wc rebels πŠπˆπ‚πŠ πŒπ„ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈'𝐌 πƒπŽπ–π β•± π‘π„π†π‘πŽπ”ππˆππ†

Blood once more stains the snow beneath his paws. Four seasons ago they had trekked to WindClan in similar conditions. The wind blew hard into their pelts, and the body that warriors carried behind him weighed heavily upon his own. A loss that had begun the end of WindClan β€” in truth, he thinks that it came far before that point. Yet still he mourned. The changing of times. The taking of the gauntlet. His head hangs low and it drips hot, violent into the snow and burrows down for a moment. Spreads across the sullied white. Paws have already ruined it, yet there is something terrible about his own blood there. Glacial eyes lift up. From the blood, to the cats around him, and to the distant twoleg home not so far behind them.

The twolegs must have known the war they waved. If not them, the animals in the barn. They would not last another fortnight here; they would be lucky to last two more.

His breath sucks in through bloodied teeth. Looking back upon those that have followed and bled for him, he is...uncertain. And then he is angry. The surging step forward places his paw over the spot of blood. More is quick to drip from his side. "Wolfsong! Cottonpaw! Tend to what injuries you can. Check on those that remained in the barn; did any of her warriors find their way in?" A frenzied gaze sweeps around their clan's remnants. Another step, and another, until he is treading through the whole group shoulder to shoulder, looking over all that he can. Their wounds, their faces, what parts of their heart they would bare to him. "What we have won is nothing more than time. We cannot stay here, not with the twolegs as they are; not when they sully the name of our clan. Sootstar's WindClan is weak and failing. We will push forward! It is time to drive them from our home."

Saying it, the guillotine drops. The blood spreads its final stain across the moorland snow. "Rest while you can. It will be brief, but then we will be home."

  • OOC. β€”
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- The battle raging just outside the barn has finally ended - but at what cost? As Slatetooth emerged from the barn at Sunstride's call, his first instinct is to look for bodies. But this search is short-lived as the call for action is here.

Home. Slatetooth was not born in WindClan; he was ripped from his mother's care at a mere four moons old. Even several moons after earning his warrior name, he still didn't feel as if he belonged. Always ostracized from his other apprentices, too fearful to trust anyone but himself. What bonds did he have here? What purpose? For a moment, he thinks of Lynxtooth in all his cruelty, the man who thought of his own son as a failure. A legacy he feared he would uphold, a fate he felt his father build for him - to walk in the pawsteps of murder and misery. It all came crumbling down with Sootstar. WindClan's reign of terror had to end.

For moons, he didn't know who to trust. Surely not the most loyal under Sootstar, the cats who seek glory and bloodshed. On the flip side, at times, he didn't even trust those akin to himself; unsure of Sootstar's actions that have struck fear into their hearts. Looking at his Clanmates now, Slatetooth recalled the way they fought for each other, for what they believed in, for the compassion they knew and longed for. They fought to bring justice to everyone who had been doomed by the delusions of their tyrannical leader. Slatetooth had felt compelled days ago to stand alongside Sunstride, who has shown compassion and care for those he loved. Now, as the ex-deputy orders for checks on the injured, and inquires on the wellbeing of those who stayed behind, he feels he will risk his life to do the same.

Slatetooth speaks up from the doors of the barn. "We are safe, Sunstride," he announces. The sick, the wounded, and Blizzardkit were safe. I hope they can be safe within WindClan soon, he longs. "What about Blizzardkit and those too injured to fight? Will they be safe here for the time being?" He feels uncertain at the thought of young Blizzardkit being left in the barn - but the exiles will need all paws on deck for this battle. It was now or never.

