(𓆞) YA FILTHY ANIMALS ☾ forgotten beer bottle

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. The two-legs presence on their territory was becoming more of a hindrance with each day, more than that- they were becoming a threat. Fish hooks, trash, dogs, and catnapping all pollutants, all dangers to her inexperienced kits, two of Iciclefang’s had already been involved in some situation or another.
Carefully, silvered paws walk a steady line on the edge of the river bank, it was an inconvenient route to the patrols intended hunting spot, but the warrior had insisted, Moonbeams disappearance still fresh behind azure optics. Being so close to the river gave the small group of cats a partial disguise amongst the reeds and a quick escape route into a familiar place.
With one paw in front of another, Lakemoon forces herself to a sudden halt, nose wrinkling as a ripe scent snaked its way through the reeds and into her senses. It reeked of something bitter, earthy- and its source was not difficult to spot, it was something that didn’t belong, and Lakemoon had seen it before.
From familiar green glass, a liquid that couldn’t decide if it wanted to be yellow or brown dripped from the opening, contributing to a saturated spot in the mud, where its unappetizing hue pooled in the dips. “Disgusting.” The stormy warrior grumbled, disdain dripping from her tone. Still, she knows the bottle needs to be disposed of- lest she wanted to wait until shards of it ended up in a clanmates paw. “Careful that you don’t touch the liquid.” The warriors warning is curtly given as she begins to move forward once more, her purposeful stance awkward as she’d place a tentative forepaw on the sun-warmed surface of the glass. Burying it would probably be best, she thinks.

  • Have a sunfish

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⋆ 。° ✩  Cricketpaw's nose wrinkles as the earthen scent reaches his maw, bitter and wrong in the way that only twolegs things knew how to be. It seemed that every day they stumbled upon some knew bit of discarded junk, each stranger than the last. He'd never thought much of the beasts before now, but he does find himself more and more fascinated with each passing day. It seems almost as though the twolegs reside in another world entirely, one that now bleeds into theirs and rots all that it touches.

Still, it is difficult to feel anything but disgust as he looks upon the clear shape that glints in the sunlight. "Such a pungent smell..." he mutters, disdain dripping clear from his maw. "Surely the twolegs do not drink such things?" He has never smelled water so putrid... But what other purpose could it serve? He's found himself rather well occupied with speculating upon such things lately. "No, surely not - a poison, perhaps..." That would certainly make more sense for their leaving it out here. A good thing that Lakemoon seeks to bury it, then. He will not sully his own paws in helping, however, instead content to watch.

  • 81495373_qvx6EJLrxQ82G3T.png
  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool had not argued when Lakemoon suggested a more circuitous route to their hunting spot. With the twolegs about, caution was of the utmost importance. Their presence had become so great that it was not even a surprise when her patrol happened upon some of their rubbish. It was just as strange a sight as everything that came from the twolegs was if not more so. Clear and hard, with an opening from which something leaked out. Her nose wrinkled as the acrid scent hit her; it was a stench worse than even the usual twoleg stink. Which was saying something.

Cricketpaw was certain that the twolegs could not possibly consume something so rancid, but she was not so certain. "They have done stranger things." She muttered disdainfully as she stepped forward to help Lakemoon bury the disgusting stuff. The sooner they could dispose of this junk, the sooner they could get to hunting.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
Splashpaw does not know yet the common routes around RiverClan territory - she figures that some are adjusted to avoid the twolegs, however she is much too new to everything to even parse what is normal to what isn't. She simply follows dutifully, tries to make her points where she can, and does her best to not be in the way. So many times has she been reminded of her former home, and so many times has she held her tongue. RiverClan cats are proud folk, a sort of being that detests the idea of breaking laws in general. She would hate to push to the forefront the fact that she is born of sin.

"I wonder," still, she ponders with them, eager to inspect the foul smelling liquid but sidestepping it still, "do twolegs poison themselves... on purpose? Maybe they test their tolerance...!" They seem like idiotic beasts to her - no better than the bears in the stories her mothers would tell her. Lumbering, with too-big paws. It's just that these ones are furless, and that makes them scarier, she thinks.​
"FATE IS A SUNDRESS" ˚୭ .ೃ⁀➷ tags ── CAREFUL PATROL STALKS along bubbling riverside to their hunting destination - Dizzypaw anticipates for route changes, accounting for Twoleg activity. It seems prudent to be as careful as possible, and she knows little enough to object in that regard.

When their patrol comes to a stop, it is not for hunting but instead something curious - something new. Rancid, besides, Dizzypaw finds as white-tipped feet find their way to Splashpaw's side. She's not the time to converse with her friend now, no - Dizzypaw finds that her nose wrinkles as she draws her head back; a sneeze. Sunlight glints off of the surface of the object as the warriors work to bury it out of the path of traversing paws. Dizzypaw sniffles and shakes her head to gather her thoughts.

It intrigues her, and it takes Dizzypaw a moment to pinpoint why. Then she remembers - once, while helping to clean, she had found another Twoleg item with a similar brown water. At the time, she had chalked it up to some sort of Twoleg medicinal remedy? She still couldn't say definitively... but she knew of cat medicines to smell and taste bitter. Could it be the same? Twolegs seemed an inconsiderate, bumbling bunch, to just leave something sharp lying astray - especially if it was significant.

She decides to chime in. "Could it be Twoleg medicine, do you think?" Dizzypaw tilts her head in a carefully thoughtful way, and tries very hard to appear more speculative than sympathetic.​