pafp ( 𓆞 ) QUICK, SICK RAMPAGE ࿏ dog sighting

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Since she had spotted that monstrosity on the opposite shore alongside Shellpaw, Pinekit had come to learn that the beasts were called two-legs, and sometimes, they liked to eat fish too.
The knowledge didn’t do much to satisfy Pinekit’s curiosity, the tiny tortoiseshells brain only swelled with more questions, like… why did the ghastly things think stealing from their river was okay. So, the stocky she-kit had tasked herself with a mission, to gather intel on the parasites that lounged so crudely on their rivers shore. Spotted forelimbs are freckled to the shoulder with clumps of bronze sand, acquired from relentless digging around the muddied bank. The why wasn’t all that important, she just wanted to find something cool- different.
Splash! Something erupts from just downstream, water is churned white under a sudden impact. Pinekit looks up, honeyed optics stretched wide with intrigue. Much like her experience with the otter, when she finally does catch a glimpse of the thing that now polluted her river, it sends her scrambling back with a yowl.
Something large, hairy, swimming around with a thin fish clasped in between slobbering jowls. Luckily, her presence is too far for the dumb thing to notice- but its present still sends her running to the nearest warrior that rushed to her call for help, it is Snakeblinks forelimb the kitten tucks her face away in, a lead warrior like her mama, surely he could fulfill the task that now spouts from her maw. “Kill it! Kill it!” It needed to be gone.

  • PAFP — @Snakeblink
    Bingo Slot — Dace

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


A kit’s yell; panic; Snakeblink is getting used to the invisible thread tugging him into action by now, for all that it’s threatening to make him go grey early. He’s running towards the sound when Pinekit comes barreling the opposite way, and he nearly goes flying tail-over-ears as her tiny body tucks itself between his paws like the world’s cuddliest tripping hazard. He skids in the sand, narrowly avoiding bowling her over, and his attention turns to the source of her shrill kill order.

Far from settling his hammering heart, it makes it skip a beat. Dog. The animal is large, running freely through their waters; a threat at any time, but especially so now, with the kit in sight, though it’s currently a good distance away. His jaws snap open and close around the kit’s midsection, roughly hoisting her out of the way as he turns to put himself between the beast and her, glancing over his shoulder to make sure it hasn’t noticed them.

”Pinekit, quiet,” he hisses, ”It has not noticed us yet.” He’s glad the alarm was raised before the thing came into sight of camp; the problem is that now, they have to figure out a way to get it further away — and whether that is even worth it, considering the danger it poses, and its relative distance.

There is no distance that’s far enough away when it comes to dogs and kits. He lowers his head so as to be level with Pinekit’s. ”Good eye. Now, do you think you can go warn other warriors? Quietly. Dogs have very keen hearing, and I must keep an eye on it lest it sneaks off.” Though considering the noise the clumsy thing is making, he doesn’t think there’s much of a risk there.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

come along with me

The best time of day to nap, in Turtlepaw's opinion, is sunhigh. It's the warmest, most of the work for the day had been completed, and the lively chatter of camp became soothing background noise. Snakeblink had taken her on morning training and granted a quick break before they jumped into more. One trout, two trout, three trout... She counted the trout that swam through her imagination and happily began drifting to sleep in the mid-day warmth.

A shrill cry and the sound of familiar footsteps jolted her from her nap. Her sleep blurry eyes focused on Snakblink's frame rushing away, fear scent slowly leaking off of him. "Huh? Snakeblink?" Turtlepaw made the half-hearted effort to call after him, but quickly gave up. Slowly, she rose to her feet and pursued her mentor with curiosity tickling her mind.

Turtlepaw stopped several foxlengths away from Snakblink, shocked at the sight of the slobbering beast. Her legs didn't seem to want to move in either direction, to Snakeblink or from the dog. She tried to catch her mentor's eyes, but he seemed to be too focused on the dog splashing through the river. She opened her mouth, but closed it quickly as she heard Snakeblink's quietly direction to Pinekit. If the kit ran to her, she'd be no help in this state.

