For not the first nor second time during her kithood, Eveningkit's paws take her to the medicine cat's den. It's more inviting now that Moonbeam is back (and in one piece, something Eveningkit has learned to appreciate nowadays)... and it's impossible to miss the irony of that — who in their right mind and healthy body would want to enter it — but it does not matter.

Eveningkit is on a mission again. She had thought about finding another little plaything that might interest Rivuletkit enough to draw her attention from her injuries, but after Hazecloud's disdain of the duck-thing, it does not seem like a good idea. All Twoleg belongings are tainted now with bad memories anyway. Something natural will have to do- and what's better than a mossball plopped before kitten eyes?

She lets her eyes adjust to the change of lighting when she enters, finding Rivuletkit's tiny form easily. She speaks when her mouth is free, "Hiya. How you doin'?" and stoops down low to meet those green eyes.

It's not surprising when another wave of pure want hits Eveningkit. The same feeling had been the driving force behind her save-Hazecloud-project, and again she finds herself yearning for warriorhood. If she were bigger and stronger, perhaps she could have put herself between Rivuletkit and the crazed dog... now all that remains is a wounded scrap of a kit, no doubt terrified, and Eveningkit's weird guilt complex.

Enough, she tells herself.

"When you're out of here, you gotta come with me to the river. It's starting to get clean again, and the weather's all warm now, so..." Finally the words come and they tumble right out of her mouth now that they've been released. "You gotta recover fast!"