border π€ π’π–πŽπ‘πƒ π…πŽπ‘ 𝐀 π“πŽππ†π”π„ β•± 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒

There is a good reason that Sunstride had left this clan for last. Though it was debatably the closest to his home, so too was it the furthest down on his list of those he would trust. It had started long before Juniperfrost's death, or his battle with Cicadastar upon the bridge. Perhaps he could blame the cat that Wolfsong had shouted flirtations towards across the roaring gorge. A ridiculous beginning to discomfort, he knows. If it had ended there, things between them would be far better than this. Now, with three clans beneath his tongue, no longer can he avoid it. Tired farewells had been said to SkyClan and ThunderClan both. Now he stands tautly at RiverClan's border, with sore paws and heart. The bridge stretches before him. Juniperfrost had died here. Cottonpaw had been scarred here. It would be a monumental moment. If not for least for the warrior himself.

(How much longer could he claim such a title? Were leaders warriors too?)

Orangeblossom had asked him if his intent was to take that position. StarClan had offered him a path. After this....perhaps he would follow it. This time, he does not wait in patient silence for cats to approach him. As the scent of a fish-stained patrol wafts on a tired breeze, Sunstride raises his voice in a shout: "I must speak to Smokestar."

  • OOC. β€”
  • 75520456_7ilCehUbViZ0qy8.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

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( ☾ ) the smoke molly approaches windclan's border with an air of exhausted wariness. it figures that one of her last patrols as robinpaw's mentor is to this accursed place, and she gently bumps her hip into the apprentice's flank. as the scent of wind strewn grasses and rabbit grows stronger, a glowing pelt can be seen in the distance- sunstride, looking for all the world exhausted, as weary as she herself feels in this moment. "be civil," she murmurs to her patrol, morphing a neutral expression onto her pointed muzzle as she draws close to the tomcat. "there's no use in a fight unless he picks one." the tomcat shouts, looking displeased to be waiting at the border, but insistent nonetheless. willowroot flicks her tail, eyeing an npc as they trot off to fetch the snow strewn leader

sunstride looks freshly scarred, icy eyes underlined with fatigue. he seems alone, golden pelt stark against a winter background, but still willowroot remains ready, unsure of what to expect. "sunstride," she drawls, drawing herself to her full height. "what buisness do you have at our border? smokestar will be here shortly, should he decide his time is worth your presence." the former lead warrior stands at the ready, muscles tense but expression inoffensive. there is no use in being friendly- windclan has caused altogether too much harm to her clan for her to pretend to be civil. she thinks about making conversation, something like windclan has been missed at the gatherings, but decides against it. there's no point in lying.

  • // " speak "

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆

What civility... exactly... was Willowroot expecting?

The shaggy molly drags herself in jagged, paranoid movements that border on stalking the spotted tom rather than approaching him to humor his company. Icy eyes slide unwelcomingly across his body, searching for answers hidden behind chocolate rosettes, in sky-light eyes. He had a lot of audacity to say the very least, to demand council with Smokestar after what his clan had done. Lying through his teeth at a gathering moons ago did not absolve him of the part he had to play and Lichentail would not soon let him forget that.

"I wouldn't want him to be accused of trespassing again... So forgive me if I'm not keen to just summon him at your random request," and there is no patience or willingness to meet him halfway in the RiverClan deputy's voice. That was the sickly sweet venom he'd parroted in front of the other three clans, did he stand by that pathetic excuse even now?

Willowroot is foolish in heart to even offer him the time of day, much less assure him that Smokestar would come at his beck and call just because he willed it so- she doesn't bother to glare at the gray she-cat; she's sure her barbed words make her frustration clear enough. "You look like you fell down the gorge," she comments dryly, noting fresh, rosy pink scars that stretch across his normally well-kept pelt. Not an ounce of empathy to be shared, regardless of the exhaustion that hangs over him like a heavy fog... it was deserved, as far as she was concerned.

Balance brought on by StarClan at long last.

"You'll humor me- deputy to deputy- won't you... Why turn up now Sunstride?" He'd practically vanished, along with half of his clan to gallivant around doing stars knows what (the only joy in that had been the peace of not worrying about this border and to not have to hear Sootstar's grating voice).

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Deputy to deputy? Had he known that, moons ago? Before he was chased from his home– the last gathering that he had been to was a terrible blur. He knows only that he spoke Sootstar's decree in her stead, standing before her loyalists and knowing that there was more at stake than himself in that moment. He cannot recall who it was that stood beside him or beneath him. Only the multitude of eyes, judging and hating for what he could not change. Now that he is free of Sootstar's cloud β€” well, he had returned the kits to ShadowClan. This too, he would undo.

"Worth his time or not, I will not leave until I know that my words have reached his ears. It is important that he know." And with how convoluted things had been within his own home, he does not trust another to pass it along. Not even his deputy. But the rest of her barbs draw a wry, tired smile from his maw. Not a kind expression, but neither is he cruel. "I am not a deputy– certainly not hers any longer. I returned ShadowClan's kits to their rightful home and was chased from the moors in retaliation. Half of my clan followed. We have only just returned." It would have been kinder, he thinks, to fall into the gorge. At least there was a bottom to that pit instead of this endless free-fall.

The fresh wound beneath his jaw throbs with his heartbeat. The scar along his cheek, at least, has fully healed. More marks left by Sootstar's claws. A story that he would carry for the rest of his life.

  • OOC. β€”
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

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The warrior should have no business being here, but he was intrigued to say the least. The lumbering feline padded forward, his paws heavy against the earth. His eyes narrowed slightly as he came to stand beside his fellow RiverClan cats. The tabby tom's rather large tail swayed from side to side in annoyance and a bit of curiosity. Crashingtide wasn't much of a speaker, but he had no reason not to.

The words came out like venom disguised by something sweet. "Ain't deputy? Pardon me, but what do you mean by ya ain't deputy no more or ya ain't her deputy? If ya ain't deputy, what business could ya have with Smokestar? I swear on all things holy, ya WindClanners are sneaker than a snake in a rabbit hole." He scoffed, his lip curled slightly. "Just because ya gave ShadowClan back their kits? Sootstar was madder than a badger protectin' a pile of dirt. Ain't right."

The warrior paused, surely Sunstride wasn't coming here just for fun. He wouldn't tell Lichentail, which concerned him. Lichentail was actually someone with the real power to let him pass at this point. "Don't ya think ya should at least let Lichentail know a bit of what yer tellin' Smokestar, seein' as she's deputy. Seems kinda like yer no different from Sootstar in that regard."

Foxtail's fur bristles at the taste of WindClan on his tongue. It's been a good while since they've come across Windclanners at the borderβ€” after encountering them at the river and later the gorge, WindClan seemed to disappear overnight. They were even absent from the last two gatherings, which worried the young warrior. What in StarClan was Sootstar planning? The wretched leader is long past redemption; her claws soak in blood and she yearns for more and more power. And she must be planning something huge, as why else would WindClan not show up at the last two gatherings? Something didn't feel right, almost.

His eyes land on one sole WindClanner. He doesn't know his name, but he recognized him as the deputy under Sootstar. The deputy wears a nasty wound on his neckβ€” as well as a scar on his cheek. He gives a silent nod to Willowroot, ears pinning back as Sunstride speaks up. "She chased half of your clan out because you returned stolen kits?" He murmurs carefully, his tail nervously swishing behind him. "...Is that why WindClan wasn't at the last two gatherings?" He comments, wondering if others had the same thought as he did. He hopes Smokestar arrives soon, or at least Sunstride gives Lichentail more context.

  • mobile
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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WindClan scent was not something Moonpaw had been expecting to notice on the outing today, so used to the lingering marker that was slowly growing stale as more days passed by only now for there to be a strong scent of heather mingled with the faintest scent of blood and something else that she didn't recognize. Amber eyes squint slightly as the apprentice moved forward only to stop behind and to the side of Lichentail, a small show of being unafraid but not willing to move closer - she was not in charge of clan politics nor did she want to be. She listened and watched as Sunstride spoke little of what had happened, that he was no longer deputy and that he and half of WindClan had been ran out for simply returning kits to their rightful home - something that shouldn't have had to happen in the first place.

She knew of the kits being returned already having been at the meeting where Chilledstar had mentioned of Sunstride's actions and how they would vouch for him whether or not he gained his nine lives from StarClan and became Sunstar. The last time she had seen the other had been at a gathering where WindClan's most hare-brained had broken out in a fight and Sunstride had spoke of how it was their right to take part of a territory that did not belong to them, so despite the ShadowClan leader's vouch for the other she still had a difficult time trusting him. But quietly she would sit, no words leaving her maw as anything she could have inquired in this moment had already been done so by others - they just needed to wait for Smokestar.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ FLESH WOUNDS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ INFECTIONS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ ACHES & PAINS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ ILLNESS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ BREATHING ISSUES
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ TRAVELING HERBS
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ BROKEN BONES
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ KITTING
    β€” κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯κ•₯ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    κ•₯ SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    κ•₯ speaks softly & often found humming
    κ•₯ 9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    κ•₯ homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    κ•₯ currently being mentored by ravensong
    κ•₯ easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    κ•₯ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    κ•₯ easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    κ•₯ peaceful powerplay allowed
Robinpaw follows alongside Willowroot on their patrol to the WindClan border, her mind wandering with thoughts of nostalgia over this being on of her final patrols with her mentor. She is brought out of her thoughts by a gentle bump to her flank by the smoke molly and manages a slight smile. Such kinship is short lived as they come across Sunstride and conversation sparks between the WindClanner and the RiverClan patrol. Robinpaw stands statuesque at her mentor’s side, mind and body at the ready to defend her home should anything happen in the next few moments. WindClan was not trustworthy and though Sunstride stands alone there was no telling if others hid away in the shadows like the rogues currently plaguing RiverClan. Despite her concerns Robinpaw can’t help but be curious if Smokestar will come and listen to what Sunstride has to say - and in doing so what may be going on in WindClan itself given the treachery of stealing ShadowClan kits and being absent from gatherings as of late.

He didn't nap much anymore like he used, sometimes he missed the days when he was carrying kits and all he had to do was lay around and sunbath, but he realized quickly why he couldn't have a moment of peace anymore when a flurry of motion burst into his den and he spent several moments calming down shouting apprentices to 'don't speak all at the same time!' and 'calm down, what happened?' as Bubblepaw, Goldenpaw and Turtlepaw attempted to inform him of...something, while also shoving one another to be the first to share. It took a bit of patience to finally pry out the news that WindClan was at their border and he felt his stomach drop in unease. What could WindClan possibly want after so long of being missing from gatherings and barely present on their side of the river? With a few cuffs to several small ears he made his way out of the den and headed their immediately only to be greeted by not a patrol, but a single cat.

"You will have to forgive the lack of a warm welcome, I'm sure your moor rats are used to it by now." A single narrow of eyes went to Crashingtide but he didn't linger on it, the elder warrior was not entirely mistaken in that he trusted Lichentail enough to carry the news but if WindClan's deputy was here at their border after so long with fresh injuries then this was no longer a deputy to deputy matter. This was something else entirely.

His single eye narrows at Sunstride, the last time he'd seen the tom he was perched upon the leader's rock at fourtrees while every clan in the forest, including his own, watched him like hungry dogs waiting for the chance to strike; it was a wonder he had gotten to walk away that night unscatched for the foolishness that he let spill from his mouth. He listens to the story told, of why WindClan had been absent so many moons and he can't help but find he isn't too interested in the details, the spotted tom looks as if he had clashed claws recently with wounds still winding like pink serpents and clumps of fur missing in places here and there - Smokestar knew what war looked like, he wore it on his own face for all to see.

His paws crossed the bridge to the center, brushing past Lichentail and Willowroot to do so. This bridge where he'd faced Weaselclaw for the first time, where he lost his eye, where they had clashed with WindClan in the skirmish that lead to Hyacinthbreath's exile, he swears he can still see the spots of blood burned into the wooden surface in some places.
"You came here alone? What is to stop us from ripping you to pieces?" His dark tail flicks, a gesture for the warriors and apprentices behind him to prepare. If he didn't like what he heard he would not hesitate to rip Sunstride's throat open right then and there.

"Whatever you say either better be good enough to keep our teeth out of you..." His lips curl black, white teeth visible, "...or good enough to act as final words. Speak."

  • Apprentice Tag - @BEEPAW

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Leader of RiverClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… He/Him
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Bubblepaw had wasted no time in delivering the news of Sunstride's appearance to Smokestar. at the behest of the warriors who had appeared before her. She'd raced with Turtlepaw and Goldenpaw to fetch Smokestar at a speed which she thought might've given some of the moor rats a run for their money. Now she trots dutifully behind her leader as he makes his way towards the growing crowd of RiverClan cats, sneering and snarling at the WindClan deputy who encroaches on their border.

She peers out from behind Smokestar at Sunstride, surprised to find that he is still alone. "Do you think that means Sootstar is..." Bubblepaw whispers to Turtlepaw and Goldenpaw, though her voice trails off at the end, and she glances back at Sunstride. She doesn't dare finish her inkling, afraid of invoking some sort of cosmic reverse uno which would cause the dreaded WindClan leader to appear suddenly as if materializing out of thin air. At Smokestar's gesture, Bubblepaw readies herself. Her muscles tense and she lowers her stance, and her gaze flits between her leader and the enemy deputy.
✦ β˜… ✦
Crashingtide's words are met with a cool glare. "I find it a miracle that your maw can carry such a blunt, foolish tongue. You have only shit to say– your mind must be made of it too." The rest of RiverClan, however, is spared his irritation. Most of them remain quiet. The young tom that follows offers a far more interesting topic of discussion. His expression shifts appraisingly. She had not gone in his absence, then? Some part of him knew that she would not. The other clans would have gladly torn them apart, and for all of her strength there was no avoiding this for eternity. As her paranoia took her, and her clan deserted her, she would not have it in her to return to that sacred space. Realizing that he has lapsed into silence, he gives the patchwork warrior a slow, considering dip of his head. Perhaps that is why.

Skirting behind Smokestar, entirely composed, he instead finishes Bubblepaw's thought: "Finished."

"I have come to tell you that Sootstar no longer holds WindClan beneath her fangs, or anything in this forest, and that the path to Highstones is open to you once more. I cannot change what was done to you, but I can assure you that it will not happen now." He does not flinch from the scarred tom's approach, nor his call to battle. It was only a night before that he told Wolfsong of his newfound fears. Death was a the final success of any warrior; the greatest of accomplishments to die in battle. There is too much to live for now. His family, his clan β€” and the possibility of a future stretching before him, where he should know the feeling nine times over, and see them mourn him each time. He is afraid.

But Smokestar does not need to know this.

Day against night, the warrior stands his ground to continue on. "There remains a threat, however. Those that supported Sootstar have fled the moors, led by Granitepelt. Formerly of ShadowClan, and the cat responsible for the theft of ShadowClan's kits to begin. One of those warriors was found upon SkyClan's lands." A harsh pang for Harrierstripe's loss. "I do not know their intentions or where they have fled. For now, all I can offer is this warning." A single step forward, without threat. "Do as you must; I came here alone not as a threat, but a warning. The other clans have heard my words. You would be a greater fool than I thought you not to do the same."

  • OOC. β€”
  • 75520456_7ilCehUbViZ0qy8.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

Brookpaw stands beside her mentor, eyes watching Sunstride dully, coolly. The amount of RiverClanners who've come to see the WindClan tom is, in her opinion, far too many. Smokestar alone could smite the foreigner to smithereens - Lichentail and Willowroot could tear his limbs off of his torso, should they please. StarClan, the giddy apprentices could swarm him and he would be done for. There's nothing to fear, not now, and not ever, truly.

Yet, as insults and confusion are shared all around, Brookpaw finds her gaze floating to Robinpaw. If something was to happen... the mottled apprentice would need help. Surely. And she stays, because Robinpaw may need that help.

Sunstride reveals the truth - Sootstar is done for (dead?) and the Moonstone is free for them once more. Green eyes flit first to Moonpaw, figuring that such news may delight the medicine cat apprentice, and then to Smokestar, whose blood likely stains the damn thing. Should they even trust this man? She says nothing, only finally resting her gaze on her sharp tongued mentor, as if she could transmit her thoughts with a simple twitch of her ear.​
The warrior noticed Smokestar's pointed look, the narrowed optics had come to rest on him for a brief moment. He allowed himself to be scolded by his superior and stood back to make way for the ebony-hued feline. As the leader spoke, Crashingtide took note of the moor rats and kept a chuckle in the back of his throat. The amusement found its way however onto his maw, clear as day. However, that quickly vanished and is met with anger as Sunstride speaks.

Crashingtide's ire was contained to his words, keeping his claws sheathed as it would bring war upon them if he physically harmed the leader in anyway. He wasn't idiotic enough to do that. However, he was idiotic enough to speak after Smokestar and Sunstride had finished their piece. "Ah, so the rattlesnake strikes with its fangs out towards me!" He laughed heartly from his anger. "All of the clans know Sootstar was nothin' more than a pathetic excuse for a leader. Even you defied her orders. Her loyalists were driven out from what you just said to Smokestar. So, I ain't slinging shit. I'm just brave enough to say what these folks are too scared to or are too polite to say. So, it may be blunt or foolish, I can't tell ya. May be shit for brains, ain't something that concerns me right now. But what I can tell ya is that I ain't gonna take it from ya. Yer lucky that I ain't about to cause a fight by clawin' yer tongue out for speakin' in such a way towards me. May not be leader or deputy or someone that even matters in this clan because StarClan knows I ain't easy to get alon' with. Good luck with yer rat infestation. I ain't gonna be concerned with yer problems."

He stopped himself from speaking any further, the fur on his back bristling. The brute's ears pinned back and he let out a hiss in the WindClan cat's direction. "Now, I'm leavin' 'fore ya get me in any more trouble because next time I see ya I won't be as nice." With that, Crashingtide stepped back and disappeared towards camp. He was fully prepared for the consequences of his actions, but he couldn't idly wait for someone else to speak up against Sunstride's words towards him.

//Crashingtide is out. Sorry for him being a jerk! Congrats Rev!! I adore Sunstride pls note. Crashingtide's words are all IC for him

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⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆ βœ§γ€€ γ€€ Β· γ€€ ✧ ⋆

If the revelation weren't exceedingly alarming, she might've been able to keep her composure under such a reveal but not a deputy? And not hers? She had half a mind to grin at him wildly, like a proud mother prepared to preen her son under the eyes of StarClan for being so noble and smart. But she wouldn't coddle him.. and couldn't find it in her heart to do more than meet him with a leveled stare of understanding. So... he didn't seek to parade around under the charade that was her lingering sanity any longer.

She could respect that.

Smokestar, fortunately or unfortunately, shows up to greet the shadow-freckled tom and she casts her leader only a momentary glance of acknowledgement. What Sunstride lacked in faith and comfort in his own, now former, leader, she did not have to suffer and under oath she'd admit she relished to be comfortable in the vitiligo-splattered tom's presence like it was a back-handed pleasure to the WindClanner that stood here to deliver his great news.

She'd been lectured more times than she cared to admit that she tended to speak hastily, out of turn, without tact... and for once she held her tongue to allow their star-blessed king to speak first. If... not for the sharp, snapping voice of a elder-playing-youth that was Crashingtide. With a slit-pupiled glare, the deputy has half a mind to slap him upside the back of the head to silence him and in that instinct she finds her stomach twisting. Too impatient... too cruel... too much like a thorn-bound patriarch that had returned her equally short temper and lack of understanding.

He gushes and bubbles his fury, an understandable one though misplaced for the present company considered and he is lucky, so lucky, he turns to relieve himself of the situation before he digs an entire grave to lie in rather than just a hole. That.. would have to be dealt with expeditiously when they got back to camp.

"Brookpaw," she murmurs, lowering her head to whisper to her apprentice, "Follow him... make sure he makes it home and doesn't get himself into more trouble." She didn't want to have to hunt him down somewhere sulking by the river later instead.