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"What are you all looking at? Another log, Snakeblink?" The humorous hum in Hazecloud's voice quickly died in her throat as every inch of her skin felt like ice. Her maw dropped and her tail curled beneath her, even the air in her lungs had escaped and now a coil wrapped itself around her chest.

Echoes of chomping jowls and excited braying, the sensation of hot puffs of air at her heels and paws carelessly trampling over delicate fur. Tears stung at her eyelids no WindClanner was here to lure them away this time.

Hazecloud looked as though the stars themselves had descended before her, staring in silent shock. Snakeblink gave Pinekit instruction to inform their Clan and her paws twitched in a swift jerk motion, beckoning Pinekit to come closer.

"Come- come on. Let's... let's find Iciclefang." Her voice mirrored the tremble in her paws, breathless.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ There’s nothing better than hanging out by the water, enjoying the rays of sunlight. He was practicing patrolling the bank, looking out for any suspicious activity. Well, as much as a kit camp bound could, until screaming and chatter rang in his ears. That would be just the thing a warrior would investigate! The lilac kit strolled over but was caught off guard by the others worried expressions. "oh what happened Snakeblink, is Pinekit okay?”

Leaf-green eyes followed the gazes of the two other warriors, thoroughly confused. He’d never seen something so ghastly before. It was clearly not a cat, but a giant creature that swam ungratefully through the water, causing water to splash everywhere. And in its huge jaws… “Oh no, it has our fish, that thing is eating our prey!” Dawnkit pointed out. A fish that Riverclan cats should be eating! Why isn’t the warrior stopping it? With a body like that, could eat a ton of fish!

  • ooc:
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    Dawnkit — he/him ・ 3 moons ・ Riverclan kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    lilac ticked tabby with white across his face and chest and has leaf green eyesTags
જ➶ The girl finds herself restless after the whole issue with the spawn of the fallen leaders. Anger bubbling, annoyance gleaming in amber orbs. Really as soon as she can she is going to find Willowroot and ask about being trained harder in fighting. Really she had never beem the best and her mother had already heard about her failure. Scoffing and calling her a burdenous thing. Fine, fine! She would learn and spare nothing. Her eyes slowly close and she takes a deep breath only to have them jolt wide open as she hears a kit yowling. Her paws quickly move her towards the scene only to find some warriors and Turtlepaw with kits staring at the river. Her eyes narrow as she looks out and immediately she sees the threat that had Pinekit yelling. "That's just great..." Her hackles are raising at the uncertainty of the situation.

Her gaze cuts to Dawnkit and she shakes her head sharply. "You need to get back to the nursery. That thing can eat you in one bite." Her gaze then lands on Snakeblink and she steps up quietly. Tail poised low as she tilts her head just a little. "What are we going to do? Make sure it leanes? Try to lead it away?" She whispers softly as her eyes stay glued on the monstrous fish stealer.
ꕀꕀ Sandpaw has faced down the slobbering jaws of death once before. He’s in no hurry to do it again. But when Pinekit’s terrified cries reach his ears, the apprentice can’t help but to dart for the riverbank, even as he sees the soaked form of the dog pushing through the water. RiverClan can truly get no peace lately, he thinks—can’t they just have one day where nothing new or out of the ordinary happens? The twolegs encroaching upon their territory are concerning enough, but what makes it worse is that Sandpaw can do nothing to aid his clan, useless and injured as he is.

The kit tucks her face into Snakeblink’s foreleg, and Hazecloud steps in to help convince the kits to get to safety. "We can’t fight that," he mutters to himself, wide eye shifting to the other apprentice. Midnightpaw suggests leading it away, which seems like a really, really bad idea. They should all just… hide, and hope the beast just fails to notice them. They shouldn’t risk accidentally alerting the dog to their presence on the island—especially with so many kits around.

Without direction, he doesn’t know what the best course of action is. The tortoiseshell tom hunkers down, flanks heaving with panic. He looks to the lead warrior, the one who surely knows what to do in this situation. His voice is low, but tinged with concern as he asks, "Snakeblink. What do we do?"

"Mama, what do we do?"

