Eveningkit doesn't know where her toy came from, so nobody else has to know either. It probably doesn't matter anyway; as far as she's concerned, it was a gift from the rivers themselves, carried by gentle laps of water right into her field of vision. Hers for the taking.

She had noted a weird smell coating its smooth, yellow skin, but it was barely noticeable past the familiar scents of freshwater. Its vivid orange mouth reminds her of the ducks she's seen once or twice before, eyes big, face soft and round. It's cute and that's what's important here. Whether the idea of hiding it from everyone else was good or not is up to debate - and will certainly be debated soon -, but Eveningkit made it anyway with confidence.

Her heart had been frenzied all day, antsy in her wait for night to fall. She slinks into her rightful spot in Hazecloud's nest with much mischief on her mind - although this one is a surprisingly innocent one. Eveningkit's body effectively hides the little bump amongst the moss so that nobody grows too suspicious... and when she's sure everyone is sound asleep, she lets its head emerge from its cover so that they can lock eyes.

"You stay quiet," she tells the thing and imagines it blinking in agreement. Gingerly, she wraps her paws around its neck and pulls it close, intending to fall right into peaceful sleep with something to hold- but their shared promise of keeping silent made just moments prior is already broken. Eveningkit's weight tips onto her friend, and it squeaks in surprise. A shrill noise that doesn't let up until she is forced to climb off of it in alarm.

A beat. "Uh oh."

Night had been Roekit's favorite time of the day for a long time. It was when things were most quiet with only the soft sound of breathing and the occasional snore running through the nursery. It was peaceful and the tabbied tom didn't have to worry about others trying to play or being forced out of the nursery to meet new cats. He was excited for this peaceful sleep when the shrill squeak came from Eveningkit's new friend and it caused Roekit's eyes to snap open in alarm as a soft cry of confusion erupted from the kit's maw.

Tears pin-prick at the corner of his eyes as he looks around, fur already spiking out in fear before blue eyes locked onto the bright yellow of the duck with the soft grey-blue's of Eveningkit nearby and for a moment he was speechless. "Wh-what did you do!" The accusatory cry came from the younger feline's maw as soon as he mustered up the energy. "What is that thing and why are you making it yell?" He didn't realize that he, too, was yelling, the pounding in his ears from the sudden rush of adrenaline causing his voice to rise in volume as it wavered in clarity.

  • --
  • 78389410_wHLZ7hCdLZ3oBnd.png
  • 𓆟 LH red tabby w/low white & blue eyes
    𓆟 Swiftfire x Hush
    𓆟 Brother to Amberkit and Dreamkit
    𓆟 easy to befriend/interact with
    𓆟 "speech", thoughts, attacking
    𓆟 easy in combat
    𓆟 peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The little tomkit kicks in his sleep, tail flickering back and forth across one of his littermates’ faces. His dream is one of excitement; he’s a big, strong RiverClan lead warrior like his mom, and he’s fighting off a gross, selfish ThunderClan warrior who just wants to take Sunningrocks for themself! And the ThunderClan warrior doesn’t stand a chance when he starts to drag them toward the river, and…


Crabkit startles awake, kicking one of his nestmates harshly in the ribs. It takes him a moment of scrambling before he’s able to rise to his paws, but when he does he quickly squints against the darkness of the den to catch sight of Eveningkit and Roekit. The former seems to be surprised, and the latter is shouting loud enough to wake everybody else up. Crabkit is sleepy and now he’s been woken up from a good dream, so he gives a grumpy lash of his tail as his muzzle shifts into a frown. "What is that…?" He wants the other kit to get rid of the weird thing, but more than that he wants to know where she got it.

  • ooc:
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
Hazecloud would always pride herself on how quickly her kittens fell into a bedtime routine. Not very fussy and could sleep through the night rather consistently. Even when the rivers atmosphere had fallen into moments of darkness they still found peace curled up at her side. This time she had bedded early after growing tired of the countless games of chase and splashing about in the heat. She trusted the kits that were not so interested in an early night would return to their nest as expected, and she knew as much when she felt each little body shift beside her as the moon continued to rise.

Her head had dipped further into a sleepy state, allowing her to quickly fall back asleep once the last kit curled up. Trust in another quiet, peaceful night had let her relax against the moss until-


A burst of movement from her muscles and the queen is standing on all four paws before she's shaken the drowsiness from her eyes. Her hackles raise, tail fluffed and lashing as blurry sights scour for what had infiltrated her nest. Eveningkit pulled away as well, revealing the offensive source and a slowly did her fur begin to lie flat.

"Did you bring... twoleg rubbish... in our nest." The silvery queen's voice is heavy with exhaustion, her words holding no room for a question. There was only one answer, they both knew.

Robinheart's kits would no doubt bubble with trembling cries now that everyone's sleep had been interrupted and already her ears feel hot from the embarrassment. As short as her fuse had felt she kept her teeth clenched together to save her daughter from any misdirected frustration.

