HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER, early September '24 : First interaction between Black and Sharp with the initial establishment of their rivalry relationship, their mindsets and personalities being a contradictory. In addition, the pair have their first spar that results in a tie with them both being knocked out from high exhaustion.
DID YOU GET ENOUGH LOVE?, mid September '24 : Sharp attempts to comfort Black through their distress and dissociative episode before they have a heavy discussion that tells Sharp about how Black seems to be more haunted than she appears as an embodiment of sunlight.
PLAY WITH FIRE, mid September '24 : Despite Foxtail's
objection, Sharp brings the lamprey over the camp in its full life to show Black for her passion in the marine creatures; he have broken a Warrior Code as a result for not ending its life after catching it and Black's attempted defence still leads to Sharp being punished of having to assist their fellow elders in the following full day.
LIFE IS A CLOCKWORK QUICK, mid September '24 : Sharp does his elder centric chores across the next day after the lamprey trouble, although Black insists working with him, much to his bafflement. Regardless of their occasional arguments, this chore series miraculously strengthens their bond. At the end of the day, Sharp attempts to understand their reasoning of accompanying and Black answers she needs to be disciplined as well despite her age and grasp the seriousness of the Warrior Code ( but also, to Sharp's unawareness, they don't want him to be all alone ). In return, they ask him if he truly meant to share the lamprey rather than using it to prank them, and Sharp admits it was originally a prank, but ultimately did it to make them feel happier while considering their special interest. Black is annoyed at his lack of common sense, but still deeply appreciative of the gesture.
MY SAILS ARE SET, late September '24 : Black makes a grand gesture of handing their trinkets to RiverClan as a gratitude for giving them a home. They gave personalized gifts to several certain RiverClanners who had impacted her, but doesn't mention Sharp when they want to give him a surprise. Sharp is disappointed by this because he thought they had something positive despite their overall fiery relationship. He only leaves the camp, which emotionally wounds Black at the misunderstanding their planned surprise seems to create.
LOOK ON THE MAPS TO THE STARS, late September '24 [
currently played out ] : Later at night after the gratitude give-away, Black approaches to Sharp so they can try to gift him the surprises while hoping he will give them a chance.