Eveningkit's mind decides to operate more or less the same as before. Silver squares closing up on her and large Twolegs forcing her into the belly of a monster had been terrifying enough to give her some nightmares, but it really wasn't so bad if she considers how she achieved her goal of finding Hazecloud. Those ugly creatures were either too stupid to think about where they put mother and daughter, or maybe they just didn't care... but either way, the whole ordeal ended in happy tears. Now Eveningkit has more stories to share with any of her denmates who are willing to listen.

Or, unwilling β€” Eveningkit does not think too much about how her paws take her towards Troutsnout. Whether the pretty warrior is shaken up or not is anyone's guess, or maybe Eveningkit just hasn't been as perceptive as she should be... but today she can make up for it. Most of her vision had been taken up by Twinklekit and Horizonkit's pelt after all. Inquiries come second to familial reunions.

"Where were you kept?" she says in lieu of a hello, regarding Troutsnout with much curiosity. She still smells of Twoleg despite the thorough cleaning she has been doing. Eveningkit can't blame her; she, too, still betrays the details of her imprisonment, no matter how hard Hazecloud tries to get rid of it. "I didn't see you before the escape. Claythorn smelled WindClan when you disappeared, and... blood too, I think? Did Sunstar attack you or something?"
Twolegs are merciless creatures. They had no respect for anything around them regardless if it lived or not, they found fun in the destruction. They took and took until there wasn't nothing left, and still would destroy anything and only find themselves trembling when something more dangerous than them to scurry. The thought made her blood run cold and she remembered as they attempted to force the so-called collars on Slateheart and watch him react in a frenzy with the fury of a thousand wild beasts. The lack of sleep and the refusal to eat.

Slateheart was her only comfort is a desolate world then.

Troutsnout could still remember the blood of the twoleg she drew as she tried to escape but they violated her freedom. They bound her and locked her way into the darkness before shoving her friend into the cage with him. How was Slateheart now? This insufferable scent of twoleg stuck to her and the faint scent of Slateheart brought her to peace, it was almost as if it was the only way she could escape the dreadful experience she had been stuck in. Her jaw is tense and teeth grit as a voice catches her attention, her body rigid as she turned.

It was just Eveningkit.

Where was she kept? β€œI couldn't tell you. It was always dark and suffocating.” Trout would admit as she rasps her tongue across her coat, her nose scrunching as the vague scent of a twoleg on her flank. It doesn't take a second after as she fiercely rasps at the spot before giving it a sniff and continuing to rasp at it as her nerves prickle. More words escape from Eveningkit and she mentions not seeing her during the escape and her blood runs cold, had Eveningkit been kidnapped as well?

What happened while she was imprisoned? Was it as horrible as her and Slateheart's experience? How did they manage to get a kit? Had they found the camp and invaded it? The questions race through her head and shock is on her face, a turmoil of emotions running through a pale face as she shuts her eyes. I don't want to remember it. β€œNo... Sunstar didn't.” She murmurs softly as she deeply exhales and inhales, biting her bottom lip and her chambray gaze opening once more. β€œA Windclanner saw twolegs attack me and tried to save me while he was patrolling.”

Keep it simple. Don't give unnecessary details.

Slateheart was just a friend who tried to help her but ended up getting punished for her mistake.

"I thought we couldn't trust WindClanners?" Shimmerkit blurted out loud. She shrunk back slightly as she realised she had revealed herself to the two cats. Shimmerkit hadn't meant to snoop but when she heard Eveningkit's questions to Troutsnout, she couldn't help but stop and listen.

Whilst Shimmerkit had been lucky not to be too personally affected by the spate of kidnappings, she had known some of the cats were taken. In an innocent way, she was curious about what happened and the experiences they had faced. "Was it scary when you got captured?" She asked, looking between her two clanmates. They had both been taken but one was a warrior and one was a kit. Surely that meant they had slightly different experiences. "I bet you were glad when you escaped," Shimmerkit mewed. "I'm glad you came back."
Hazecloud would have thought her experience to have been nightmarish, until Troutsnout briefly retold of her own time. Hazecloud hadn't been trapped the entire time, being able to escape her cage and subsequently free Eveningkit of hers. They had hid most of the time, ran when approached by anyone other than Nutmeg, and waited with waning hope to return home.

The smoky queen was too proud to have partaken in any of the pellet-bits left out, and she had little shame in how eagerly she ripped into the first fish she was given. Eveningkit however, was still young, and the mother wouldn't risk her daughter's health over pride.

"That sounds awful..." Hazecloud murmured, half to herself as she thought about how Eveningkit would have felt without her there. It might have just been the same. "Those traps felt impossible to leave, I had trick the twolegs just so I could escape it. But it's camp was a trap in itself."

Round spring sights looked down at Eveningkit as Shimmerkit approached with her own questioning, encouraging for her to answer. There was no harm in sharing, it might do well in warding off the potential to walk into something similar.

  • Β 

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Queen of RiverClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… She/Her
    β€”βŠ°β‹… LH blue smoke with green eyes.


—————————————————【 riverclan | apprentice | she/her 】————————————————
γ€β—ˆγ€‘Turtlepaw, as long as she could remember, loved stories and being able to share them with the world. She was the first to share her day's adventures during evening meal time, and the last to fall asleep in her nest after babbling about whatever came to mind. She was the bane of the apprentice den.

Her ears perk at the back of camp at the sound of stories being told. Like muscle memory, she moved to the conversation. She listens to other's stories of their capture. Troutsnout had been the first to go, the unholy indicator of what had followed. Eveningkit and Hazecloud had also been stolen away by the twolegs. The thought of them all falling prey to those hairless beasts made her pelt crawl.

Turtlepaw thought back to her own experience. The fear at being caught, the relief of seeing Moonbeam, and the joy of freedom after being held for so long.

At that memory, her stomach twisted and nausea rose to an uncomfortable presence. She opened her mouth to share with those gathered - survivors of the same tragedy - and found no words leaving her. Turtlepaw's throat as tight and tears - unwelcomed and unplanned - welled in her eyes. What was happening? This should be a story easily told with drama and action, but her own body shook just at the thought of reliving it.

Instead of bursting out in glee with her story, Turtlepaw found herself hunkered down next to Hazecloud. She tucked her paws under her chest and tried to will away the way her body shook. What was happening to her?

[penned by muddly].