  • SLATETOOTH ✩ he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 17 moons.
    β­ƒ a reclusive short-haired black tom with low white and green eyes.
    β­ƒ mate to no one. son of lynxtooth x adelaide. brother to gravelsnap and ashpaw.
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by ixora ↛ @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


A deep breath in, and a slow breath out. A natural instinct to guide them back to their body, and back down into the present. There's blood on their paws and in their teeth and in their fur but it thankfully isn't their own, any wounds artificial and shallow - mere potshots aimed recklessly by an outnumbered group of warriors. They had seen just how much of a disadvantage Sootstar and her loyalists had been facing, yet they still hadn't expected her to actually call for a retreat, figuring she would gleefully spill the blood of all her warriors if it meant a victory for her. For once they were pleased to be wrong, if only for the familiar faces that still lingered among her ranks. Though they knew they would have to face those same familiar faces down very soon if they wanted to retake their true home.

Sunstride's firm voice splitting through the air was enough to finally drag them back down to earth, pale gaze darting across the battlefield in an effort to take stock of those around them. Wolfsong, Cottonpaw, Redpaw, Scorchstreak, Venomstrike... so many different faces sprang to mind, at such a rate that it was almost suffocating. There was at least a sense of relief when Slatetooth announced that those inside the barn were safe and sound, a relieved, dry chuckle cracking forth from the tunneler's muzzle in response. "Thank Starclan... I didn't think they could break through to the barn." They were eager to turn and see Blizzardkit for themself, though the younger warrior's words gave them pause. It was a legitimate question, and one that caused them to glance questioningly back over in Sunstride's direction. They couldn't possibly take the wounded and the sick and the young along on a final raid, not when they couldn't be absolutely certain that their home would be back in their paws.

It would be Sunstride's decision to make, ultimately, though they did offer their own words after another long moment of breathing meant to settle them even further. "I doubt the twolegs will cause any trouble with the injured and kits, and I'm sure we'll need every warrior available for this... but perhaps one of the barn cats would be willing to stay and tend to them?" It was the best suggestion they could think of, considering how many barn cats had come to fight alongside them and gained their trust. Rattleheart was sure a chunk of them would want to fight, but surely at least one of them would want to remain at their home?
He can still hear the blood roaring in his ears. For the first time in a long time, he felt a glimmer of hope and anticipation. Was this it? Was this the moment Sootstar would be taken down? He could feel it. Something would happen very soon and whether it was the final chapter of Sootstar's life or his own, he would face it. He almost doesn't want to turn away from the moors, as if the rats were still lurking and waiting for them to let their guard down.

But they do not come. They've gone to lick their wounds. He turns his head to listen to Sunstride as he speaks, and the path forward becomes clear.


Vengeance for Larkfeather. For Hyacinthbreath. For all those Sootstar has hurt. "I hope whoever gets their claws on Sootstar makes her last lives as painful as possible." He says bitterly, thinking of his lost daughter and friend. He doesn't know how many lives she has, but he hopes she loses them the same way Briarstar had. Painfully and gruesomely.

Some are worried about the twolegs, and he understands that. He also wondered what they would do, surely they heard....All of that. "How much time do we have until we attack?" He asks for clarity.​

For a long few moments, all Featherpaw could hear was the thump of her heart in her ears, like gargantual pawsteps. The battle had raged out of her reach- warriors had thrown themselves forward, and though Featherpaw had thrust himself through the fray, the WindClan that remained had fought off Sootstar's dogs before he could taste a single drop of blood. Despite it all, Featherpaw was frustrated- she had wanted to prove herself, had been forged by fiery looks and boulder-rough training to be ready for this battle- so when she heard they were to pursie, a prickle of anticipation skimmed across her spine.

Sharp eyes of sun-blister looked to her father, their warlord, then. I'm ready, he thought, but only steely scowl made itself known in narrowed eyes. This was the moment- it would be, anyway. He would prove he was worthy of the blood in his veins by keeping it inside him. She woudl snap teeth around anyone who kept her home from her, and she would win because of the glowing hot claws that had made her.

