Eveningkit has definitely missed out on something. That's a given in a busy environment such as RiverClan; if you're absent, you will find yourself without important context. Every day is packed for her Clanmates. Now that the imminent danger seems to be receding and over with, there is plenty to be done and plenty of things to process, each more difficult than the last.

She does not want to dwell on all that. Perhaps this is what teaches her how to appreciate the small things — already she's been feeling a certain sense of ease whenever she opens her eyes in the morning, light streaming in through the nursery's entrance instead of past the silver linings of her cage. Hazecloud is always curled up around her, Twinklekit and Horizonkit. Lichenstar is out there, dealing with problems Eveningkit cannot even hope to understand, but thinking and walking and breathing.

And of course, Eveningkit has her friends.

"Do I still smell of Twoleg?" she asks when she catches up to Graykit, sticking to his side like sap and burr. "Please tell me I don't. I'll scare away all the fish."

When Eveningkit was gone it had felt like a piece of the nursery was missing. She was such a strong presence in his day to day and he had not realized to what extent that lay until she had gone missing. He would wake up and his soft green eyes would instinctually drift lazily over to the nest that she had once inahbited. It was strange, to see it so devoid of anything at all. Hazecloud had gone missing too. The nursery had been so... different. There had been something heavy hanging about the air, a certain sadness that he has since learned follows grief like a tick to an elder's flesh.

He doesn't have to worry about it anymore because as quickly as she had dissapeared, his friend has returned. Stories of kidnappings fall from her tongue, of travels to the strange place of two-legs, of fear and desperation adn then of rescue by the paws of the very same kittypets who had come to join them. It didn't make him any less wary of them though. He could help a fish struggling along the shores find water again one day and then eat the very same from the fresh-kill pile the next. It did not matter to him, like he's almost certain it did not matter to them. Why would it? They were strangers, they owed RiverClan absolutely nothing. Not like he owed.

He is pleased by the way Eveningkit seeks him out, it tells him she had not forgotten about him during her time away (not like he thought she would but... still. There is a nagging voice at the back of his head that always likes to argue otherwise) When he sees her first thing in the morning and she runs to catch up to him, he finds his gray coat pressing to her side in a moment of comfort, like he is showing himself that she is really here, tangible and not going anywhere anytime soon. At her request, he leans forward and gives her pelt a couple of sniffs. It is impossible to hide the truth when the smell of twoleg assaults his nostrils and causes him to sneeze. "ACHOO!" immediately followed by "Sorry, sorry" flies from his maw as he quickly tries to cover up whatever insult may lie there "Its uh.. It's not that bad" he tries to reassure with a slight shrug. All the cats who came back from being captured still had some smell on them it seemed, but every day it grew fainter and fainter. "Maybe we could go roll in the fresh-kill pile, then the fish will NEVER smell you coming!" Could fish even smell? He has no idea... Still, it was worth a shot if it would make her feel better.

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  • 81982729_t5hu4ZT91MAtJ8v.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training

"Woah," she gapes, not unkindly, "that bad?"

Eveningkit lifts her head and draws it back, her own nose sniffling at her fur. As if she could differentiate her own smell from something foreign that has familiarized itself with her at this point...

The moment is short-lived. Teeth flashes with how wide her grin is, and she quickly regains her position beside Graykit, their pelts touching again. Such an abrupt momentum of a sneeze had evidently misplaced her a little. She hums at her friend's attempt at reassurance — if it really isn't so bad, why sneeze? Maybe he just has a really sensitive nose. StarClan knows.

Then, Graykit presents her with an idea- an excellent one at that! "You're right! Why didn't I think about that before?" Eveningkit stops so her eyes have easy access to the fresh-kill pile, lounging about just a few tail-lengths away from the pair. "But... what if a really hungry warrior comes and tries to eat us?"

She takes to his idea quickly and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, ever present on his features it seemed when she was around. "Because I wasn't around to think it for you silly!" he chides, reaching out with a paw to gently push her gray-coated figure (though not away, never away) Their pelts brush once again as she settles close to him and he moves even closer in answer, as if he is afraid that if they are not touching she'll disappear again. He doesn't want to speak of it, but the days she was absent for were dreadful. Long nights spent tossing and turning, wondering if his friend would ever be returned to him- to them, or if she was lost in the same sense that his mother was to them.

Not lost he scolds himself mentally. Dead. He is old enough to understand the difference, to grasp the concept. Nothing ever lasted forever. It's why when he looks back at Eveningkit with pale green eyes he retains the smile on his face, his ears flicking in amusement as she suggests a warrior would mistake them for prey and eat them. "Then I'll protect you!" He declares easily. His fighting skills may not be on par with that of a fully grown warrior, but he beat the other kits in spars all the time. Certainly he could hold his own long enough for his friend to get away. "As long as you stick with me you'll be safe.." his voice trails off as a yawn splits open his jaw. The sun beaming down on him was inviting, warm, and it was making him sleepy in a way entirely different than the kind of sleep that came with playtime.

// sorry Im so late with this reply!

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • 81982729_t5hu4ZT91MAtJ8v.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training

Eveningkit's face clears, akin to clouds separating to give way for the sun after a considerate storm. "Of course!" It all makes perfect sense in the world of kittens.

The curse that her disappearance — fleeting but still effective — had bestowed upon Graykit is entirely missed by her. She is home now, safe, and even mama has made it back home... there is little reason to dwell on the past, to consider that she had technically stepped within the walls of a Twoleg's home before she ever made it near a RiverClan landmark.

"Then I'm not scared." Her grin is all teeth and mirth, meeting Graykit's declaration head-on. More often than not, Eveningkit is the one to offer her services as a protector, but it suits her well to receive that back every now and then. Graykit is a good and trusted friend. The two of them make a gallant pair. She pushes him forward — gentle, more of a direction than anything too pushy — in hopes of combating his sudden sleepiness.

Eveningkit makes the self-sacrificing decision to be the first; first to lunge at the fresh-kill pile, minutely disrupting its tidiness. "Come, my sleepy guardian, before you take a nap right there!"