pafp 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ Let me see you smile again | Decorating | PAFP ₊˚ෆ


"Leave now, leave while you still have hope..."
Aug 3, 2024
It was not often that Bat would tend to his nest- it was never something he needed to worry about until recently, for when one was on the streets, the chilled and hardened concrete was your place of residence- there was no comfort in the constricted brick alleys, the life stripped out of every derelict crevice and corner that slithered across the open city pathways. If you were lucky, you may come across an old mattress, rotting from the inside out as it waited in vain on the side of a filthy road to be collected by the loudest monster imaginable- disgusting, but infinitely more comfortable than what you'd be used to. Make no mistake, Bat would never complain about the fact he had a proper place to sleep now, however its upkeep was a different matter altogether, unfamiliar and tedious in its nature. He would often leave it alone until it was completely tattered, falling apart at the seams, its once meticulously woven shape slowly unravelling with each night's restless usage. At a certain point, Bat had no other choice but to touch it up unless he wanted to sleep on a pile of splintered wood and crushed feathers.

He was doing so now, returning back to the heart of SkyClan with a mouth laden with new materials, the most notable being soft downy feathers and flexible branches laden with a variety of different shaped leaves, some even having sprouted a colorful array of canopy flowers, buds and petals. He would undoubtedly pick these out before weaving his nest- he was never one to prioritize beauty for convenience. He crossed the campgrounds with his characteristic dodgy posture and fox-like gait, hollowed, half-lidded eyes unseeing and fixed directly ahead of him. So focused on that uneventful task which would surely take him hours that awaited him within the warrior's den, he failed to notice his passing of the queen's den and, by extension, the curious little kit who had turned her tiny head towards him and his cargo.

OOC: Please wait for @budkit !!​

Her nest is a glorified toy box - at least in Budkit’s mind. A treasure trove of moss and leaves. Tufts of fur and feathers. She plucks them with little effort, plays to her heart’s content, and somehow her nest is always magically put back together afterwards (it’s not magic - it’s her very patient mother). The makings of a nest are fun, the components singing siren songs to youthful ears whenever spotted.

Batscreech and his mouthful of offerings are the unfortunate target of the day.

Mittened paws drum against the ground as Budkit trails after the new tom. Her little legs working in overtime to simply catch up to the long legged warrior. “Hewwo! What have?” She chirps once near enough, her gait slowing to a trot to keep pace. “Ooooh,” the kitten interrupts herself as oceanic eyes behold a branch of delicate blossoms and deep green leaves. “Can Budkit have? Pway with Budkit, yes?” She proposes - certainly she could persuade him that way. Playing with the point kitten was quite a generous offer and Bat would be cruel to tell her sweet face ‘no’.
[ penned by kerms ]
Initially, Bat was caught off guard, stopping in his tracks with one of his paws still hanging in the air, his muscles taught in his surprise. He was stressed now, nervous in a way that was uncharacteristic for him- he had never really been approached by a kit before, and certainly not one with such eagerness. He himself was not a very hyperactive or sociable kit, preferring to stay close to his mother's side for fear of what was unfamiliar- this one, however, seemed starved for knowledge, her hunger for what awaited her beyond the safety of her den and the crevice of a warm, loving body that cared for her insatiable. With flexing ivory claws, his head slowly turned to look down at the miniscule creature, his dead verdant eyes fixing on her with such intensity it was almost as if he were sizing up prey.

Hewwo! What have? She had greeted him with a voice pitched so high it was mind numbing. Ooooh... Her pupils tripled in size as she took in the burden Bat had been unenthusiastically carrying. He didn't think much of her comments at all, not until she actually asked something that forced a response from him. Can Budkit have? Pway with Budkit, yes?

...Play with you?
His expression quickly hardened into something between inquisitive and frustrated as he slowly soaked in what this little child- Budkit, as she had introduced herself- had asked. He quickly glanced around the camp, eyes shifting this way and that in a fashion not of sly judgement, but rather...something that was much more anxious- something uncertain. "Uh- Well..." He swallowed so hard that the sound of his jugular pulsing within his throat was audible, and his yellowed teeth clenched around his haul of goods with extended amounts of force. "What...Did ya wanna...Um- Play?" The word play sounded unnatural as it rolled off his tongue, as if such an innocent word had never been uttered from this particular set of jaws before.​

It is all too easy to stay relaxed as she watches the tom react to her voice and ponder over her proposal. Budkit does not yet know the nervousness that comes with meeting strangers. Of coming face to face with such innocence considering she is said innocence. All she can think is that he must be thinking really hard about wanting to play with her or not.

She hopes he says yes.

Impatient wiggles begin to creep up her spine. Mere seconds feel like an eternity; the sight of the flower buds and deep green leaves taunting her as they hang just out of reach. ‘Uh- Well…’ Batscreech stumbles over his words, eyes searching for something beyond the point kitten. Budkit beams at him, added sweetness to persuade him even more. It seems to work because the next phrase to tumble from his encumbered maw is an inquiry of what she wants to play.

“With dos!” Budkit announces as the wiggles overtake her and she bounces on her large paws. “Budkit can put weaves on you? Petaw-petawl… petals too? Make you sooooo pwetty!” She lifts a paw in flourish to really pronounce the words ‘so’ and ‘pretty’. “Dat otay? Dat sounds fun, yes? Fun with Budkit.” She nods vigorously - as if her excitement could hypnotize him into agreement. Who wouldn’t want to get a makeover from a young kitten?
[ penned by kerms ]