Eveningkit is not famous for keeping her voice lowered but she manages to do so, fear clinging to her like a second skin. Much like the way Pinekit is using one of Snakeblink's legs for protection, Eveningkit, too, has decided to cover behind Hazecloud's. Surely the adults will know what to do. The only thing she knows for certain about dogs is that they pant when they breathe, tongue hanging out and reeking, their teeth hungering for cat... but she also knows that the warriors here are capable, so she shouldn't be too worried.

But... dogs don't get this close to camp, not under normal circumstances.

She scampers backwards when Hazecloud moves, on a mission to find Iciclefang, and Eveningkit would be happy to see her too. The more lead warriors, the better. All the worried yapping just makes her more nervous. "It'll just leave," she breathes, voice wavering with uncertainty. It has to, right? Like Sandpaw said, they can't just fight this.

The chorus of young voices asking what do we do? has Snakeblink’s fur bristling. What is there to do? Sandpaw is right: there is no fighting a dog of that size, especially not alone. Many have lost their lives in such a way. But they cannot allow it to remain so close to camp. If it starts moving closer…

He shakes himself, a full-body movement as if he had just stepped out of the water, and looks over his shoulder. His eyes meet Turtlepaw’s, frozen in place a few tail-lengths away. He cannot do nothing, either.

”It might not,” he notes grimly at Eveningkit’s plea. Straightening up his coward’s spine, he throws a last glance to the dog before turning fully to the small assembly of cats. His voice remains a hiss, the splashing sounds urging him to discretion, but there’s no hesitation as he speaks. ”This one must belong to the twolegs plaguing our territory. They usually call their beast back after a moment: it might still leave on its own.” This is said mostly wishfully, and for the kits' benefit. He is not so optimistic as to expect an ideal ending to this situation. ”Then again, it may not, or not before coming dangerously close to camp or to a returning patrol.”

”As Midnightpaw said, we could lead it away, but such an endeavor would be--” Dangerous, if not suicidal. A team of their fastest runners, perhaps, but they are not moor-cats, and there would always be more risk to the maneuver than Snakeblink is comfortable with. He hums, thoughtful. ”Then again, it is downstream… What is the biggest fish on the freshkill pile at the moment?” He digs his claws in the soft dirt, tracing a line from himself to the side. ”If we threw it in the middle of the current, it would be carried downstream and past the dog -- these things are always hungry, and slow in the water. It would most likely give chase and follow it downriver and away from camp…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

A clowder of cats crowd the water’s edge. Iciclefang hears her daughter’s shriek, and she burrows through the group, blue eyes wide and round with apprehension. She finally spots Pinekit cuddled next to Snakeblink’s leg—she’d been demanding they kill it, kill it! The queen turns her face toward the rapids and grimaces as though she’s swallowed a tadpole. The beast swimming a few foxlengths down the river has one of their fish clamped between its jaws. Its stench is revolting—smoky and wet—and its fur drifts on the surface of the water.

Iciclefang comes to stand beside Hazecloud; she brushes her tail against the older queen’s flank, giving her a nod. “Pinekit, come here, please,” she mews quietly. She’ll feel safer if the kit is within a paw’s reach of her. “We can hope it leaves, but Snakeblink’s idea is as good as any.” She leans forward to crouch over her kit, ears taut and tilted forward.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 23 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

The dull marching of her heartbeat thudded against her ears until her fellow queen had arrived. With the wave of Iciclefang's tail did the ache from keeping so much tension in her muscles release, and a dizzying breath exhaled from her maw. Too many of these apprentices are more unhelpful than anything, seeking the wisdom of a lead warrior who's mind may just as well be as empty as theirs.

"Don't say that to her." Hazecloud is more snappish than she intended as her anxiety still burned each nerve. Howver, it's Snakeblink who must bare it, and so no guilt rest itself on her shoulders. Her tail acted as a shield to curl around Eveningkit and pull her in. She would not sit here and gape at the beast any longer, or contribute to the tantalizing crowd of cat-scent to be picked up on.

"We should find somewhere safer to play, yes? How about you show me your best hiding spots." Stars forbid, if their camp ever became in danger from all of this, they would need to be prepared.

