pafp (𓆞) TALK SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE ࿏ hook’d

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Would mother be angry? Were her actions thoughtless, deserving of a scolding?
Pinekit isn’t sure about any of those things, the only thing the kitten knows for certain is at one moment, something holographic and neon had been washed lifelessly up to the islands bank. It was the prettiest fish Pinekit had ever seen, its body was painted with the same saturated colors of the sun itself, freckled with pearlescent scales. She had waded into the shallow water to reach for it, only for something else entirely to pierce her pawpad.
Through tears, Pinekit had been able to make out something curved, thin, and unnaturally shiny- how could something so tiny hurt so much? Still determined as ever to lug the pretty fish back to camp, the tortoiseshell kitten knows she has only made her strange injury much worse, leaving tiny paw-prints outlined in crimson all the way back to the medicine den. The fish she dragged in her maw tasted stale, like it had been dead in the water for too long- but Pinekit wanted someone to see it, at least.
When the kitten toddles in, it is tail-first and staggering, tripping over something unseen in the soil, Pinekit finally lets go of the prey she goes toppling back, injured forepaw waving and extended.
“Hmph… help!”

  • Pine got an ouchie trying to get the pretty fish
    PAFP — @Moonbeam
    Bingo event slot — pumpkinseed

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


As days ticked on and weather got warmer Moonbeam was finding herself disliking the way the twolegs gathered by the waters, wailing as they held wooden things surrounding fires and bringing their dogs and kits into the territory. She had been a kit the last newleaf, too young to leave the nursery let alone the camp and so she hadn't seen how bad it could get... still, she couldn't help but think that this time it was worse - it had to be - for there were dead fish washing up along the shore, twoleg trash floating down the river and getting stuck near camp, and she didn't like it. It was hard to think anyone would really.

She was stuck in these thoughts, trying to figure out how bad this truly could be when the faint scent of blood reached her nose, the sight of Pinekit dragging a fish into her den following quickly after. Moving forward just as the young RiverClanner asked for help the medicine cat moved forward to carefully grab onto Pinekit's paw so that she could see it better, tail curling around the rest of her own paws as she did so. "What happened?" Soft question was asked before the feline would move back to begin picking through herbs.

When she moved forward once more marigold in tow she'd then finally look to the fish Pinekit brought in, "Did you catch that by yourself?" It was a light question as she worked, she knew it was impossible for a cat so young to catch a fish - especially one that seemed already dead long before it had been brought into her den - "Maybe you could put some of the scales in your nest, hmm?" Hopefully the question would distract from the stinging that would come from carefully cleaning the blood off such small paws and placing marigold upon it.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed


A high-pitched squeak is nothing new within RiverClan's camp; its nursery pumps out kittens left and right, some from their own warriors, some from the forest beyond. Eveningkit's voice had been more mellowed out than ever the last few days, but vigor seems to be dripping back into her system with each passing sunrise. Initial shock has worn off. Those few days spent laying around uselessly has just given her extra energy to get rid of, much to the dismay of the more stoic warriors.

She pays those no mind. Her attention is only grabbed by Pinekit and her catch right now; it's truly an amazing sight to behold, something Eveningkit considers herself lucky to witness. "Wow- I've never seen a kit hunt!" Real hunting with fish, not the beetles and the ants that don't know how to get away.

And then before she knows it, there's tears and iron-smelling red in the wake of Pinekit. Moonbeam all but spawns into the air when the little kitten asks for help, and Eveningkit gazes at the inspection with both intrigue and worry. It all happened so fast that she doesn't even realize she's been following poor Pinekit straight into Moonbeam's domain.

"Do you know what hurt Pinekit?" Of course she does. Moonbeam is the smartest and the prettiest.

its the red that draws her first. lilac capped paws draw from nearby waters in wake of her sister's shout ; pinekit. kit, hunt. dove ribboned ears swivel forward, as much visible interest as one could get from her shell - cracked expression, dreary eyes shifting to fix where the mottled kit drug what seemed to be a minnow from the shallows. a brief flare of indignation alights within her, hot beneath fur just beginning to wave dry in the newleaf warmth. had pinekit gotten her first catch already? as she pads close, silent as the ever wading waters, she angles forward to see it and instead sees red. a wraithlike flicking of ruddy eyes, a shuddering breath when they fix on the ambling form of eveningkit where she trails right over it into the medicine den.

alarm courses through her, iron - scent laden on her tongue, thick like a film of honey. it quickens her step, hastens her towards her sister because moonbeam's den was dangerous, ill - ridden. she'd been sick, feverish when the molly had tacked to her nestbound side and murmured comfort shellpaw had selfishly soaked up. a lilac tail would swish along the silvery she-kit's side as she entered the medicine cat's den, not quite quick enough to keep her from it but quick enough to stumble into the lichen - draped den herself, throwing a wild glance the alabaster medic's way through a mumbled, ” there's blood.. “ . pinekit is settled under the molly's attention, though, and her friend's pained whine draws concern away from eveningkit. sure enough, there is a little fish aside her, oddly dull against pinekit's prettily dappled coat.

