At least, Eveningkit thinks, the Twolegs were nice enough to put her beside the glassy glint that allows her to peer into the woods- her home. It calls for her, puts images of her family frantic in their search for her past the gray tufts of her head and into the ivory of her skull. She had not known yearning like this up until now. Even the hours ticking by as she had so often waited for Lichenstar or her older siblings to come back home hadn't felt this painful... she thought it did, but this incident has put everything into perspective.

There's no point in trying to escape. She has no idea how her cage works, if it'd even hurt her if she tried to fiddle with it, and with the nightmarish scenarios that have been planted in her kit-like fantasies... well, she's certain the Twolegs would know what she's up to and storm inside to do- who knows what with her.

Being still and waiting for her fate doesn't feel much better. Despite what she initially thought was bravery — sneaking out in an attempt to find mama —, Eveningkit doesn't feel very courageous. Nothing has changed, objectively. She's still stuck within walls, unable to do what she wishes, paling in comparison to the smarter and stronger warriors. She'd give anything to see Lichenstar go about her day, important and authoritative; to see Iciclefang's keen eyes scan the camp and scold any naughty doings; to hear Snakeblink's voice ring out as he calls everybody into safety... Ferngill's purrs would be soothing right about now.

She has all the time in the world to fantasize now. It's the only thing keeping her sane right now anyway, body still taut with tension, but at least her mind is elsewhere- past the Twoleg homes and amidst reeds and the streams.

The yellows of her eyes catch on something- someone, she's able to tell upon a closer look, wholly unfamiliar but at least it's another cat. Even such joys need some attention in a time like this. Eveningkit takes note of scars littering an orange face, but her maw does not open to try and call out. She's merely observing.

Duty called Rosalia today, much like it had called them for the majority of their days while travelling with her house folk. It was a tireless job, one that they were used to though, what would they do if he wasn’t there to protect them? Someone's nightmares would plague them, of a mouse infected camper, no. A mouse infected world. The flame point used those fears to push herself forward, so here she was again.

There had been an influx of cats brought in those metal contraptions that she had seen upwalkers use over her time of being around them. He personally preferred to use the term prisons or dungeons, they sounded cooler than weird metal boxes. They all seemed miserable, the ones that they had managed to spot anyways. She holds no fault for them in their misery, it looked so constricting in there, when travelling sometimes he has to sleep in them and they loathe it every time.

The sound of a squeak from under a nearby camper alerted them from the haze of thoughts over the miserable cats, blue eyes trained onto the sliver of a tail, slithering across the ground like a snake as the mouse ran for safety. Nothing would save them from her righteous fury though, crouching down their tail lashed wildly, bringing forth the imagery of a reed caught in a tempest gale. Lunging forward they channelled what they imagine a powerful warrior would look like, perhaps like the upwalkers covered in metal that they see on the image box their housefolk have. She would like to be like them, strong protectors of those they care for and their home.

There was a long way to go until he could deem himself to be at that level, there’s disappointment as they barely catch onto the tail of the mouse before them with their paws. Strong grasp pulls the little creature outside from the campers underbelly and into the open air. Fangs finding purchase through brown fur to it's neck and thus bringing a swift death. She sought no sadism in this, merely wishing to fulfil a job. Nothing more and nothing less. They stare at the body of the creature, only momentarily as she feels her fur bristle at the feeling of eyes on their own back like they were the mouse.

Rosalia’s eyes dart around the surrounding area, taking a little too long to realise that they should be looking up. When they do they’re surprised to see a silver kitten looking at them. Mouse in maw they march forward to sit a little closer to the glass pane that separates this kitten from the outside world. Setting the mouse down gingerly, she narrows his eyes as he assesses the situation and the intentions of this kitten. Then feeling a little embarrassed that a child could have any intentions other than curiosity. “Well met, little kitten. How do you fare? My name is Rosalia, do you have a name?” She calls out, raising her voice to be heard, not paying mind to any upwalkers who may be perturbed by their meowing.