"It won't hurt you." The airy gentleness she normally carried had not yet returned still as she addressed the other kitten. "Eveningkit is going to throw it out, I'll go with her to make sure of it." Blinking tension overtook the cloudiness in her eyes as she kept them fixed on the young molly.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

Despite the flicking and lashing of his brother’s tail in his face, Cragkit sleeps soundly, curled against his mother’s flank. Soft snores leave his nose as he burrows closer to the warmth Iciclefang provides, content as he dreams of bountiful fish he brings back to camp in his jaws. However, he is awoken by a shrill sound, one that makes his fur stand on end. Before he can jump up, though, he feels a harsh kick to his ribcage delivered straight from Crabkit’s hind paw. A pained shout leaves him as he fumbles backwards out of the nest he shares with his family, fur bristling and eyes squinted shut.

It takes him a few moments to recover as he tiredly gets back to his paws and blinks blearily around the nursery to get the full picture. The noise came from…did Hazecloud say twoleg rubbish? His snout wrinkles as he regards the object at Eveningkit’s side. “Ewww, get it out!” The child complains, ears pinned to his skull as he skirts swiftly back to Iciclefang’s side, like she would come to his defense. Luckily, the other queen says that’s exactly what Eveningkit is going to do. Good! He doesn’t want to share a den with anything from a twoleg!

With motherhood came a surprising revelation - every little noise could wake an exhausted mother from the deepest of sleep. Like a protective measure ingrained in every mother to keep their children safe and warm and fed. Robinheart is no exception. Sleep finds her in short bursts, just enough to keep her sane but not enough to help her feel rested. It is a shame that the one night she finally gets some decent sleep is the night Eveningkit sneaks in a new “friend”.

The unnatural squeak erupting from twoleg kit toy has the mottled queen startled awake, paws scrambling for purchase against the ground and eyes wide to ensure her children were safe. She had to keep them safe. They’re all she has left of her. The relief in seeing the trio intact, albeit now upset from her sudden movement, washes over her like a freezing downpour of rain. Now knowing her kits were okay, the exhausted queen turns her attention to Hazecloud - equally fluffed and startled - and hears the queen speak for her kit. Robinheart is admittedly upset, she’s sure it is clear across her weary features, but she knows better than to scold a child who is not hers. That being said…

“After you get rid of it, if my kits are still upset, I would be appreciative of some help getting them back to sleep.” Nothing required and not exactly a punishment, but Robinheart thinks Hazecloud would be understanding of asking Eveningkit to help remedy the situation she had caused. It could be a learning experience.
[ penned by kerms ]
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"I'm not!" Comes Eveningkit's shrill denial, even if the situation at paw suggests the opposite — she did make it yell somehow, even though the two had come to an agreement, and her new friend making a sound was definitely not on the agenda... not with a nursery this full of ways to be caught.

Eveningkit doesn't even blink as she watches her denmates escape sleep one by one. Roekit, Crabkit, Hazecloud, Cragkit, Robinheart... it'd be a point of amazement for her if only her spine wasn't tingling with anticipation.

Hazecloud. StarClan help her.

She doesn't even get the chance to answer Crabkit's question (and that's alright, because it's not like Eveningkit knows for sure), because Hazecloud jumps like something invisible has pulled her up by the scruff. That sight alone is enough to make Eveningkit feel guilt. Before, it had just been guilt due to getting found out. Maybe if the queens hadn't awoken, there would have been a chance to remedy this, make the kits meet her friend and make amends. "But-" she starts, then cuts herself off with certainty that it's futile.

Eveningkit stares at the thing with regret. Her paws frame its soft, dumb little face, and has to come terms with the fact that she will never see it again. Twoleg rubbish? It's too cute to be from them... but if Hazecloud says so, then it must be true.

Despite everything, she has the gull to shoot Cragkit a withering look at his comment. It's pure instinct born out of the desire to protect a friend.

The moment is fleeting. She has to throw it out.

"Okay," she agrees begrudgingly with Hazecloud, already rising to her feet. Robinheart looks upset enough that there is no room for further argument. At this point, the rank of a queen commands more respect than a leader. "Of- of course, Robinheart..."

The peaceful sound of his denmates snoring lulls Graykit into a light slumber, pressed against the side of his foster siblings gray brushes against red and blue. As the days grow warmer, it is more and more loathesome to be crowded together like this. His pelt is too hot, the other kittens too big. Often he finds himself waking up with a foot in his face and not a day goes by that he does not dream of becoming an apprentice for the sole reason that at least finally he would get to have a nest of his own. Despite the occasional rustling, the loud snoring, he finds himself finally drifting off into a peaceful darkness. That is, he was, until the loudest noise he had ever heard in his life ripped through the air. Bodies rippled around him, Crabkit kicks Cragkit in the face and he stands which in turn displaces Graykit who merely blinks sleepily in the direction of the disturbance, confusion evident on his face.

Twoleg rubbish he hears the adults say, disgust lacing their words. Cragkit demands it be taken out but... Graykit looks in the direction of his friend and his light green eyes fill with sympathy. He doesn't exactly want something that reeks of twoleg in here either but seeing Eveningkit look so disheartened was making him upset. "I think it's cool.." he offers from his place in the nest. It was a shame she would not be allowed to keep it.

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training