//out! + assumed to be taking evie w her


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


() worried flame hued eyes find the little gathering of cats as the boy patters up to the scene, his dark nose already twitching at the odd scent. some great beast frolics within the river's embrace, slavering jaws wide and tongue lolling out. it's a dog, dark and hairy and altogether too big for any one cat to deal with alone. pebblepaw brushes against his momma as she guides eveningkit away, and he murmurs softly to his sister - "don't worry, eve, we'll get rid of it."

there's a young brave confidence to his voice, even as he eyes the thing and finds any sort of interaction with it strictly unappealing. white tipped paws tap towards snakeblink, and he'll stand at the lead warrior's side, tipping his head. "i think there's a big salmon on the prey pile right now. d'ya want me to go get it?" he asks. there's remorse in the idea of wasting food like that- pebblepaw has experienced mid leaf-bare hunger, and he knows the desire to horde his food like the stripes on his body. owl-like eyes watch the dog as it tears into the fish in its jaws, hungrily scarfing it down without so much as a thought to any around it. disgusting creature, lawless and star-forsaken. his lips raise to show of pearly teeth in a snarl.

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 82323968_6BWV8DbihYOd2RT.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
An overwhelming scent of a forsaken beast easily caught Troutsnout's attention and she hastily made her way over, her chambray gaze quickly finding the beast in question. She had passed an distressed Hazecloud on the way out, and gave her an concerned glance as she made her way to the group. Her chest feels heavy as they discuss what to do, and how to handle the situation which both of the lead warriors come to the best case of scenario: using a larger fish from the freshkill, allow the currents to take it and hope that it catches the attention of the dog and leads it away.


I'll do it.” The warrior would state clearly with determination that stated none could convince her to do otherwise. It doesn't take her long for her to retreat back to the camp to retrieve the largest fish in the freshkill pile, an big salmon that Pebblepaw had mentioned. She finds herself to the edge of the waters and tosses it in the current, watching as it quickly drifts down the stream. An sharpened chambray gaze narrows momentarily as she watches the fish in hopes that it does attract the dog's attention and drags it further from their home. Hopefully, it's greed extends past the fish it devours viciously and turns for the salmon floating on top the currents.

Delicate features are creased reflecting an serious nature, her limbs feeling tense as the dog abruptly lifts it head and turns for a moment. Trout could feel her blood run cold, limbs freezing to the ground upon realizing it had just got alerted by another noise and not them. An heavy sigh leaves her lips as eventually the salmon makes connection with the canine's attention, and it seems to catch its attention. It follows alongside of the river away from camp in pursuit of the fish in a mild interest. It gets a decent distance away before losing interest on the salmon in the waters and sniffs the reeds, lingering a further distance away.

// rolled a 6/10 : the dog has a moderate interest in the salmon but loses interest after following after it, makes a decent distance away and is sniffing/messing with wildlife further away.

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- She is whisked around with a curt eek of surprise, quick to die on her tongue when the lead warrior tells her to be quiet. Pinekit nods, but there is a frown now glued to her features, using every ounce of strength to suppress the sudden urge to tremble, if the thing was enough to make Snakeblink tense up like this… were they in danger?
Some of the fear eases when he levels with her, praises her eyesight and gives her a task. With a nod, the kitten is prepared to take off when Turtlepaw and Hazecloud’s arrival throw away the need for her job. Pinekit whirls around to face them, gaze dropping to Hazeclouds shaking gesture forward. If Hazecloud and Snakeblink were this scared… the instinct to mirror the queens tremble returns, and Pinekit feels almost glued to her place in front of the lead warrior.
Let’s go find Iciclefang. Pinekit nods, finally shuffling towards the queen at the promise of seeking out a comforting brindled pelt. Dawnkit’s concern is a loud reminder of the fact that eyes were on her, watching her reaction to this all. Pinekit is quick to adjust her posture, hurrying up her unsure gait to a swift trot to Hazecloud. “I’m fine,” Pinekit insists to her peer, her tone almost incredulous. Of course she was fine.
Finally, Iciclefang comes into view, and everything else melts away, Midnightpaw’s daunting warning, Eveningkits shrill questions. Tortoiseshell melts into tortoiseshell as Pinekit is quick to nestle into the secure presence of her mother, as though she could camouflage herself. “Can we go?” She’s seen the dog, and she has no interest in it.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 4 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.