama-ridden and it puzzled the tabby why so many of them seemed to fuel off of it), and the ugliness of the aftermath still made his skin crawl with unease. It was easier to just make assumptions of others and pretend you know them so you never feel the anguish when they leave.

Finally slowing to a stop, pointed ears flicked towards the left at the chirp he had been chasing for foxlengths, legs aching and begging him to relax. Slinking into a crouched position, Adderpaw listened above with yellow eyes narrowed, pupils reduced to slits as he pray to StarClan for some type of night vision. As though his prayers had been answered, a bluebird peaked from the crowded branches above, flaunting its bright blue splendor as it hopped ever so calmly. How could it be so calm with him nearby, in a position where he could easily bounce and grab it within his jaws? The thought occurred to him that perhaps his pelt blended in well with the overgrowth that he was surrounded by and a smile jumped onto his angular features. Finally. A time to relax, with no one around to remind him of the terrors they had gone through, or to make matters worse try to make conversation with him. Small talk was easy for him, but for Adderpaw small talk meant five word responses to a question that was definitely meant to at least be thought into. Almost sinking into the dirt beneath him, the apprentice held his breath as he continued to observe the nature before him.​

No one around to ruin the peaceful scene. Or so the apprentice thought.


The blue feathered bird is crushed beneath his paws after a mighty pounce. Fangs lunge for its neck, with a twist and a final snap it’s given no time to shriek in alarm. His mouth salivates as the smell of warm blood rushes past his nostrils, but he knows the warrior code all too well. He has an injured clan back at camp who could use this more than him.

His broad muzzle lifts, it was difficult to see Adderpaw’s camouflaged pelt through the undergrowth, but his trained green eyes spot him with some focus. ”If prey sits itself before your paws begging to be eaten…” He begins, a large paw pushing the bluebird over to the apprentice, ”You kill it.” A scolding for enjoying nature instead of taking advantage of it. Bigfang does not believe the time has yet come for relaxation, let alone letting perfectly good prey fly away.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Softpaw, unlike Adderpaw, had no such thoughts of the wolves coming back from the gorge to exact their revenge - she was fully confident that Batwing had sacrificed himself justly and without fault, and the idea that his sacrifice had been for nothing... it wasn't a thought that Softpaw wanted or liked to entertain.

Also unlike the other apprentice, Softpaw had been taking full advantage of being able to explore the territory now that she was able to; she hadn't been injured in the fool's quest that was owl hunting like her sister had been, and there was a pang in Softpaw's heart that her sister wasn't right there next to her right now as she got to know the territory.

With a small squirrel in her jaws, the sound of her Clanmate's voice reached Softpaw's ears before their scents did, and she veered off her path back to camp to see what Bigfang and Adderpaw are up to - she was never one to miss a learning opportunity, now that she was a proper apprentice. Her own mentor was well enough, but learning things from everyone would benefit her in the long run, she thought.

"And thank StarClan for the prey," she adds as she catches the end of Bigfang's on the spot lesson, setting the squirrel down at her paws. "Good morning, Bigfang, Adderpaw," she greets with a nod of her head, before looking back to Bigfang, "Are you two training?"​
Peace never lasted long for Adderpaw, always taken away from him like some type of sick twist of fate. Was it too much to truly enjoy nature in a clan full of brutes who sought to capture anything edible that flashes into their eyelight, where he found himself begging to be seen on an equal level despite his differences to them? The resounding crunch that emitted from Bigfang's jaws snapping the small bluebird under his piercing canines was enough to make bile enter his mouth unwanted, shock-ridden eyes so wide that it seemed like they would just pop right out of his head. Sure, he would eat birds in the freshkill pile with ease -- but he couldn't kill a bird no matter how hard he tried. It was probably what Mossywing had hated most about the apprentice, and an issue Leafhusk would have to deal with soon enough. The act would probably make him sick to his stomach for days in the medicine den with no explanation, waiting out the pain the would plague his intestines.

Adderpaw's jaw clenched, hitched in a seething rage as yellow met green, eyes narrowed to slits as he swallowed with a shiver of his spine. "If prey sits itself before your paws begging to be eaten, you kill it." His vision unfocused slightly as he raised to his paws, tail whipping into a trash as he felt his skin grow with heat, blood boiling to dangerous levels. How dare he come in here, disturb the only peace he had felt in what felt like weeks with his petty lessons to just enforce authority over him, belittling his softer demeanor? Teeth bared for a moment before Softpaw's words hit his ears, aware of his prickled pelt and defensive stance as he tried to relax his muscles from their tension. As much as he wanted to lash out against the warrior, call him as many names that he knew at his young age and just throw his paws at him in a flurry -- Adderpaw knew where that would get him. A talking to with Leafhusk, and probably even more about the warrior code and his duties to serve his clan as an apprentice. It was easier to just try and play off his anger, despite how obvious it had been to both of them. Through gritted teeth, the tabby spoke with an exasperated and sharp tone to Softpaw's question. "I believe I had been preparing to catch that, but someone decided to take the kill from me." At least he had been in a crouch, it made it seem more believable that he was upset about the warrior stealing his prey.

"I understand, Bigfang. I haven't caught my own bird yet and needed to see how I should approach the jump. I'm hoping to bring one back for Leafhusk," he lied with a burning feeling in his throat, wishing it could be so much easier to slip off his tongue. Lying was never what he wanted to do -- he always told the truth no matter how painful he thought it could be for the other due to his ignorance with emotions. But in circumstances like this one, it was the only thing his mind could default to respond with. "I guess I should just be on my way back then..." he trailed off, hoping to just be able to slip away and avoid any further humiliation to his ego. But a pit lay in his stomach, knowing that somehow he'd be dragged into a hunting session with just a word. Why couldn't he just be a warrior already and do what he wanted to do?

  • ooc: n/a
  • . . ★ ADDERPAW of thunderclan, apprentice
    -- amab, he/him/his
    -- seven moons
    -- demisexual, demiromantic
    -- mentored by leafhusk
    . . ★ more information
the wolves are no more. thunderclan is free. she said upon their arrival from the gorge, and that was fact. leafhusk doesn’t lie, especially not about something as serious as the wolves were. since that day, her heart hasn’t left her stomach. the forest recovered beautifully, the birds chirped their lovely tunes and flowers bloomed. depending on who you asked, thunderclan still is, cats wandered through the ravine like busy ghosts, the new kits squealing with delight as they played. it was beautiful in it’s own screwed up way.

leafhusk tried to give adderpaw more freedom now that the wolves were gone. admittedly, she’d been slacking, a woman who can usually pick up on things like this hasn’t noticed the boy’s issues. nevertheless, she trailed behind him in to make sure he didn’t wander too far. brown tipped ears strained forward, catching the tail end of the exchange, confused etched clear on her face. leafhusk watches her apprentice begin to leave, and she turns her head back towards the small crowd. slowly, she pieced together what might’ve happened.

the confusion is softened momentarily towards softpaw, the young girl’s stark white fur standing out. "good morning, softpaw. excellent catch." a clear, honest compliment, and partially an apology, in case she was merely a bystander to this. then, she focuses on bigfang.

"what did you say to him?" she asks accusingly, tail lashing behind her.​