shellpaw echos the medicine cat's voice ghostlike, leans forward to give it a curious sniff, ” is that.. your catch? its nearly big as you. “ her eyes crinkle in a playful way, dull russet eyes gleaming despite the strange odor that clung to it. it was lifeless, smelled.. similiar. similiar to the duckling she'd found on the river days prior. she does not disappoint the girl, however. couldnt, not her. she merely smiles, a brief, fleeting thing upon her lifeless face despite the way eyes cut curiously, quickly, to moonbeam before returning, ” did it.. bite you? “

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

Bumps and bruises and little scratches caused by worrying teeth are all part of a mother’s life, and though she may worry for the little one who stumbles and falls, she knows they must learn how to navigate the world. Even Iciclefang, young and unaccustomed to motherhood, does not jump immediately upon hearing her daughter cry—but then the white pelt of Moonbeam is there, ushering Pinekit into her den, and there’s the coppery stink of blood and something else, something harsh. Twoleg?

The tortoiseshell queen slips into the medicine cat’s den behind Eveningkit and Shellpaw, a frown etched upon her muzzle. “What in StarClan’s name were you doing, Pinekit?” Despite her scolding tone, worry gleams in her blue eyes, and she moves to lick her daughter’s velvety onyx-dark ear. She turns to Moonbeam, concern rounding narrow pale eyes. “Did the Twoleg trash do this? Are even the waters in our camp unsafe now?

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 23 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 A brightly-colored shadow of his mother, the little tomkit bounds into the medicine den alongside Iciclefang. It smells gross in here, like stale dirt and an odd leafy scent. But amongst the almost bitter smell, there’s the distinct tang of iron in the air. Blood, he thinks with a startled flicker of his tail. Unlike his mother, the kit hadn’t spotted his sister going into the medicine cat’s den, so he’s just confused by the concern that the calico queen is showing. Then Eveningkit asks if the healer knows what hurt Pinekit, and Crabkit’s mouth drops open with surprise. He trots over to his littermate, nosing at the fish she’s apparently managed to catch. He’s jealous for a moment, because she definitely caught it herself while he can’t even catch a little minnow, but his concern wins out over envy.

"Piney! What happened?" He echoes the questions of the other kits, tilting his head to look at the fish. Do fish usually have teeth? Iciclefang asks if the river isn’t safe, and he gasps suddenly, cold dread filling his body. "It’s dangerous?" He asks his mother, bright eyes wide as he looks up to her. If he tries to catch fish, will the twoleg trash get him, too?

  • ooc:
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    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Quickly, Pinekit is tentatively swathed into the snowy healers care, not wanting to flop back into her stomach until her forepaw was properly bandaged. From under the medicines forepaws Pinekit’s face scrunches in contemplative thought when prompted as to what happened, if she caught the fish she had dragged in with her. Eveningkits amazement echoing solidifying the choice to begin her response with a tentative nod. “Uh- yeah, I caught it. I got this stuck in my paw coming back!” She responds under a disguise of earnestness, giving her injured forepaw and emphasizing waggle before Moonbeam began to dress it with her foreign-scented herbs. Shellpaw’s delicate approach has Pinekit craning her head against the soil to get a proper glance of her former denmate, unable to gauge exactly what her friend was thinking of all this. Hopefully Pinekit could impress her, too. “Yeah, pretty cool right?” The brindled kitten smirks in response to the apprentices first inquiry. Her mother’s arrival is brash, the scold that greets Pinekit enough to make the she-kit straight her head right back out on the soil, squinting at the ceiling of the den as she weighed her options here. “Bein’ the best?” Finally, the kitten chimes, the higher octave tailing her tone giving away her hesitance on that answer.
“Can I get up now?” The dirt was getting itchy on her spine.
The sound of her being called Piney prompts a defiant grumble, that nickname was for babies, but Crabkit refused to give it up. His concern for her condition is endearing, she thinks. “I caught a fish bigger than you, that’s what.” Pinekit snickers, gesturing with her tail towards the fish who’s-unbeknownst to her- staleness was quite apparent.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It seemed not even Iciclefang's kits were safe from keeping away from strange twoleg objects. Though the one Eveningkit had brought to bed was far less lethal. The trail of scarlet-dipped tracks Pinekit left behind concerned her first, but by the time Hazecloud had even come across them the tiny she-kit had already been attended by Moonbeam. Not keen on letting it remain, Hazecloud stirred the dust and dirt until the irony scent was no more before joining the others at the mouth of Moonbeam's den.

