
Paws go skyward when Eveningkit moves and shifts, her back rotating until she lays on it. It's an entirely comfortable ordeal on paper - and would be in practice too, if it weren't for the sun stubbornly shining its light right into her eyes. Eveningkit squints against it with such force that might as well give her a headache later on.

This, and the words she is tasting in her mouth before saying them, are all supposed to be a distraction. Twinklekit has been... weird, ever since Eveningkit has returned. She'd think her sister isn't happy to see her if Eveningkit didn't know any better. Sisterly bonds easily erase such confusion. There's something else afoot, something hidden within Twinklekit's head and chest; the source of all this doom and gloom. Where Horizonkit opts to feel anger, Twinklekit just shuts down... never the vocal type, of course, but it's still enough to make Eveningkit concerned.

Something has to be done — and this will be a two birds with one stone kind of situation, because Eveningkit has been dying to lounge beside her family again.

"For the first time in my life, I actually kinda started to believe adults are right... crazy, right? You'd think they just say all the stuff about danger and bla bla bla to sound smart or something..." The words blur together, tumbling out at a faster pace than Eveningkit intends. Keep it light, she tells herself. "You think I might be sick?"

It’s weird to have her sister back- a good weird, but weird. Eveningkit was gone, lost, and now she was back again. Twinklekit was happy she was back, of course, but all the constant change within RiverClan confused her kitten head. Even though the warriors say the twolegs are easing up, Twinklekit wonders if anyone else will yet go missing. Riverpaw has never been found yet, it confuses her because- if everyone else had been found where was he? Would Twinklekit go missing? Horizonkit? What about Lichenstar? Were they next? Was their turn inevitably approaching?

Eveningkit is a nice distraction for all these troubling thoughts. She listens to her sister ramble with attentive ears, giving slow nods to show she was listening. ”Yeah… I know what you mean. They’re probably right.” She meows, lazing batting at a pebble and sending it rolling across camp.

Twinklekit seems perplexed when Eveningkit asks if she thought she was sick. ”Huh? Why would you be?” She meows, tilting her head. ”Do you think the twolegs gave you something? Or maybe the kittypets?” That wouldn’t be good at all…
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing