𝐀 π“π‘π˜πˆππ† π“πˆπŒπ„ β•± 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓

Without a named deputy to take on the duties he had once taken up for Sootstar, Sun pulls double the weight he once had. It was not a true concern– his council was helpful and kind. They took on their work without complaint, and he knows that WindClan will thrive with their guidance. They have many eyes on all of this camp, but with other duties to attend to, it means that they are at times pulled short when it comes to those around him. And Sunstar knows, with great shame, that this is something he should have seen some time ago. Slateheart had been a stable cat in unstable times. A warrior that he knew would do their duties without complaint or concern. But things had been quiet since their return to camp. And he knows that it is not a wound he can expect to heal on its own.

With a plump rabbit within his jaws, he corners the warrior and gestures to relax. The area around his eyes is soft, and he sets the rabbit down before him with a hint of a smile. "You've seemed troubled as of late," he begins. An open ended question, but one he expects to be answered honestly.

  • OOC. β€”
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN.   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


β‹†ο½‘οΎŸβ˜οΈŽο½‘β‹†ο½‘ ゚☾ οΎŸο½‘β‹† Busy work was all Slateheart could seem to do these days to keep his mind at ease. It was strange how he held together so well during his times of peril, and seemed to crack around the edges now that the Clan had finally settled down. Without the conflict, it was too quiet and too peaceful, allowing his mind time to heal its wounds - which often required recollecting and confronting painful memories. Sometimes, it was almost too much to bear.

It was all he could do to keep his composure around others. Not even Gravelsnap had seen the true inner workings of his mind, the deep ocean filled with uncertainty and sorrowful reminders of days past. And he was content to keep it that way, even if the threat of drowning in it was near.

At the forefront of these problems was his disconnect with his Clan. Under his father's cruel ownership, he had been isolated from potential friends, expected to keep his mouth shut and focus on the task at hand; becoming a loyal soldier for Sootstar. In his anger and pain, this was easy work - he was quicker to snap at other apprentices rather than make friends, despite his deeply suppressed desire to be a normal kid, even pushing away his own brother, the 'golden child' for which he regretfully felt envy.

Lynxtooth's death marked a new era of change. He knew that moment that he was free and he could take his life into his own paws - but where? Sixteen moons spent being someone's clay to mold into whomever they please, a husk of his true self - but.. what was his true self? As an attempt to find it, he had been, noticeably, trying to reconnect with his Clanmates and find his place in the Clan ever since they took back the moors, but every attempt to socialize required forced friendliness, and every smile he wore felt completely and utterly.. fake. Nothing about it felt natural - and that is what was troubling him.

To be approached by someone else was a change, not entirely unwelcome, but a tad uncomfortable. Slateheart wears this feeling well with shifty eyes and an uncertain frown. On Sunstar's command, he allowed himself to relax, all save for the occasional flick of his tail tip. He eyes the rabbit for a moment, then Sunstar, and finds the strength to return his smile - another one that feels to be unfortunately, forced.

The golden leader speaks of his troubles, and Slateheart lowers his chin. Is it obvious? he thinks. He thought that some interactions were convincing enough to be true, like the flower-dressing with Dimmingsun and Blizzardkit, but perhaps the discomfort in others was not as subtle. Slateheart almost wants to brush off Sunstar's concern, as he would any other cat - but something about the older tom always struck him as welcoming. Like a mentor by spirit, a fatherly presence to all. "Well," the black tom cocks his head, thinking. "Where do I even start?" he jokes, dryly, followed by one of his new trademark nervous chuckles.

"It's just.. I had my place in this Clan, when my father was alive. I was his apprentice. I was going to be Sootstar's warrior. I was going to fight in their wars." It takes a moment of thought, but Slateheart soon finds it feels refreshing to put his thoughts into words, the feelings that had long since been muddled and indescribable. "It was a bad place, but it was my purpose. And now.." Green eyes flick towards the rest of the camp, which had been bustling with growth and comfort for a moon, now. Newleaf had arrived, kits had been born, flowers have grown - there was change all about them, but Slateheart has felt.. stagnant. "I'm glad to be free of them. But I've missed.. so many moons of figuring out who I am. And now.. I don't know.."

A heavy sigh escaped Slateheart's maw. "I don't.. feel like I fit into this Clan. I want to - but where do I even start? I've pushed these cats away my whole life. Am I supposed to pretend like I know them, that they know me?" It's a Clan full of strangers, to him. Most mornings that he left his den, he felt like he could have been stepping into SkyClan with how little connection he felt.

Slateheart looks back up to Sunstar, wearing the same old frown he's worn his whole life. "Do you.. know how it feels? To not belong?"

  • ooc - i did NOT mean for this response to be so long, please don't feel pressured to write as long!! i just have so much to say about slate <3
  • SLATEHEART ✩ he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 20 moons.
    β­ƒ a short-furred black tom with low white markings and green eyes.
    β­ƒ son of LYNXTOOTH xx ADELAIDE // brother to GRAVELSNAP, ASHPAW
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by ixora ↛ @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

There lies a long pause, and then comes a huff of breath that sounds nearly like the ghost of a laugh. It does not quite make it in either direction. His eyes are unfocused and unsmiling off into the distance– he lowers his chin to his chest. "Perhaps you were too young to think of it, at the time. But long before I became Sunstar, before even I was Sunstride, I was Sunnvar of a far off colony. I lived among the mountains, with a family of my own." He cannot find the direction in his mind. Had he any drive to find his way back, would he even be able to? Surely there are landmarks within his mind that would guide him there. A distant memory. His gaze is far off. "My father was, in many ways, like your own. He was not a cruel creature. But what he wanted for me. . . was not what I wanted for myself."

Has he spoken of this to any cat but his mate? Do any of them know the truth of his heritage, his family? That he had fled to this moorland in search of his own destiny? It seems as if it had all been part of this now that he looks back. Each lesson learned, each terrible thing crossed from his mind. All of it brought him here, to this clan. To StarClan, and Sunstar. To put that into words feels vulnerable. Damning. And certainly out of reach even despite his charisma. Sunstar opens his mouth and closes it again.

With another sigh, he tries again. "You do not have to pretend that you know them. To do so will not change what happened to you. None of us can heal the scars that this life has dealt to you. All we may do is join you on your journey forward." A searching gaze lingers upon Slateheart. One of the first cats he had named under StarClan's guidance. A tom who had earned it through his steadfast loyalty and ability to do what was right even in times that it seemed impossible. "Our destinies cannot be changed. To struggle against this will do nothing but bruise us. You may have been alone, once. That does not mean you must be so forever."

  • OOC. β€”
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN.   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

  • Love
Reactions: ixora
Slateheart cannot think of a time where Sunstar was not a part of WindClan. Truth be told, if he ever knew that the leader had outside origins like himself, he likely forgot, or never took notice. To him, Sunstar is the image of WindClan, and has been for moons - strong, honorable, and wise. Whether or not it's just his admiration talking, he doesn't feel any different knowing the information of his past now.

He takes notice of Sunstar's far off gaze, as if he were reminiscing. "Do you.. miss it?" Slateheart replies, slowly. The distant mountains he's heard so much about - that some of his Clanmates were lucky enough to have gone to. He dreamed of being on that journey once, away from his Clan and his father, taking the opportunity to run away or return home with a different Clan. Would Lynxtooth have stood for it, letting him go to far out of reach? Speaking of, Slateheart is oddly comforted to know that his troubles were shared, even if not in the same way. It was hard.. not meeting the expectations of a parent. He wondered if Sunstride felt as suffocated under Sootstar's expectations as well, but he wouldn't bring up her name in such a vulnerable moment.

How different would his life be, if he had been anyone else? Slateheart often imagined where he would be now if Lynxtooth had not taken him and Gravelsnap from their mothers. He'd still be with Ashpaw, the sister he hasn't seen since apprenticehood - maybe Silverfoot wouldn't be an uncertain entity living in the barn. He'd still be a loner, wandering some distant lands like he always wanted, exploring the bounds of the skyline. As dreamy as it always sounded, though.. he could imagine he'd be quite lonely without his Clanmates. As much as he felt out of place, they were all his home - they were what made him get out of his nest each morning, hunt, tend for the kits and elders, and keep them safe. Was.. that his purpose? Was that all there was to it?

Slateheart is in a thoughtful daze by the time Sunstar speaks again, and he shakes his head briefly to brush his thoughts away. "Join me?" he echoed. Who would join him on this journey, who would care? He thinks of Gravelsnap, his estranged brother who had been pushed away for moons - he came back so easily, offering silent forgiveness in the form of conversating and spending time. Blizzardpaw, the young kitten he thought of as a younger sibling, digging deep past Slateheart's stoic and aloof nature to bring out the good, as they always did. Rattleheart who saw him as a good, respectable warrior, something his father never did - and Dimmingsun, who seemed to always be around the corner when Slateheart always needed a pull out of his shell. He realizes now that he didn't have to change for them - they seemed to bring out the good that was already inside of him, buried deep. Perhaps they have already joined him for this journey. "I guess you're right," the tom speaks again, lowering his chin. He felt alone, and out of place, as a consequence of trying to be like everyone else - of trying to bury his past and pretend to be something he's not. To do so would not change what has happened to him, or change what will happen going forward. If he could just be himself..

Slateheart's lips curl up into a small smile, and he looks up at Sunstar again. "Thank you, Sunstar. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.. even if it feels it, at times." Not alone in what happened to him, and not alone now as he fights through it. Even Sunstar has made this journey once, he learned. It was comforting to know that there was some hope for him yet.
  • speech is #bbbb88
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  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 22 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none