All her kithood spent in anticipation, in preparation- all the barbed words she spat out to try and drill it into the heads of her peers that this was a potentially lethal fight- it would all be worth it, at last. How much time do we have asked Morningsong, and Featherpaw's determinedly eager eyes fastened in their focus.
✦ penned by pin
β”€β”€α¨’β†Ÿβ†Ÿα¨’β†Ÿα¨’β†Ÿβ†Ÿα¨’β”€β”€ They have faced their former clanmates in battle and forced Sootstar's retreat. Such a victory should satisfy the warrior in Wolfsong, but it does not. He watches his mate bleed from wounds parted by Sootstar's claws and nearly chokes on a sudden rage, scarcely cooler than what threw him into tearing Hummingbirdheart apart. He clenches his jaw and touches Featherpaw's shoulder gently as he passes, and he does not stop walking until he reaches Sunstride. "You are included among them," he murmurs, once Slatetooth has confirmed the safety of those within the barn. "You must rest, and allow me to wash those injuries." Wolfsong presses his shoulder against hisβ€” or rather, the upper part of his leg, just a hair too short.

Though he is conflicted and frustrated with himself, Wolfsong is proud of Sunstride. His father would have deprived him of such leadership, but if he could see his son now, perhaps he would understand his foolishness. He is a leader to look to at their sides, at their backsβ€” he will stand with them in bitter defeat and glaring glory, and though he does not have Sootstar's many lives to squander, the one he has is worth much more.
  • β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • β€” β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to youβ€” it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    β€” β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
  • Crying
Reactions: SUNSTAR

Seeing Sootstar's retreating form had come as a relief indeed. Sunnyday knew that his paws were sinking deep into the matter relating to the war between the WindClan factions, it was too late to pull out now. No doubt if Sootstar remained in her position of power then even the barn cats would see themselves targeted and slaughtered even more than they already had. If his home at the barn was to be maintained then he knew that Sunstride would have to seize power, otherwise peace on the moors would not be known again.

The tom let his gaze follow Sunstride as the call was made and he gave a nod in support. "As I have said before my claws are yours to command, Sunstride. All of us here at the barn are at risk if this madness continues, and it's about time that WindClan was set free from the tyranny of Sootstar." If he was called to join the displaced WindClanners during the assault then he would go, and if he was asked to protect those left behind then he would do so willingly.
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
A troublesome character, Fogbound is, unpredictable and dangerous with honey-filled words that bleed like the deepest wound. A terrible knack for chivalry, even if these words tasted like the bitterest iron, grinning devilishly despite the tempestuous winds, crumbling, ]i]falling[/i] into the boisterous seas below. His words bled lies, half-truths, and blistering truths that no one wished to hear. A sturdy rock, nothing like the transparent fog hanging over the open moor, heavy and wispy. Nothing like his namesake. Indifferently, a name he enjoyed, a different chapter in this peculiar tale of hardship and flavourful twists, nothing like his birth name, given to him by his mother and father, a name of a rogue running from his past, running to protect what little he had left of a friend harsh betrayal.

A ruby hue shifted idly to the returning fighters bearing injuries that splattered the snow-covered ground, staining it a luminous red growing darker, turning brown, and soured by the air the moment it had fallen. He smirked, nodding his helm to their returnees, emerging from the barn just as Slatetooth had gone to check on their littlest ones, and those unable to fight, tail swing high over his shoulders. β€œOf course, they’re safe, do you doubt my talents as a warrior?” He rumbled smoothly, helm tilted with a childish tilt of his helm, grin prominent against dark-hued lips. It seems luck is on our side, after all. He thought with a hidden grimace.