"They used to hunt, not too long ago." Hazecloud hummed in reply to her daughters exclamation. Her own kits would have had their -paws by now for at least a moon, but the establishment of a proper code had kept them in the nursery for twice as long. Part of the molly still disagreed with it- RiverClan had no issue keeping their apprentices out of harms way. Still believed that SkyClan issues should stick to them, but another selfishly enjoyed keeping them so close to her for so long.

"But you see, that's why we don't bring these things in our nests. It can cause ouchies, and Moonbeam won't always have enough herbs for those." She regarded the shiny-scaled puppet with a frown. It would be best to toss it somewhere no one would have to worry, maybe even bury it.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Questions were answered as she worked, the prying eyes of her clanmates moving into the den to make sure that one of the younger members of the clan was fine. More questions were flung around and as she worked they went unanswered, the only thing signifying that the medicine cat had actually heard them was the way her ear flicked in the direction, the soft hums the came from her as she focused on the cat in front of her. One last look at the paw to make sure it was fine and Moonbeam would let go of it, allowing the kit to go back to her playing so long as the paw didn't hurt anymore.

Body would straighten and eyes would flick over to those around her before questions would be answered. "Pinekit will be fine, just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't start bleeding again." She'd speak this to the kit and her mother both, for she knew kits could be forgetful and if it were just up to Pinekit alone then there was a high chance of infection, blood going unnoticed until it was too late. "I don't want any kits near the water for right now, not until we can clean up the shores to make sure there's nothing else dangerous... shouldn't take too long." The ending added to try and help quell any of the complaining the kits would surely have as the shores were one of the main areas of play in RiverClan's camp. She didn't need more injured from things they could try to prevent, and cleaning up the camp was one of those things they could do to help prevent those injuries.

Small sigh went through her once more, a huff of breath coming through her nose before she'd look to Pinekti once more. "How about you ask your mom if you can have some of the scales from the fish hmm? Then maybe it could be used to practice learning about different prey smells? How to tell when it's going to go bad? There's plenty of prey on the pile, I'm sure the warriors won't mind your own 'catch' being used for such an important lesson." She tried her best to make it a lighter suggestion, to not let it be known that the fish was not good enough to eat. Despite the injury to her paw and the fact the fish was obviously dead long before Pinekit had gotten to it, it was still a good feat that she'd been able to drag it out of the water and all the way to Moonbeam's den while blood dripped from her paw.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Unlike Iciclefang, Ferngill did jump immediately upon hearing Pinekit's yelp- a verdant eye widened, though thankfully it seemed the rest of RiverClan was just as attentive to his niece- including a couple of her denmated. The tang of blood ran thin in the air, but with Moonbeam here, Ferngill found it easier than normal to suppress any overflowing panic he might have felt otherwise. Moonbeam was a dearly trusted cat... the apprentice of one of his closest friends, now a good friend to him herself. Silently, he offered her a smile of gratitude.

He was sure Pinekit wouldn't want him fretting all over her- he looked toward Iciclefang instead for a moment, catching the disquietude in her frozen gaze. Twoleg stuff... there was the conclusion. Neither he nor his sister were fond of the gangly, horrible things- and if they were leaving sharp junk around to pierce the skin of kittens, carelessly tossing... claws, apparently, into the river... well, Ferngill doubted he would warm up to them any time soon.

Ever brandishing his emotions, Ferngill's concern was etched deep and visible into the lines of his face. Moonbeam's suggestion to clean up the shores earned a sharp nod from him. "I'll sort a patrol out to start cleaning as soon as possible." With the safety of kits- especially his kin- he wouldn't be messing around.
penned by pin
A faint metallic scent caught the strong nose of the tracker and she made her way over but distant from the group, a slight head tilting as she noted Moonbeam's words and Ferngill's. A cleaning patrol would be necessary, she didn't want anymore of her clanmates to get hurt from foreign twoleg objects that were dangerous. “I can come with you to help clean up, Ferngill.” The spotted warrior coos as she nods at his words, it would be horrible for more kits or family to get hurt. A frown rests faintly on her face for a moment at the thought of her siblings getting hurt, a weak sigh escaping parted lips before turning her focus on the rest.

Wow, Pinekit! You caught a big fish, you're gonna be a great hunter.” Troutsnout would praise softly as she smiles at the small carbon-copy of Iciclefang, her gaze also flicking across the others who had gathered around or were already there: Hazecloud, Crabkit, Shellpaw, Eveningkit, and Moonbeam. An chambray gaze blinks for a moment as she notices just how many had gathered around and she chuckles softly, “it's a mini celebration for her first fish basically.” The warrior responds as a ear twitches and the rubs a paw on her chin, eyes fluttering shut for a moment in thought. “Once the waters are all cleared up, it'll be safe for you guys to mess with the fish without getting hurt.