pafp (𓆞) PRINCE OF THE PLAYGROUND ࿏ keeping camp safe

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Tension ran like electricity within camp, the air no longer smelled the same either- it felt thicker, as though laced with something that didn’t belong. The smog that emitted from that twolegs fire comes to mind. Pinekit had even felt herself becoming more worried for cats like Crabkit and Shellpaw, while the former's fragility was purely based on his emotions, it didn’t mean it wasn’t of concern for his sister. Today, the sky is cast in a thick, sludge-hued gray- not that the clouds do anything to stifle the brewing heat. Plush fur feels sticky, almost polluted as she creeps from the safety of the nursery, a specific mission already evident in predetermined steps, her crouch quick to rise into a striding gait. Honeyed hues lock onto ashen and ivory fur, and she makes a chirp to call Cragkits attention forward, the mud that clumped to his forepaws was actually a pleasant surprise today. “Have you heard? About the twolegs…” The tortoiseshell asks with a certain caution in her flickering gaze, “‘m worried about Crabkit, he’s kinda…” Pinekit frowns, “he’s all gentle ‘n stuff. You know?” Her head tips, trying to gauge Cragkits reactions as she goes on. “N’cats are going missing. Real dangerous stuff. We gotta help keep’m safe.” The former part of her sentence is spoken as though she is stating the obvious, but when she blinks, her pupils fly right past what would hopefully be her new ally in this mission. “You still got those… uh, watch towers?”

    Have a swordfish if you’d like !

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 4 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The talk of all these twolegs around has really started to bother him. If it's gotten to the point where their stuff is invading their camp and their giant, stomping paws make it close to their island, then he thinks he's got plenty of reason to be terrified. It's why he's given up on any hope of playing games today. Today is about work. He's been up all morning working on his watch towers. Somehow, they always end up flattened back out...and he doesn't know why! It's alright, because he'll just rebuild them again anyway. Maybe it's the rain...

When his sister approaches, he's trotting over to one of his other 'towers' that needs some upkeep. Black ears prick as he looks at her, the worried look in her eyes drawing out a frown. "Yeah," He responds lowly, shuffling his muddied paws against the ground. She voices that she's worried about Crabkit, and the young tom's face hardens with resolution. "We'll protect him. You and me. No one'll take him from us." He huffs and puffs out his chest, standing as tall as he can muster.

When she brings up his towers, his expression lights up, for once feeling just as important as he always tried to be. "Yeah! Come on, this way!" He beckons her with his tail before bounding over to one of them, once tall and mighty and now all...slumpy. He didn't really want his sister playing with him before, but now that she sees the significance of his creations, he's happy to have her join! The kit slithers to the top, coating legs and belly fur in even more mud, until he's right on top. Sitting straight, he waits for Pinekit to come sit next to him before he starts to scan the reeds beyond camp. "See anything?" He whispers, mismatched gaze narrowed with focus.

Pinekit and Cragkit raced off. Catching the attention of Twinklekit her head moves to follow them until they both settle down on one of the dirt mounds she had learned to be the creation of Cragkit. Whiskers twitch curiously as she stands onto her paws and hurries over to them, what was going on? Were they playing something? Or was their something cool to be seen?

From the foot of the mound there is little room for a third kit up there, she looks at them as her ears prick up. ”What are you guys looking at? Can I see? I wanna see.” She meows, ”Please?” Twinklekit remembers the magic word- which surely would have to work.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
You guys don't have to worry.” Troutsnout would state as she makes her way over to the kits and offers an exhausted yet weak smile. If it costed her life to protect the children from suffering from what she had, she would gladly gamble her life. “I won't let anyone hurt you.” A firm statement would come from the chocolate toned warrior as she watches out beyond the 'watchtowers' that Cragkit had built. She stands a little distance from the kittens but her tall frame shadows behind them, an firm gaze watching them as they got dirty in the mud.

Cragkit had found himself plastered in mud and a curious Twinklekit eventually comes forth wishing to join in the companionship of Pinekit and Cragkit. “We're keeping camp safe. I'm sure Pinekit or Cragkit wouldn't mind you joining us, Twinklekit.” The spotted tabby would murmur as her gaze finds itself on the blue lynx sepia before eventually straying back to their surroundings. Try to capture us again, and it won't just be your blood being spilt again. She sourly thinks as an hardened expression holds on her once delicate frame, her nerves tingling as at paranoia tickling her.
Splashpaw had never thought of what went on in other camps. She supposes that everything is similar, to a degree; cats share tongues, patrols are sent about, and kittens play games. What time of day never mattered to her, nor did the internal cliques or familial bonds make a difference when, as a kitten, she never perceived it as important to her health or upbringing. And now, she finds that her curiosity isn't as vast as she once thought it to be. For she watches kittens rush around to 'watch towers' surveying the land they can see, playing games that she's never heard of, despite her self proclaimed fun kittenhood.

Maybe if it were leafbare, she could convince them that too much snow would bleach them white, like Skunktail and Shadepaw had done unto her...

Troutsnout is a natural with the kittens, and Splashpaw accounts that for more than the fact that they've lived together since the kittens' births. She seems kindly even in her fatigue. She hopes that the former captive is getting rest, though it seems she's struggling to a degree with doing so. Splashpaw approaches, namely to support the warrior, but she passes it off as trying to understand the game. "What will each of you do if a twoleg comes close?" she asks, wondering if their plans persevere beyond 'scream and scatter.'​

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Troutsnouts gentle hum from nearby had put a surprise spring in Pinekits step as she would scamper closely behind her brother, who was quick to lead her to one of his watch towers… that now looked a bit melty. “Are these only made with dirt?” Pinekit asks, tapping a firm ivory paw into the soft soil. She was no expert, but perhaps they could figure out something more sturdy, this was going to be an important job, afterall. Despite Troutsnouts assurances, the tortoiseshell kitten still squished herself low to the soil, amber hues squinted as she took in what she could. “There- ! … Oh, just a bird.” For a moment, Pinekit coulda swore the birds feathers look just like the funny shell that one two-leg she had seen across the river wore atop its head. Twinklekits silken voice pipes up from down below, asking to join them. Before Pinekit can break the unfortunate news that this was an incredibly classified mission reserved for her and Cragkit, Troutsnout took it upon herself to invite her denmate right on up. With a cautionary glance to Cragkit, Pinekit would eventually shrug, gesturing the other forward with a patched tail. “M’kay, just be careful it doesn’t crumble.” Pinekit cautions, though despite her misgivings the kittens tone is not unkind. Splashpaw’s question is a welcome one, and burning auburn optics focus on the ivory-dappled apprentice confidently. “Well, one of us would have to get Iciclefang n’ Lichenstar, and the other would have to keep lookout.” The tortoiseshell explains matter-of-factly, her overzealous edge concealing the fact she was making it up on the fly. “If it got into camp though…” as to not neglect her job, Pinekit would toss a quick glance back over her shoulder before finishing her sentence. “I’d go for its eyes, first.” The only reasonable option, if it couldn’t see… well, it wouldn’t be able to take anyone she cared about.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.