His gaze slid to Sunnyday with a peculiar hum rattling inside his chest. He said nothing to the barn cat, instead tilting his vision toward Sunstride. β€œI must agree that we cannot leave our vulnerable, in case the mad queen sends out another batch of soulless creatures while we strike the monster’s den.” He mused, dark lips puckered. He glanced wearily at the others, battled-scared and blood-tinged. β€œPerhaps an extra set of paws will be required? I may be rather beastly, may I add, but certainly, a new pair of claws wouldn’t be denied in our conquest to drive them out.” Joining them in their last attack, or remaining while the injured attacked. How peculiar. He was itching to bury his claws into an unfortunate loyalist, certainly, Sunstride wouldn’t deny a healthy warrior, free of wounds and no longer burdened by the lack of eyesight to fight alongside their injured brethren.
thought speech
Home. She wants to go home sooo bad. More badly than anyone, maybe, is what she'd say if that were true. But it wasn't true, and it wasn't fair to say when um, all of them had to stomp around in this dusty barn for so long... If Pinkpaw had to inhale dust, she'd rather be doing something productive, like digging and finding rabbits for WindClan, not because Sootstar told her to inhale dust. She didn't have to listen to Sootstar anymore. None of them were ever gonna listen to Sootstar ever again. She was gonna listen to Sunstride and Wolfsong and Scorchstreak and Brightshine and Heavy Snow, and they'd let her do all sorts of fun things so long as she's good... Maybe she'd even listen to Bluepool too so long as she's not secretly evil...

Featherpaw was totally wrong that day. It is exciting. Pinkpaw listens to Sunstride with her limbs tucked in a crouch and tail waving wildly in the air. It's the most exciting ever, cause she's gonna beat up all the cats that made her family sad, and never have to live anywhere that isn't WindClan ever again. " I'm gonna beat up so many bad guys... " she murmurs to no one in particular, ignoring the warrior talk because that stuffs bo - ring. And then she glances to Featherpaw not far from her, and like she just remembered he was there, she tells him. " You're gonna beat up bad guys too! We're gonna beat up bad guys! " Pinkpaw says decisively.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

WindClan had come so close to breaking into the barn, she'd hidden up in her hayloft in trembling terror beneath a pile of the golden stalks and had not moved until she heard Sunstride speak loudly to order cats about and request information. One of them speaks that they had not broken in and its only upon hearing that did she lift her head and meekly make her way back down the ladder on bouncing and nervous pawsteps, each drop feeling as if her stomach was going to leap out of her throat if she landed too hard too suddenly.
Pumpkinpatch crept closer, not wanting to be in the way as cats moved around and prepared, their healers setting to work on the injured and her mismatched eyes glazing over and misting as the adrenaline of the terrifying ordeal finally drained from her.

Rattleheart's suggestion has her finally dip her head in a soft nod, folded ears pressed tightly to her skull
"U-um, I...if you leave your injured cats they can rest here until you...come back. I could-I could watch over them." She had watched Wolfsong enough in his tending to their wounded that she knew that cobweb could just go over bleeding to stop it but that was the extent of it and that would have to be enough for the time being. She didn't think she could remember too much information if the medicine cat even shared it with her, her thoughts were a little mixed up in her unease. Her gaze darts to Yewberry and Sunnyday, cats who had been in the barn long before this entire ordeal began, "Are...are you two going to leave when this is done?"
They seemed eager to help, eager to fight for the rebels and she wondered if that meant they would not be coming back. Would Pollenfur be going as well? She flinches at Pinkpaw's shrill declaration for battle, wondering where their apprentices got such energy from.

  • Β 

  • dglihsk-fc72707d-80a3-43dd-a076-00148793197e.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Barncat/Loner
    β€”βŠ°β‹… She/Her
    β€”βŠ°β‹… LH Chocolate Tortiseshell

A soft voice drew him from his anger, and he softened his expression before turning to face Pumpkinpatch. She'd been a good friend during his stay at the barn, and he appreciated her company. He felt a tug at his heart when she asked if he and Sunnyday were leaving. He was, wasn't he? This was it. These were his last moments at the barn, the place he considered a sanctuary from the viciousness of the world. It almost felt like more of a home to him than anywhere else.

But he has made his mind up. He is going to battle tonight and whether he makes it or not is up to fate.

"If they'll have me..." He answers her. "I won't leave my family again. It was my foolishness that hurt them so much... Whether they want me around or not is up to them, but I have to fight anyways. " He explains softly. Lilac paws fidget against the ground as he hesitates a moment before asking her a question. "You could come with us... Not to battle, but when it's over, you could always join...? If not, I'll still make sure to come visit."
He had come out triumphant, a feat he had prayed for many days huddled away within the barn. Even as a tiny kit, staring wide-eyed and bushy-tailed at the hardened warriors trudging through camp. Admiring even his own father figure's scars like a pale slash in an inky canvas. Now he was grown enough to see the brutalities and the truth behind it. Muscles had begun to form where soft baby fat once padded both sides. Redpaw's coat now drastically longer, with his rounded and tufted pelt traded for a soft sway and bouncing volume. Mismatched scars decorated the tabby's back, with a gleaming scratch above his left shoulder soon to join in. Battle was senseless violence, but if for a true enough cause, he could get through the haze of panic.

Their paws carried the fury of days shoved away in a barn, witnessing the endless injuries of loved ones, and worst of all, losing the cat they had held most dear to the madness. All Redpaw had left to do was burn off the pain and heartache that choked him each and every day. Even if he struck, bit, and clawed at faces he once considered clanmates, he could no longer see them as anything more than a band of ruthless rogues. At Sunstride's rally, he looked up from his spot with trepidation. Green eyes glazed from exhaustion and rage that had simmered from earlier adrenaline. Without skipping a beat, he leaned forward onto all four paws and regrouped with the remaining fighters. Spotting Rattleheart, he beelined to her side, aiming to stand beside them with their pelts brushing. Just as he did, he realized then and there they had grown significantly more wide than tall but enough to show he had little left to be eye level with them.

When Redpaw first began his training as a small sap, they'd cried, knowing one day he would have to truly hurt someone. During the rogue invasion, Redpaw's legs had trembled, and his heart pounded like a rabbit galloping away from certain death. It seemed he was finally fed up enough with Sootstar's posse that terror had been traded for wrath. Pointed ears perked at mention of the clanmates back in camp, mind wandering to one cat in particular, but his worries were pulled away. With each tragedy repeating itself over in his head, he had found the courage to keep on and support the clan that adopted him. Even if Sootstar was among the first to teach him the realities of hatred, others had swaddled him in love and trust. Knowing that the battle wasn't over did not invigorate him, but the determined expressions across each clanmate fueled him enough.

Silently, the ruddy apprentice nodded, mouth held firmly in a line, and gaze hardened with anticipation. He had a purpose to fulfill and cats to protect. If it meant tearing the crazed leader limb from limb himself, then he felt little hesitation to do so. Wolfsong's arrival puts a peg on his desires, and the paw becomes aware of the stinging of his wounds. Better get these looked at before I fling myself into more trouble. Aiming to press into his parental figure's side once more, the youth softly murmurs. "I'm gonna go check on Rivepaw and get some prey. Need me to grab you anything?" They all needed rest and full bellies before the trials ahead. If his family were to fight, then he would make take extra strides to also ensure their well-being.

Sunnyday turned to look to Pumpkinpatch and he found his gaze softening in response to her words. Would he be leaving the barn? In truth he did not know, not yet. There were so many factors that could yet decide his fate, so he did not feel comfortable giving a final answer. "I don't know, Pumpkin, I can't know for certain. It would depend on what happens following this battle, and whether Sunstride wants to take me in. And then there's ThunderClan's opinion... my paws aren't exactly clean." His actions could easily condemn him back to the barn in the end. Though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing either. "If the clans will take me then this may be goodbye, but even if they send me away I know I can at least come back here where I know that I have a friend waiting."

Exhaling softly, he then looked to Yewberry, the other whose fate hung in the balance. "We'll give it our all, won't we?"